Darths and Droids Mafia- Game Thread

And I un-officially, officially declare this the off-topic Mafia thread. :p

I have no problems with this, as it increases this thread's ranking in the "Most Posts" part of the statistics thread. :mischief:
Thought I'd get all of the night actions in one place:

Spoiler Night One :

classical hero Jails Gone 3 The Celt (Result: Success, but G3TC didn't do anything and wasn't attacked)
Jarrema uses Binoculars to Watch ATPG (Result: Mergle)
SamSniped scans traius's PG (Result: Protected by Autolycus)
BSmith kills Dreadnought (Result: Success)
The Black Knigh shapeshifts into Takhisis (Result: Success, but nobody targeted either one of them)
Autolycus protects traius (Result: Success)
mechaerik scans traius and BSmith for Convertability (Result: traius is protected, BSmith's passive ability renders his scan useless)
johnhughthom roleblocks Buddhafish (Result: Success, but Buddhafish did nothing)
Kennigit scans CivCube (Result: Does have a beard- well, 5 o'clock shadow, but that still counts)
Takhisis scans traius (Result: Protected by Autolycus)
Xenoneb kills Dreadnought (Result: Success, Steals Dreadnought's Item Scan)
Mergle scans askthepizzaguy (Result: Becomes Item Scan, ATPG doesn't have any)

Spoiler Night Two :


The Black Knigh hides behind askthepizzaguy (Result: Success, but nobody targeted either one of them)
CivCube steals from johnhughthom (Result: No Items)
askthepizzaguy scans classical hero (Result: NPC)
Kennigit scans spaceman98 (Result: Yes, Neckbeards count, and I forgot about spaceman's ability this night so it didn't do anything)
BSmith kills SamSniped [CHANGED]
Xenoneb kills topsecret [CHANGED]
Mergle Scans Zack (Result: Becomes VC Scan, Zack is innocent)
johnhughthom Roleblocks Zack (Result: Success, The Peace Moon doesn't get closer to being built tonight)
Buddhafish uses his ability (Result: SamSniped, topsecret, Buddhafish)
Autolycus protects JoanK [CHANGED]
SouthernKing reverses scans on Buddhafish (Result: Protected by Autolycus)
Takhisis scans azzaman333 (Result: Innocent)
Gone 3 The Celt vig-kills Buddhafish (Result: Protected by Autolycus)
mechaerik scans Autolycus and Takhisis (Result: Both are Unconvertible)


NinjaCow jails SamSniped (Result: Success)
Autolycus protects Buddhafish (Result: Success)
BSmith kills JoanK (Result: Success)
SamSniped scans Takhisis (Result: Roleblocked)
Xenoneb kills JoanK (Result: Success, he can't steal JoanK's mason ability, though)

Spoiler Night Three :

NinjaCow Jails Kennigit (Result: Success)
The Black Knigh hides behind Mergle (Result: Success)
BSmith kills Kennigit (Result: Kennigit is protected by NinjaCow)
SamSniped scans Zack (Result: "Build the Peace Moon and use it at least once")
Gone 3 The Celt vig-kills askthepizzaguy (Result: Success)
mechaerik scans Ravus Sol (Result: Is Convertible)
askthepizzaguy scans CivGeneral (Result: NPC, but gets killed by Gone 3 The Celt)
Kennigit scans topsecret (Result: Roleblocked by NinjaCow)
Autolycus protects johnhughthom (Result: Success, but I forgot about it)
Mergle scans BSmith (Result: Nothing, because of BSmith's passive ability)
Xenoneb kills topsecret (Result: He's bulletproof)
Takhisis scans johnhughthom (Result: Innocent, because I forgot about Autolycus's ability)
Jarrema watches Kennigit (Result: NinjaCow, BSmith)

Spoiler Night Four :

The Black Knigh hides behind Mergle (Result: Success)
johnhughthom roleblocks spaceman (Result: Redirects to Jarrema)
Autolycus protects Zack (Result: Success)
Jarrema protects Zack (Result: Roleblocked, Zack is targeted by Autolycus anyway)
mechaerik converts Ravus Sol (Result: Success)
SamSniped scans azzaman (Result: "At least one of your family members (other than you) survives the game.")
NinjaCow Jails The Black Knigh (Result: Nothing, as The Black Knigh hid)
Mergle scans Backwards Logic (Result: Becomes Beard Scan, Backwards dosn't have one)
SouthernKing reverses scans on Mergle (Result: I forgot about The Black Knigh's ability, but it doesn't really matter, nobody scanned either one of them)
Xenoneb kills Takhisis (Result: Success)
Takhisis scans Ravus Sol (Result: Innocent (He doesn't scan cult on the sam night he's recruited), but he's dead anyway)
Kennigit scans Ravus Sol (Result: Yes)

Spoiler Night Five :

