Dealing with war unhappiness


Nov 23, 2009
When at war, eventually a few cities end up unhappy due to war weariness. What's the most efficient way to deal with this?

I don't want to whip them away since they will be happy as soon as the war ends. I usually just bump the culture slider a notch or two. That cuts into research for a bit, but I think it's better than leaving them unhappy. Or is it?
When at war, eventually a few cities end up unhappy due to war weariness. What's the most efficient way to deal with this?

I don't want to whip them away since they will be happy as soon as the war ends. I usually just bump the culture slider a notch or two. That cuts into research for a bit, but I think it's better than leaving them unhappy. Or is it?

I try to have short wars. Otherwise, yes, the cultural slider is often the best way to go.

Cabert's example of Police State eliminates 50% of war unhappiness. Jails eliminate 25% and the Mount Rushmore Nat'l Wonder 25%. If a city has a jail and the Civ has Police State and Mount Rushmore there will be no new war weariness. Old war weariness stays until peace is declared (or the enemy is wiped out).
Well, early on you have to deal it like any other unhappiness - HR, Markets, Forges and trading for happiness works. Later on, jails are usually enough to deal with it - if you're really struggling for it (and you really shouldn't unless you're in a bad, losing position) you could try the 0% WW gambit - Mt. Rushmore + Jails + Police State.

Many players like to use the slider, but I refrain from doing that. When fighting mid-late game wars, my commerce is really needed either for beakers (getting better units) or gold (upgrading/rushbuying/funding deficit research). IMO, the cultural slider is really meant for actually getting culture rather than happiness.
IMO, the cultural slider is really meant for actually getting culture rather than happiness.

Not true when you have colosseums and theaters. Those building really helps when you quickly need extra happiness and they are cheap.
Culture slider is probably the most used but some other methods include:

1) Police State reduces it by half, as well as makes you produce more military units.

2) Mt. Rushmore, although late game, needs only to be built in 1 city and reduces empire-wide war weariness. ( by 25% I believe)

3) You already mentioned Colosseum and theaters, which work great in conjunction with the culture slider, but things like markets and other happy buildings can help you out quite a bit. Jails as well reduce it by 25%.

4) Quite a few other civics improve happiness: Nationalism, Hereditary Rule, Free Religion. If all else fails, just put big military garrisons in your main production cities.
3) You already mentioned Colosseum and theaters, which work great in conjunction with the culture slider, but things like markets and other happy buildings can help you out quite a bit. Jails as well reduce it by 25%.

Don't forget forges for the shiny luxuries.
There is a world wonder or two that can help. Not a terribly practical solution but it should be mentioned for completeness. Besides, the other answers have been given at least once.
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