Defying Apostolic Resolutions


Nov 4, 2012
Playing on a Huge 18 Civ Hemisphere Marathon map.

Everyone on the continent ( 8 total ) is Hindu.

I'm conquering Gilgamesh with 3 cities left around 1100 - 1200 AD.

His last ditch effort to save himself is to use a Great Engineer to build the Apostolic Palace and put in a resolution to stop my war.

At first I just put in my "No" vote, thinking that I would be able to control the church, being the single largest member.

Turns out that wasn't enough, they all voted against me, so the resolution passed.

I'm wondering what kind of experience people have had in Defying Resolutions.

If I carry on my war, am I pretty much guaranteeing that all the other Hindu nations will DoW on me?

I'm already bribing 3 of them with 1 GPT to mind thier own business, but will that continue to be enough?

Or should I just change my State Religion? Would that mean I wouldn't be obligated to follow the resolution, or would I still have to stop the war?
Changing your religion won't prevent the vote, since you have the religion in your empire. (if you had no Hindu then the vote would not take place). It would reduce your influence in the vote though.

Defying doesn't cause other Hindus to declare on you. It causes quite a bit of unhappiness in your Hindu cities. So you either suck that up or plan your war around the vote. One tactic I use if I can't finish the war as desired before a vote occurs, is to ask for a ceasefire the turn before the vote (it may work the turn of the vote but can't remember - problem is that it might still produce a peace treaty of 10 turns which you don't want). So with a ceasefire you can declare again right after the vote cycles out and go on your merry way bringing death and destruction to the enemy.

Also note that defying an AP vote will remove the AP bonuses in your cities as well. You can't get that back until you pass a vote later.

Lastly, capture that AP city as soon as you can.
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If you have one city with the AP religion, you're a voting member of the AP. Going out of the AP religion effectively halves your AP votes. If an AI is the AP resident, it will randomly pick which available resolution to present (even if it's one it would vote against or defy!). For the resolution "Stop the war against X," an AI will vote for the resolution if they like X, and against if they hate X.

[Rest answered by lymond while I was typing this.]
Regarding whether you'll be faced with a united Hindu crusade to splat you:

As long as you have a city with the AP faith, you'll not be subject of an AP resolution forcing a dogpile. So, the question then is: does each AI like you enough to not plot against you, and do any of them like your victim enough to agree to attack you for a bribe?

Get your intel on the AI's tendency to attack here -

If my enemy builds the AP I'll tank my economy to capture it and declare myself Pope. Your neighbours are next, to become your vassals and win you the game after a few damaged caravels containing missionaries get gifted to the last few hostile theocracies that refuse to let you in.

Be grateful to Saint Gilgamesh, he has handed you victory on a plate!
Thanks all for clarifying that changing my state religion wouldn't help.

Joao is tiny, I've already given Sitting Bill a good thrashing, Churchill pretty chummy with the GPT and smallish borders, and Wang Kong has no border with me.

I think I'll be safe enough to finish out my campaign. Even if they do gang up on me I should be able to shake them. I'm the only one with gunpowder & engineering
Be grateful to Saint Gilgamesh, he has handed you victory on a plate![/QUOTE]

I could do that, but I've just never believed in the AP Victory. Maybe it would be quick sure victory on a higher difficulty. But I should have plenty of time to win another way., whatta typo, lymond....(note to self: do a better job proofreading)
Usually, when this subject comes up, someone chimes in with advice to raze the AP city, but I find that's often rather extreme, as that city will often have other goodies like a shrine.
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