CVN1 - Not So Corrupted Romans

CVN1 1750BC

preturn: somebody messed up the turns. ;) We are researching CB - hm, why? If it were me I'd have researched Writing with min sci. CB is worthless as a first-level tech. Indeed Hitties already have it.

And our towns are empty, with two hittie warriors nearby? I switch spear in Rome to warror immediately.

Press return and pray..

IBT Hitties pop up a hut.

(1)2190BC: Hitties now has Masonry and IW on us.

IBT Veii war->war.


IBT CB->Writing in min for now. Rome war->settler.

(3)2110BC: zzz

(4)2070BC: zzz

(5)2030BC: zzz

(6)1990BC: zzz

IBT Veii war->war.

(7)1950BC: Cumae is founded to claim the spices and fill the choke. I start on warrior. We need more scouting!

(8)1910BC: zzz

IBT Rome settler->warrior.

(9)1870BC: zzz

(10)1830BC: Hitties have Wheel. I see totally 7 warriors in sight.

IBT 3 warriors move into our territory. :(

I'll play 2 more turns to fix it up.

(11)1790BC: I order Hitties out, and he does so. I switch sci to 90%, Writing due in 26 turns.

IBT 2 warriors move back to Hitties home but four Hitties warrior move into our territory again. It may just be trespassing but who knows?

(12)1750BC: I cancel the settler/war pair movement to get back to our territory, as I fear Hittie's attack. Move the warrior in Veii toward Rome. With a warrior due in Rome next turn, we'll have 3 warriors in Rome and it should be safe against 4 Hitties warriors.

Next leader: not much to say, I hope Hitties won't attack us!

If they move out, we can continue to settle. There is big furtile landmass in the north that we want asap (and set up worker factory! we need more workers!)

EDIT: I think 80% those Hitties warriors are just returning home. The 4 warriors will probably just keep going north. I suggest we do not request them to leave but fortify 3 warriors in Rome and watch them closely instead.

Another thing very important: send a warrior to explore the north and one to the east. We need to make more contacts!

I made a tentative dotmap for discussion. Pink dot may move one tile to the NE depending on the revealed tiles.
Wow! That was fast! Good work microbe.

Looks about right, got it again... I'll get to it as soon as I can... probably tomorrow.

Dotmap: Looks good, three low priority dots missing.
1. Hill next to bananas - It's within 3 of Cumae which is good for defense and on a hill. Gives us a strong forward position.
2. A city somewhere in the triangle between the three other cities. We are wasting too many tiles there.
3. Fishing village - (Really low priority) The hill 2 E - 1 NE of Rome.

We could also consider shifting the W red dot 1S - 1SW. It is iffy. I'd probably rather want a fishing village on the plains. This of course depends somewhat on what is revealed in the dark.
Originally posted by Kabuki
Wow! That was fast! Good work microbe.

Looks about right, got it again... I'll get to it as soon as I can... probably tomorrow.

Dotmap: Looks good, three low priority dots missing.
1. Hill next to bananas - It's within 3 of Cumae which is good for defense and on a hill. Gives us a strong forward position.
2. A city somewhere in the triangle between the three other cities. We are wasting too many tiles there.
3. Fishing village - (Really low priority) The hill 2 E - 1 NE of Rome.

We could also consider shifting the W red dot 1S - 1SW. It is iffy. I'd probably rather want a fishing village on the plains. This of course depends somewhat on what is revealed in the dark.

Agree on all of these, and with the dotmap. Fishing villages on the Plains in the west and the hill east of Rome, plus a town on the forest NE of the river on the coast. Another town south of Cumae in the hills, and two more at the locations on the dotmap.

Kabuki, I assume you can play now?

EDIT -- Actually, I think a fishing village would be better on the Desert rather than on the Plains. What says everyone?
(IT) --

Not much going on. Hopefully the Hittites are just passing by.

1725 BC (1) --

The Hittites are just returning home from exploring. *whew*

Rome: Warrior --> Settler
Cumae switched to Worker, Veii switched to Settler. The Hittites aren't going to attack.

1700 BC (2) --


1675 BC (3) --


1650 BC (4) --

The Hittites complete The Colossus in Hattasus and begin The Pyramids.

Neapolis founded on the NW red dot, set to Warrior.

1625 BC (5) --

Cumae: Worker --> Granary (can be anything)

1600 BC (6) --

Spice road finishes.

1575 BC (7) --

Rome: Settler --> Temple (again, just a placeholder)
Settler pair heads for pink dot.

1550 BC (8) --

Veii: Settler --> Granary (not a placeholder -- Veii should actually have a Granary)

The Settler heads south to Settler south of Cumae in the choke region.

1525 BC (9) --

Neapolis: Warrior --> Worker

1500 BC (10) --

Pompeii founded near (on?) the pink dot. It starts a Warrior.

Pretty boring turns on the whole. Two new towns founded, Neapolis and Pompeii. The Hittites, while more advanced than us, seem to be stuck on a small, Jungly peninsula -- if we can found a town south of Cumae to hold them there, we can eliminate them at our leisure.

I'll have the save up in just a minute.
This screenshot should answer all of those questions. The new southern town will be coastal -- it can begin producing Curraghs immediately.

Since this is pangea, I expect more contacts in the east. Send one to the east (and one to the north just to make sure no one is gonna compete for those lands with us). If we could settle those grassland it would be great. :)
Indeed. :)

The Colossus is Expansionist/Commercial/Seafaring -- it must have triggered the Hittite GA. We should be aware of the possibility of Hittite attacks while they are in GA.
~ Cuivienen (Just Played)
~ andvruss (Up)
~ SensOfWthr (On Deck)
~ Kabuki
~ microbe
After thinking about it for a moment, I realized that, as soon as we settle south of Cumae, the Hittites will go into "Aggression mode" as they will be out of land to expand into. Thus, the Granary in Cumae should be switched to a Spear to bring south to guard our new border.
In fact I'm thinking why we are settling there as highest priority? The land isn't very good.

It would make sense if we knew nobody would compete for our backyard, but from the map it isn't clear to me. I suspect there is another choke in the east that we should settle asap.

Indeed Cumae should have more military, but I don't think it's worth going to war so fast yet. We are still in expansion phase.
Preturn- switch Rome to barracks

1475: Hitties are on the pink dot, so I rest 1 turn


IBT: Rome barracks-settler
Neapolis worker-worker

1425: Found Pisae on the pink dot.

IBT: Cumae spear-barracks



1350: zz

1325: zz

IBT: We learn writing-map making
Neapolis worker-spear

1300: Ah! The Hitties must have gotten writing the same turn or so we did!

IBT: Rome settler-spear
Cumae barracks-spear

1275: zz

IBT: Pompeiibarracks-settler
London completes the Oracle

1250: zz

Screen and save to follow.
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