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DaftNESIV: The Prophecy

Spoiler :

- Finish domesticating the rice
- Have one of the guys hunt that blasted deer
- Build a Monument to the Giant Panda for its awesomeness
- The Monument will herald a new philosophical path for the Molihua people; to live without distractions and reach spiritual enlightenment as the Panda has. The Panda symbolizes supreme peace with the world that is emblematic the ideal of this philosophy.
The Ash Bear

The Ash Bear society, so named after the collection of bear paintings made of ash found on the wall of Ash bear burial caves. While only a few such caves have been found, preservation bias implies that many more such caves existed, with Epi-paleolithic Ash bear constructing artificial, stone, semi-subterranean cave complexes. While the ages have not been kind to these structures, Historically, they, and their natural brethren, have played a significant role in the spiritual landscape of the area in later societies, being seen as the locus to other worlds.

The Archaeological remain of the graves, where excavation has been permitted, remains fairly uniform, showing little social differentiation until late the late paleolithic, where larger villages and a food surplus allowed for a specialized ruling, priestly class to develop.

This paper will be a brief overview of the Zooarchaeological and artificial remains in one particular early Ash Bear grave complex, which was preserved when a rock fall sealed the cave from the outside.=. This complex consists of an antechamber seperated by a short passage way from a large, circular chamber, in which ninety seven separate graves were recorded. Ten of these graves were excavated. These graves were dated to 15000 years BP, and within 300 +_ 100 radiocarbon years of each other. Each grave consisted of a shallow depression in the bedrock of the cave, into which the body was placed, and subsequently covered in a cairn of stones.

Map of excavations

The graves excavated contained 3 Elderly adults Males (G1, G6, G10) 2 Elderly Females (G7, G3) Two adult Males, (G2, G9) one adult female (G4), one Adolescent Female (G5) and one infant Male. (G8) Every Male grave included a Dog skeleton of similar relative age as as the human at the time of death positioned between the skeleton and the Entrance to the cave. Additionally, each Male held in their left hands a lithic blade, in Natufian style. The female skeletons, by contrast, were unaccompanied (except in the Case of the G6/G7 Double burial complex) and held a ground stone hand-axe. While it is impossible to determine what the significance of these grave goods are, the presence of the sacrificed dog seems to indicate the belief in an afterlife, where the goods buried with the body would accompany the deceased in the next life, or at least, an ability to guard the body from worldly or spiritual harm.

The Skeletons in Grave sites G1 and G3 show signs of sever arthritis, While the Adult male in G9 shows sever, natal osular deformities, which would likely have coincided with sever mental ******ation. That these individuals survived so long with these disabilities indicates two things: That the weak were cared for, and that the Ash-Bear were at least semi-sedentary, as any with such handicaps would have been unable to survive well on the move.

The G6/G7 double burial are of two adults, one male and one female, buried with arms wrapped around each other, along with appropriate grave goods. Both show signs of bludgeoning injuries, with minute fractures on the skulls as well as long and thoracic bones. These injuries, while clearly not fatal (as they were partially healed at the time of death) were likely very significant in their deaths. Whether this was a ritual death or accidental is unknowable from the archaeological context.

The cave wall surrounding these graves is ornately painted with stylized scenes of the hunt, as well as the butchery and processing of the animal remains.

Northern Wall of the Burial Chamber

The Cave’s Antechamber is what identifies this grave site as particularly Ash bear, or at least culturally influenced by the Ash Bear People, as The walls of the chamber are covered with charcoal drawings of Cave Bears, as well as a Cave bear skull mounted on an altar (though dating on the skull is unspecific, and may have been in the cave before the Ash bear used it as a burial site, and was simply moved to a position of respect when the cave was occupied.

Note: The Sacrificed Dog skeletons are particularly significant, as they are dogs barely on the cusp of domestication: Dentition is very wolflike, with none of the vestigial frontal canines of the modern dog, as well as a more sleek skull shape. These remains may be the oldest domesticated dog remains to date, though more work needs to be done to determine thier age. However, if this is the case, this is significant, as this would indicate that the dog was domesticated by the Ash-bear, or the Ancestors.
Sapphire Lion Orders
Spoiler :

-Tribesmen in the Dry Hills of Cho'ch'kujin will seek to domesticate the new animals found in this arid region.
-Continue Hunting on the Savannahs of Ich'ch'kani.
-Gatherers in Ich'ch'kani will continue to cultivate millet.
-Our Hut in Ich'ch'kani will produce artefacts to commemorate our great hunters and Ich'deni
-Our growing population may expand southwards into the forested lands of Och'kujo, or northwards into the sandy lands of Hach'n.
Great story thomas :D very interesting!!

@Iggy, huts need to be 'used' by a unit, they can't do independent actions. I should've clarified that before.
Thats all the orders, eh?

I'm curious: how long do updates tend to take you? (not rushing or pressuring you, of course)
Alright, cancel the hut action then Daft. Hunting is more important than building memorials to hunters. ;)
@Matt I will interpret this as religious activity / making artefacts. Dolphins appreciate fish but do not care much for formal diplomatic relations (they are too smart for such things :)). As a side note, this world may have non-homosapiens who can make diplomatic relations, if/when you meet them :)

Also about monuments: they will get progressively more awesome the more time is spent on them, people can combine their efforts to make something really epic.

I wasn't really being serious about the Dolphins, but Hidden Fun Stuff? Can't wait! I really intended to have my fisher dudes keep on fishing to keep up food supplies to heavily boost population growth, but religious activity/making artefacts certainly works, and ties in nicely with the Croc-henge. :)
very pretty
The gods are deciding...

Thanks guys, and apologies again... I've blown some time making graphics for the unexplored parts of the map instead of just updating. Yesterday was exceptionally social and today is going to be the same (joint hosting a party in fact... but you are all invited if you can get over to the UK :) )
I'm on the next flight out to the UK :p

In other news, I appreciate a penguin is one of the gods.
The gods are deciding...

Thanks guys, and apologies again... I've blown some time making graphics for the unexplored parts of the map instead of just updating. Yesterday was exceptionally social and today is going to be the same (joint hosting a party in fact... but you are all invited if you can get over to the UK :) )

OOC: I'll call your bluff. I'm in the UK :p
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