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Days of Sadat Middle East collection


Aug 22, 2013
Greetings everyone,

I wanted to let you know that I will be launching a new Middle East collection based around the days of Anwar Sadat to celebrate his 40th anniversary since the October War 1973.

The following civs will be part of this collection:

Anwar Sadat - Egypt
Hafez Al Assad - Syria
Mohamed Reza Pahlavi - Iran
Yasser Arafat - Palestine
Menachem Begin - Israel
Muammar Gaddafi - Libya
Hussein Bin Talal - Jordan

Ones I'm considering is:
Lebanon - but I need some suggestions

Release date between 6th October and 10th October 2013 for Egypt, Syria, Iran, Palestine & Israel, as part one of the collection.

All include unique skins, and music.

I may be posting screen shots soon or wait till I complete it and upload it all.

If you have any ideas or suggestions then please post them here.

Ciao for now
Greetings everyone,

I wanted to let you know that I will be launching a new Middle East collection based around the days of Anwar Sadat to celebrate his 40th anniversary since the October War 1973.

The following civs will be part of this collection:

Anwar Sadat - Egypt
Hafez Al Assad - Syria
Mohamed Reza Pahlavi - Iran
Yasser Arafat - Palestine
Menachem Begin - Israel
Muammar Gaddafi - Libya
Hussein Bin Talal - Jordan

Ones I'm considering is:
Lebanon - but I need some suggestions

Release date between 6th October and 10th October 2013 for Egypt, Syria, Iran, Palestine & Israel, as part one of the collection.

All include unique skins, and music.

I may be posting screen shots soon or wait till I complete it and upload it all.

If you have any ideas or suggestions then please post them here.

Ciao for now

3 things. First, why are you celebrating the 1973 war? Here's a quote from wikipedia.
Israel suffered between 2,521[2][36][30] and 2,800 killed in action.[29] An additional 7,250[307] to 8,800[29] soldiers were wounded. Some 293 Israelis were captured.[308] Approximately 400 Israeli tanks were destroyed. Another 600 were disabled but returned to service after repairs.[38] A major Israeli advantage, noted by many observers, was their ability to quickly return damaged tanks to combat.[131][309] The Israeli Air Force lost 102 airplanes: 32 F-4s, 53 A-4s, 11 Mirages and 6 Super Mysteres. Two helicopters, a Bell 205 and a CH-53, were also lost.[39] According to Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, nearly half of these were shot down during the first three days of the war.[34] IAF losses per combat sortie were less than in the preceding Six Day War of 1967.[310]
An Israeli Air Force Mirage IIIC. Flag markings on the nose credit this particular aircraft with 13 aerial kills.

Arab casualties were known to be much higher than Israel's, though precise figures are difficult to ascertain as Egypt and Syria never disclosed official figures. The lowest casualty estimate is 8,000 (5,000 Egyptian and 3,000 Syrian) killed and 18,000 wounded.[29] The highest estimate is 18,500 (15,000 Egyptian and 3,500 Syrian) killed.[30] Most estimates lie somewhere in between the two, with the Insight Team of the London The Sunday Times combined Egyptian and Syrian losses of 16,000 killed.[2] and yet another source citing a figure of some 15,000 dead and 35,000 wounded.[32] U.S. estimates placed Egyptian casualties at 13,000.[311] Iraq lost 278 killed and 898 wounded, while Jordan suffered 23 killed and 77 wounded.[312] Some 8,372 Egyptians, 392 Syrians, 13 Iraqis and 6 Moroccans were taken prisoner.

Also, if this is supposed to be historical, then why is Palestine in it? Then there's the fact that Arafat is the 'Father of Modern Terrorism'.
3 things. First, why are you celebrating the 1973 war? Here's a quote from wikipedia.

Also, if this is supposed to be historical, then why is Palestine in it? Then there's the fact that Arafat is the 'Father of Modern Terrorism'.

To answer your question......I'm not the only one celebrating the 1973 War, the entire of Egypt is.

6th October 1973, achieved great things for Egypt in particular, we destroyed the myth of an undestructable fortified sand wall (Barlev Line) which Israel built in six years and cost $300,000,000 with the anticipation that it could only take 48 hours for the Egyptians to cross, fell at the hands of the Egyptians and they did it in six hours destroying that myth, capturing the Barlev line and crushing the israeli army.

