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Danization (Danish MOD)


Creator of
Jul 27, 2003
Danization 0.7 for PtW
This thread also contains comments on older versions


With this mod you can play as one of 31 danish tribes in the battle for dominance over the whole country.

The map and all units, governments, buildings, wonders, victory types, terrain types etc. has been modified to make them Danish.

IMPORTANT: I do not claim that Denmark (or "Danmark" as we call it) is some kind of super-country. I realise that it isn't much to make a whole mod about, but it is my home country, and I thought it would be fun to make (and play) this.
- To people from Sweden or Germany: I do not say that you are barbarians, but because of the geographic placement of Danmark, I had to fill out the empty spots on the map with your countries. And since you're not Danes, you had to be barbarians in this mod... (and, no - I wouldn't blame you for making Danes barbarians in a Swedish or German mod).

Download newest version here:
Danization 0.7 - part 1
Danization 0.7 - part 2
Danization 0.7 - part 3
Danization 0.7 - part 4
Wow this actually seems as a quite extensive mod:goodjob:, though Ville is right use the upload feature, its very annoying to download all those.
Thanks to Ville and Yoda Power for telling me how to do this...

Know I only need to find out how to put a few screenshots onto this page.

Here are the new download-files. I presume, that you know what to do with them.

(files removed after reading Yoda Power's message (the one underneath this one). Download moved to the top of this thread)
Juul we ment you should put them all in one file, and then upload them. The upload limit is pretty high so you should be able to:)
Fedt man, jeg er også fra det dejlige land...
(Cool man, I'm also from the lovely country...)
Tror det blir en rigtig fed map når du har lavet det hele...
Fedt at se der er danskere her :)

(Cool to see that there are Danes here)

Men er Danmark virkeligt stort nok til en Mod? ;)

(But is Denmark big enough to a Mod?

Hvor mange danskere er der egentligt her i disse forums?

(How Many Danes are there in theese forums?)

Ha en god dag
(Have a nice day)
DoubleT- If everybody wrote their location we would have a change to see how many Danes theres around;)
En dansk mod! Aak! Spring för livet!

(A Danish mod! Aak! Run for your life!)

Nu, om ni prata lika vettigt som ni skrev, skulle ni inte vara värre än norrmännen ....

(Now, if you spoke as sensible as you write, you wouldn't be worse than the Norwegians ...)

I vilket fall some helst, är det sannerligen ingen brist på danskar här. Gott om skandinaver över lag, skulle jag säga.

(In any case, there's certainly no shortage of Danes here. Plenty of Scandinavians in general, I'd say.)
Bare rolig The Last Conformist, danskere er meget mere flinke og roliger end nordmænd ellere svenskere ;)

(Don't worry The Last Conformist, Danes are much nicer and cooler then people from Norway and Sweden) ;)

He he bare rolig jeg driller bare.

(lol im only kidding)

Der er jo kun de tosser fra fra Århus, der er lidt underlige. nå ja der jeg jo også fra. :confused:

(There only the crazy ones from Aarhus, they are a little strange, oh yes thats where im from) :confused:

Det nu rart at se andre Skandinavere i disse forums.

(Its nice to see other Scandinaviens in theese forums)

Ha en god dag
(Have a nice day)

Ps. Husk at Århus er en by i Civ ;)
(Ps. Remember that Aarhus is a town in Civ) ;)
And just to nag more, whats the point with writing everything in two languages?
De engelska översättningarna är ägnade åt att hålla bort kinkiga moderatorer som klagar om man skriver saker i icke-engelska språk utan att skicka med en översättning.

(The English translations serve to keep away oversensitive moderatotrs who complain if you write things in non-English languages without providing a translation.)

Den enda stad jag bott som finns med i Civ är Stockholm, och det är över tjugo år sen.

(The only city I've lived in that's included in Civ is Stockholm, and that's over twenty years ago.)

Jag är 22.

(I'm 22.)
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