The Black Knigh hides behind Mergle (Result: Success)
SamSniped scans CivGeneral (Result: "The Orb is in the hands of the Town for at least half of the game.")
Gone 3 The Celt kills NinjaCow (Result: Success)
Autolycus protects Zack (Result: Success)
Jarrema tracks mechaerik (Result: Zack)
Mergle kills Kennigit (Result: Success)
Xenoneb uses stolen VC scan on Mat93 (Result: Innocent)
NinjaCow64 jails Zack: (Result: Fish'd by Autolycus)
Kennigit scans NinjaCow (Result: No- Not really a beard, just covered in fur)
mechaerik scans Zack (Result: Stopped by Fish)

Spoiler Night Six :


The Black Knigh Hides behind Mergle (Result: Success)
Gone 3 The Celt kills The Black Knigh (Result: Fail, he hid)
Jarrema protects himself (Result: Success)
john disarms mechaerik (Result: Success)
Buddhafish uses his ablitity (Reusult: The Black Knigh, johnhughthom)
Mergle scans The Black Knigh (Result: Fail, he hid)
Xenoneb kills johnhughthom (Result: Success)
Autolycus protects Zack (Result: Success)
mechaerik converts Zack (Result: Fails; is roleblocked)


Xenoneb kills Jarrema (Result: Fail, Jarrema protected himself)
Mergle scans Xenoneb (Result: VC Scan, Xenoneb is Mafia)
SamSniped scans mechaerik (Result: "Convert Chancellor Palpatine to your side.")

Spoiler Night Seven :

The Black Knigh Hides behind Mergle (Result: Success)
SamSniped scans Backwards Logic (Result: "Using your ability, vote for whoever was most responsible for your demise.")
Autolycus protects johnhughthom (Result: Success)
Gone 3 The Celt kills mechaerik (Result: Success)
Jarrema Self-Protects (Result: Success)
Mergle scans The Black Knigh (Result: Fail, he hid)
mechaerik converts Zack (Result: Success)

Spoiler Night Eight :

Jarrema protects Mergle (Result: Success)
Ravus Sol kills johnhughthom (Result: Success)
johnhughthom roleblocks azzaman333 (Result: Success)
Autolycus protects Gone 3 The Celt (Result: Success)
SamSniped scans Gone 3 The Celt (Result: Fished by Autolycus)
Mergle scans topsecret (Result: VC Scan, Innocent)
Gone 3 the Celt kills azzaman333 (Result: Success)

Spoiler Night Nine :

Mergle kills Jarrema (Result: Success)
Jarrema tracks Buddhafish (Result: He did nothing)
SamSniped scans Mergle (Result: "Acquire the Lost Orb of Phantastacoria, and use the improved version of your scan at least 2 times.")
Ravus Sol kills Jarrema (Result: Success)
Autolycus protects Zack (Result: Success)

Spoiler Night Ten :

Autolycus protects Mergle (Result: Success)
Zack kills SamSniped (Result: Success)
Gone 3 the Celt kills Backwards Logic (Result: Success)
SamSniped scans topsecret (Result: "R2-D2 must die.")
Mergle kills Autolycus (Result: Success)

Spoiler Night Eleven :

Zack kills Gone 3 the Celt (Result: Success)
Gone 3 the Celt kills Buddhafish (Result: Success)
Final Thoughts on the Game:

Overall, I think the game went pretty well. Everyone had fun, the finish was close even if it wasn't close for all of the game, and it was usually exciting. I'm not sure if it was designed perfectly, but then again, pobody's nerfect. I do wish I could have come up with some more interesting roles for a few characters, though, given some things more power and some things less to bring the balance more into line, and leave some things less up to luck, but considering how it ended up, I'd say the mistakes I made in a few areas of the design were fairly minor and didn't hamper the game any. Even if it wasn't perfectly balanced, it was certainly fun, judging from people's reactions, and fun is generally more important than balance, so long as everyone's having fun.

I guess one thing that might have helped me create more interesting characters would have been to host it later, when the comic had gotten farther along. Now, it's only been about 2 months since I was finishing off the roles, and the comic hasn't advanced that far (I think it was somewhere around the prison cell/trash compactor part in late December, and the PC's just escaped from the Death Star as of me typing this), so I don't know if a delay of a few months could have helped much, but maybe I could have at least come up with a couple of ideas for Princess Leia, who still hasn't really yet made enough appearances in the comic for me to come up with a decent role. Potential other roles that could have been something had I hosted it much later in time (like, a year or two) could have included people like Boba Fett, Lando, and Jabba, but I don't think I could have waited that long to host it. There were also plenty of characters with about as much plot importance as Captain Antilles or the bar guys that I considered adding but had no ideas for- Panaka, Zam, Cliegg Lars, and random generic Clone Troopers/Sand People/Officers/Droids (kind of like Grievous's cover role) come to mind, and I even wrote a nearly-complete role PM for Mon Mothma that included a Background Description entirely in Valleygirlese. Maybe I would have put some of them in if more players had signed up.

Overall, I'd say it was mostly a success, but a few things could have been better.
It just begs for a sequel, when comic arrives to end of Return of the Jedi
I could also wait to see what they do with the eventual sequel films, though that will probably be less funny.
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