The second part of the war did not go so well especially when Syria was losing the war up at the Golan Heights and pleaded for Egypt to advance to ease the pressure and this ended up in a stalemate (Egypt) despite the slight breach crossing which the Israeli's attempted to capture suez and ismaliya but also failed.

Despite IDF advances Egypt held its ground securing its positions.

What was achieved

1.Crossing of the Suez Canal
2.Destruction of the Barlev Line
3.Inflicting the most damage for IDF possible (in its history)
4.Not to move from positions from the east bank

The greater goal achieved

1.Accept Cease Fire
2.Re-open the canal for trade
3.Negotiate peace
4.Achieve the rest of Sinai without futher blood shed

Against all media Propaganda, this is a Victory for Egypt.

I don't need wikipedia to confirm casualties, IDF suffered the most casualities in its history despite Egypt numbers.

When Henry Kissinger finally proposed a cease-fire. Sadat replied to Kissinger, "Well, just as we embarked on a peace process, let us have a forces disengagement which would peacefully put an end to this counter-attack. You know I am a man of peace. If you had accepted the 1971 initiative (peace), no war would have broken out at all. I care very much for human life, and am loathe to losing one soldier. But you didn’t take me seriously and this is the outcome. But I wanted my victory to be maintained because I regarded it as an avenue to the just peace for which I had worked unceasingly" (Sadat.269).

You don't have to agree with me, nor do I want you to either and you are entitled to your own opinion, I know for sure this was a victory and I can see the Barlev line till today as evidence of how Egypt carried out the biggest military operation in History. (the Crossing)


I agree with you, Arafat is indeed a father of modern Terrisom but ive included him because he was still iconic just like Khomeni.


Tinpot leaders or not, it does not matter, you don't have to add the mod or download it, if you don't like it.

This is a collection of the days of Sadat I'm sure Khomeni and Saddam were Tinpots Dictators themselfs but are part of history.


Finally this is a game, lets Enjoy it and leave out Politics
Oh, I see. You are not celebrating the war, but the pointless killing of thousands of innocent Israelis.
Also, Arafat may be iconic, but that's no reason to include him, since he never led any country. When people makes mods of Hitler it's one thing. As evil as he was, he did lead a country and his action directly changed history, leaving him one of the most important people since the dawn of time. What did Arafat accomplish besides kill hundreds of Israelis?

Edit - Also, Egypt suffered twice as many casualties as Israel. You, as an Egyptian patriot, should be bothered by that. But you seem to care more about the Israelis that were killed than your own people.
Oh, I see. You are not celebrating the war, but the pointless killing of thousands of innocent Israelis. You certainly are a sick individual.
Also, Arafat may be iconic, but that's no reason to include him, since he never led any country. When people makes mods of Hitler it's one thing. As evil as he was, he did lead a country and his action directly changed history, leaving him one of the most important people since the dawn of time. What did Arafat accomplish besides kill hundreds of Israelis?

Edit - Also, Egypt suffered twice as many casualties as Israel. You, as an Egyptian patriot, should be bothered by that. But you seem to care more about the Israelis that were killed than your own people.

I would have to correct you, we are not celebrating the killings of Israeli's.......though Egyptians died also including my uncle.

We are celebrating our successful crossing and liberation of our land which Israel occupied in 1967 and proving that we can fight back after a shameful defeat in 1967.

Please don't stuff words into my mouth about I enjoy the Killings of innocent Israelis, where did I say this? I merely explained to you what Egyptian Armed Forces wanted to do at the time, you did ask the question, remember this was a war there is bound to be deaths.

it does bother me that we also have a death toll but it served a purpose, we liberated our land.

I support the peace treaty and agree we should live in harmony and peace.


I can agree with you on Arafat, its true all he did was kill israelis and he did also terrorise the Arabs in some ways, I didn't include him for that reason but you can't really compare him to Hitler. Are you telling me you would rather see Hitler in the game than Arafat?

Look at the end of the day, I don't support no killings of anyone, please don't accuse me and call me sick beacuse it seems you have a habit to turn the words into dreadful misunderstanding. No one mentioned the killings of innocent palestinians but I don't hold anyone else responsible except their own rulers who can put an end to this bloodshed but are ignorant to see that.

I don't support his regime nor his ways, just like saddam, khomeni in your mods.

I would apperciate you don't accuse me again, for which if you had felt offended by something I would rather you explained to me that and I can rectify the situation by explaining you and clearing up any misunderstanding.

