Dawn of War Unit Conversion

Nice work! DoW has Tyranids eh? Not needed for the 40k epic mod but would be cool for scenarios. What's up next?

You going to do buildings too? I was going to do cut and paste buildings from DoW but like so many other projects I didn't get round to it except one test building. Cut and past from screenshots worked well but having the actual models would be better. You could even make cities with the models since we only have Imperial cities.

Care to make a tutorial for the conversions? Or at lest a quick discription of the method?
DoW has no tyranids, but Dow II has as well as DoW 1 mods. I will be easy to convert tyranids because the most of them are melee in game and doesn't use much effects. Bio-cannons are still problem though. But first I want to fill gaps in my Battle for Armageddon mod (if I ever make it). So the next probably will be Commander Dante followed by Grot Rokkit.

Unfortunately, there are no updates for WH40K mod. Nothing from LMR for 4 months. I hope that it is a temoprarily and the work will be continued some time later. So I'll begin from units that are not listed but should be in - workers, settler and maybe titans. Than I'm going to begin filling
gaps in unit list. First - vechicles and demons - they are easy to convert and looks better than infantry. I still hope that some on make infantry units from scratch because they look far more better than converted ones imo.

Buildings are done by the same principles as units. I can even make grass background for render. This means that I do not have to cut and paste anything at all. On cities - I am not that good with image editing programms so it will take quite some time for me to learn how to make nice looking cities. But something like base-type cities with main buildings surrounded by lesser ones could be easily done. For example, necron monolith with summoning core and a generator for settlement, awakened monolith with summoning and greater summoning cores and three generators for town, restored monolith with summoning, greater summoning and energy cores, plenty of generators and obelisks for megapolis.

Indeed, I will make a tutorial when I'll get more into it. I still sometimes get unexpected results like messed textures. So I still have much to learn myself.
Converted Dante. I'm not satisfied but it'll do for now. He looks much darker than in DoW, jumpack, victory and shooting animations are still to be done, default doesn't look like I was expecting, finally his is a bit small for a space marine. But I'm too tired of him now. As a placeholder he looks manageble to me.
Finished Grot Rokkit. Actually it is the first unit that I had to animate manually and it looks not that bad to me. I included Firaxis Cruise Missile explosive animations.

As units for my mod are ready now I'm getting to work on builders. Here I have to learn to edit textures for civ-color.
Finished servitor. Added civ color for the first time. Oh, that was had. Had to start from beginnig several times and it still has problems. I tried to fix small black points but whatever I do things getting only worse. I'll try to do better with other civ-colored units (I have some ideas, fortunately), but no more servitors! I just sick of them :sad:
Bonesinger is ready. That was easy one. No problems with civ-colors this time. The only thing that still bothers me is size. What do you think? Should I make it smaller? If yes, then how much? (I used for this one 200x150 frame size instead of usual 160X120 - it was too small.)
Bonesinger is ready. That was easy one. No problems with civ-colors this time. The only thing that still bothers me is size. What do you think? Should I make it smaller? If yes, then how much? (I used for this one 200x150 frame size instead of usual 160X120 - it was too small.)
Looking at some of the miniatures on various websites, the Eldar are different heights, so it probably doesn't matter.

On another note if you need to add a "teleport" animation, there are some appropriate animations available here that are designed to combine with unit animations. Vuldacon's is a perfect example.
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