Dacubz145 Buildings Art

Here's some inspiration from my book and such:
Tower of the Winds
Nero's Golden House
Pont Du Gard((Done by Hrochland)
Ziggarut of Jiroft--Twice the size of the Great Pyramid-middle picture is probably what it looked like-(Done by Hrochland)
Palace of Ashurnisarapal-Middle of the 3rd pic, To the right is the palace of esharderron
Cisterns of Constantinople-Could use just an icon


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Hmm ive looked into pont du gard before so thats a posibility
I really like the palace of Ashurbanipal idea, the picture looks really good, maybe I'll take a shot at that one

I like this though, ancient wonders like these, most of which i havent heard of, i wanna try making some
I'm the same way. I love ancient stuff. This site has probably everything you'd need to try and recreate the palace. I found some other pics too.

The only other thing I think would make a great building would be the Treasury of Perseopolis. Not because of it size or beauty, but because it supposedly help $20 billion dollars.
Dacubz, I didn't realize you made so many buildings. I've used several of them in my IIW mod. There are a couple of things that could really make a difference with your buildings:

1)Lower poly models-this can be done in blender or nifskope. In nifscope just rightclick nitristrips and select triangulate. This can be done in blender too, but is far more coplex. You can remove doubles and make small faces combo to bigger ones.

2) combo your textures into one .dds. This can be done via baking, but if you alter the mesh before baking, you'll need to cut/paste a new .dds then place the UV faces onto position.

3) Add basements to buildings. Hrochland has some cool stone basements are pretty interchangeable that you can copy/past to your nifs. Otherwise, I just click b in Blender and select all the vertices on the bottom of the mesh. Then, I click E that extrudes the faces down.

4)Combining objects in Blender-I think it is Ctrl+J in Blender. You'll have to combo textures if you do this, but it helps when exporting and modifying the size of models in nifskope (only one object to change).

5)Building scale-If you want to make a building the same scale as a previously known one, just have both nifs open in nifscope windows at the same time. Then, just copy and past into the other node. Make sure they are both in the new nif file. Then, you can adjust the new building as needed and delete the old one. No need to adjust and test in game now because you already know the correct scale/orientation.
6) Good luck!
Hey thanks for the advice!

The thing is though, in the beginning all I did was convert, I didn't know how to UV map (yet ironically this took more time) and therefor most of my early buildings are fairly poor, yet if you notice most of my later ones (although there aren't a lot) they are all much better

When I find a bit of time, I'm going to take an older one that needs to be improved, and follow your six steps, and probably comment about what I couldn't figure out, if you don't mind giving your advice then:goodjob:
You are welcome. I remember you asked me for art advice once, so I thought I'd share. I've been thinking of creating some tutorials as well. I did the exact same thing (revisited old models) after I picked up some tips. Some other things I've learned how to do:
1)Make parts of medels shiny/relfective.
2)UV map is an image applied to a 2D plane. The 2D plane is then applied to the mesh. ere is how to create a UV map:
-Spread out the textures onto a single .dds file 2D plane with gimp.
-Apply the 2D plane over the face of the mesh using the 3D view
-In blender edit mode select A to select all of the mesh and then press U. Unwrap the faces onto the UV map my selecting a type of unwrapping. Try them all the get a feel of what the options do. For buildings I usually choose project from view while only selecting a few faces at a time. Then I position them onto the .dds image (by opening the image in the U/V window).

Some good tips from Blender Noob to Pro:
1: Extrusion: to extrude, press EKEY in edit mode with the vertices selected, move and click to place the extrusion. You'll basically need this for every model in blender, without it, most models would be really hard to create.

2: Set Smooth: setting smooth will smoothen everything, without increasing the amount of polygons and vertices. You can use it for models with a smooth surface. To apply set smooth, select the mesh, go to the editing buttons (F9) and in the Links and Materials tab, press Set Smooth. If you press the Set Solid button, it will go back to normal.

3: Remove Double: when you remove double vertices, they will melt together, this is good for attaching things to each other. to remove double vertices, select the vertices, go to editing (F9) in edit mode, and in the Mesh tools tab, press Rem Doubl, the limit button next to it is the distance that the vertices have to have to be melted together.
Could you make the ICC?
:mischief::borg: just bumping an old request for any kind of scifi or modern industrial or scientific facilities.. the subject matter could be very flexible depending on whatever is easy and feasible to import; it would be great to get more scifi buildings of any kind since they're still in shorter supply relative to "normal"/historic nifs.:scan::assimilate:

http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=d44cc022b4d912b9bcba84d982ec4c63&prevstart=24 Rescue Pod
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=95023dfaee3c635ea227a6bd2c1c33b1&prevstart=72 Cube
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwareho...3c8f5b0193da9b2169eb00bd8&ct=mdrm&prevstart=0 Simplified Pod
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=b0106acb5e62bdfebdf566b587d6b21&prevstart=0 Outpost
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=6f50f94c8e455c0462a99941fac30f9&prevstart=0 Geodesic Dome
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=a82248644a40ec5bb8adbad19a6934a3&prevstart=0 Tron City
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=32eda942aaf7387b69d92a0245daef9e&prevstart=24 Planetary Base
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=82df5fb4499db1edbdf566b587d6b21&prevstart=0 Spaceport
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=9cacc90eff349ae3c223082451e7acde&prevstart=0 CERN Globe
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=ea9fbb43cac4cda8aa0f01fe1db04a32&prevstart=0 Science Center
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=33735abd2e90a73137ddfe82c734947d Greenhouse
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=77e66be6525f5eaf2271b84575f49c3b&prevstart=0 Control Console
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=fe2ec92199fdb4217b5d32a85e1b7987&prevstart=0 Turret
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=fc64b69ad33f240b2f6567534ed9c999&prevstart=24 Powerstation
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=a9c575353ef278a3bdf566b587d6b21&prevstart=0 Jumpgate
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=5123e40de9023f4c6285cacfe6f5073b Forerunner Structure
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=9177427550d81987dc50a691c68014fd Forerunner Elevator
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=aabbd356289eb7a32d362583515f1f04&prevstart=36 Cooling Towers
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=7317873dec20b5d53fdfd6bc6322f73b&prevstart=0 Iranian Facility
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=992ba744603808197c6b95c70a3ccd8b&prevstart=0 Freight Gantry
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=6c6fdc93504b08083fdfd6bc6322f73b&prevstart=0 Fukushima

Dacubz, is your Pattaya Park Tower working correct ingame? I tried a reskin of it, which is not visible, but I do not know if I did something wrong of if the modell has a bug. Could you kindly check?
I am once again in need for a specific graphic. This time a ship anchor. I have spent the last two days attempting to refine the attached anchor graphic, but the polygon count remains too high for BTS to display it properly. The zip file contains three files formats (anchor.3ds, anchor.skp and anchor.nif). The anchor.nif is the file I need. If anyone could help, I would be most appreciative.


Orion Veteran


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