At least be a grown up about it and understand a mod of Arafat won't change reality, you and I know what he is, but you cannot erase him from history.

Btw I didn't create him where he can actually expand his civ, he acts like a venice civ where he can't build settlers. Don't judge on something till you had a look at it and if you dislike the mod don't download it.

I hope you can understand but I don't need to justify why I'm doing it.

The goal of the 1973 war was not to destroy Israel, but to give them a blow... and to this day it's the IDF's biggest failure.
That's very nice, but why is that a great achievement?

That we can fight back and overcame our failures of 1967, therefore 1973 marked a new era for the Egyptian Armed Forces that produced a remarkable crossing and the blow was the Barlev line was indestructable so they said and there was no chance for us to destroy it and we did, in 6 hours.

Egypt was celebrating this anniversary with a beautiful display yesterday (military parade) as it's our national holiday.

I'm now in the airport waiting for my plane back to London.
I think it's funny how ignorant people seem to be about Palestine. The people have existed since before the Babylonians invaded Israel but under a different name: The Philistines. To say that a Palestinian civilization isn't historically correct is jewish blasphemy and a denial of their existence. You might as well question the historical correctness of an Israeli Civilization but you won't because you're probably a jew that lives in the US, who are allied with Israel only because it's in their greatest interests, politically and economically.

Arafat is a hero in his country and he has been fighting for peace ever since the war and to say he is the father of modern terrorism is just plain wrong and an insult to all Palestines. Would "the father of modern terrorism" get Nobel's peace price? I don't think so.

Israel are the ones who doesn't want peace. They just want the whole ****ing country before they are happy. They received a gift from the world that wasn't theirs to begin with and all they can do is to oppress the people who lived there from the start. Now who is the terrorist? I say people like Sharon and all presidents before and after him who orders the military to commit genocide on thousands of Palestinians. Hamas is also on that list of course and they are probably the biggest problem today.

My father was a palestinian(now deceased) and he had to grow up in a fugitive camp in Jordan after being driven off their property by the Israel military. They even tortured my grandfather because they thought he was part of the resistance. I chose to share this story to give people some enlightenment on the situation because we are so fed with western propagandy in the US and EU.

I am hoping for peace in the future and I'm proud to say that Sweden, my home country, was the first *western country* to acknowledge the Palestinian state, what little is left of it today. It is the first step towards a solution between these people.
That's very nice, but why is that a great achievement?

Well, aren't you fired up about this whole thing? Calm down. I am generally pro-Israel (meaning that I support Israel's right to exist as a state and not be shot at by rockets all the time), and I have no issue with this mod collection whatsoever. It's only a mod of a video game and as far as I can tell, the civs are balanced. Since you yourself have made a collection of Middle East civs, you of all people should understand this.
*sigh* Another good ol' civfanatics Israle/Palestine/Middle-East debate...
I'm no moderator, but maybe we could redirect the whole argument to the Off-Topic forum? Seriously guys, if you don't approves of his civ choice then don't play the civs. Problem == Solved.

So on another topic, why is the UU called the "Egyptian Jundi"? Won't it show up in the game as Egyptian Egyptian Jundi, or are you using a different adjective than "Egyptian"?

And I don't really know anything about Lebanon but maybe you could something with cedars. :dunno:
Speaking as a British subject... this is our fault. We drew arbitrary lines in the sand as part of the '48 deal that created the modern state of Israel, and we supported the Israeli state despite repeated acts of terror that frankly border on attempted genocide because Arrubz r skerreh. I am in favour of Israeli statehood, don't get me wrong, but it's when Israel throws its weight around for no damn reason (Six Day War, Yom Kippur War, the entire spat with Palestine) that I start to have a problem. But hey, like I said, it's Britain's fault. We messed up. Considering the godawful mess we made of the Indian Partition, I've got no idea why people expected us not to do so.


Nationalist Civ ideas like this are never, ever helpful. All they do is attract the kind of ire that, well, we've seen in this thread. Nobody comes out of this well. Not the IDF that Murphy's so desperate to defend (y'know, the same IDF whose members post tweets bragging about how they're going to murder Palestinian children), not the '73 Egyptian forces that took two stabs to regain Sinai, not nobody. They're just magnets for grumpy ideologues, and any attempt at discussion or a dispassionate look at a nation is lost amid the shouting. Let's not, eh? Let's just not.
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