Current Status + Future Updates

Whoa, really? I'm really sorry I missed those. Ian, I'm not sure what you mean by ideas, but if you link to anything you find in one thread, that'd be immensely helpful. I missed the art in that post, as I thought you'd just updated the list. I can't actually find the Ideologies XML on the forum, so I'll have a dig through the SVN. It might be that it's in another branch somewhere, as I had to move a lot of things around when we switched to Rev.

Bahmo, I've found your civics file. Again, sorry about that. Is there anything you fancy tackling from the list? I think I have someone who's interested in doing buildings, so maybe the unit XML?

Equally, if anyone else has a bit of free time, do volunteer to do whatever.
I can get started on the units if you like; I need something to do! Just give me some guidelines and I'll get to it! Also, this is important: Did you make sure to download the last instance of my Civics file (In other words, the final version)?

I wonder if - next to Bahmo's, Genghis' and mine - other work has been done as well but is currently lost and just needs to be re-discovered. We should think of a better way to organise ourselves.

On that subject, where is Genghis? If he's been gone for a long time, can we at least use what he completed, like the map?
I'm still willing to help. Where do you need me?
I have the map completed.

The map is done with all cities updated, etc. The only thing we need to do is place the units. But that is useless without the DiplomacyInfos fixed.

All map work/leaders/etc. I completed & are on the SVN. The only thing keeping us from starting the game, as far as I know, are the diplomacyInfos.
I just read the update, nice to see the mod's back. Though reading the update, I did finish just about all of the XML for the UB's (and a while ago, I guess you missed my post in that thread or something) and I handed off the rest to another modder, though as of now I can't remember his name... I think it was cheesemijit, don't know what happened to him. Here's the file that I have on my computer (once again, most of them are done, not all).

Actually, the forum won't let me upload an attachment more than once, so please refer to this post if you want the files NikNaks.
I take all the credit for geting this all up and running again :goodjob:

Come on guys, I'm getting my new laptop sometime this month and I'm eager for playing this mod!!!

I think you guys need to start keeping some form of deadlines.
I just read the update, nice to see the mod's back. Though reading the update, I did finish just about all of the XML for the UB's (and a while ago, I guess you missed my post in that thread or something) and I handed off the rest to another modder, though as of now I can't remember his name... I think it was cheesemijit, don't know what happened to him. Here's the file that I have on my computer (once again, most of them are done, not all).

I did finish them up, there were quite a few errors (missed <'s and /'s) that i fixed up to. the file is linked Here
Great to see that there is progress again.

And to quell any upcoming discussion: I strongly argue to release the first version of this mod just as it is currently planned: As "World 2009", a mod that depicts the real world of the year 2009 as close as possible.
Now, it might not be the present year what?
Even if there were further delays and this mod was not released until the end of this year I strongly advise against implementing real world developments that will occurr after 2009. This would cause more discussions and even further delay. 2009 it is and 2009 it will be until a second version of this mod is released. THIS is where I want to see a deadline.
Great to see that there is progress again.

And to quell any upcoming discussion: I strongly argue to release the first version of this mod just as it is currently planned: As "World 2009", a mod that depicts the real world of the year 2009 as close as possible.
Now, it might not be the present year what?
Even if there were further delays and this mod was not released until the end of this year I strongly advise against implementing real world developments that will occurr after 2009. This would cause more discussions and even further delay. 2009 it is and 2009 it will be until a second version of this mod is released. THIS is where I want to see a deadline.

You are right. We did say that, but not all deadlines can be met. Anyway its at least pretty close to playable. I forgot are we doing anything public before v1.0?
Great to see that there is progress again.

And to quell any upcoming discussion: I strongly argue to release the first version of this mod just as it is currently planned: As "World 2009", a mod that depicts the real world of the year 2009 as close as possible.
Now, it might not be the present year what?
Even if there were further delays and this mod was not released until the end of this year I strongly advise against implementing real world developments that will occurr after 2009. This would cause more discussions and even further delay. 2009 it is and 2009 it will be until a second version of this mod is released. THIS is where I want to see a deadline.

The evidence is clear.

Also, it's much easier to make a mod designed on 2009 after the year has passed.
Great to see that there is progress again.

And to quell any upcoming discussion: I strongly argue to release the first version of this mod just as it is currently planned: As "World 2009", a mod that depicts the real world of the year 2009 as close as possible.
Now, it might not be the present year what?
Even if there were further delays and this mod was not released until the end of this year I strongly advise against implementing real world developments that will occurr after 2009. This would cause more discussions and even further delay. 2009 it is and 2009 it will be until a second version of this mod is released. THIS is where I want to see a deadline.
I'm very happy to go along with that.

In other news, Praetyre has compiled a preliminary list of buildings, which, if he doesn't, I'll post in the appropriate thread either later today or tomorrow.
I'm very happy to go along with that.

In other news, Praetyre has compiled a preliminary list of buildings, which, if he doesn't, I'll post in the appropriate thread either later today or tomorrow.

So where do you want me?
I did finish them up, there were quite a few errors (missed <'s and /'s) that i fixed up to. the file is linked Here

You did? Great! It's been such a long time that I totally forgot :goodjob:

edit: I can finally update my sig :D
You did? Great! It's been such a long time that I totally forgot :goodjob:

edit: I can finally update my sig :D

So joe, do you know where I could help? (I believe I remember you doing a lot of XML stuff).

Still...the important things remain, of which I don't know the answers to anymore:

#1 - you still have the map that I turned in after all the work? As well as all the leaderinfos as well as leaderheads I did & turned in?...
#2 - Are the DiplomacyInfos done? If they still aren't, then we're STILL stuck at the exact same place we were...
#2 - Are the DiplomacyInfos done? If they still aren't, then we're STILL stuck at the exact same place we were...

I believe that fierabras is still working on them, though he said that he'd probably finish some time around late December... so maybe we should get an update with him?
I'm still waiting for your response about whether I should do units. Check my post on the units thread for details.
And I am still waiting about where I could help. Does anyone remember me???
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