Deity District Guide

Yeah. Later in the game, when you have more than 20 Trade Routes, an additional one really isn't going to impact your game all that much, so you want to minimize the cost of the new city more than you want an additional few GPT. Entertainment Districts with area Amenities are the ticket then.
It is very hard to justify building a Harbor but not a Commercial Hub. A Commercial Hub can easily get +3 from adjacency (2 from river, 1 from being in a triangle with the city center and another district). A Harbor will struggle to get more than 2 (1 or 2 resources and maybe a triangle). Often lining up the Harbor with the Commercial Hub for +2 is more important than maximizing the Harbor's adjacency.

The Harbor's buildings are marginal. The Lighthouse costs more than a Granary or Watermill for less housing or worse yields. And all it has going for it is Great Admiral points, which has negligible value if not going for water domination. The Shipyard is crippled by the poor adjacency bonuses on the Harbor. You could run the Harbor adjacency policy, but that is almost certainly going to provide less than the Commerce adjacency policy (and if you want to just run both than you're sacrificing your victory district's policies which are way more important).

The power of Harbors is that they are a weaker second version of a Commerce Hub. Their buildings won't provide all the Gold a Commerce Hub can but their Trade Route and adjacency boost make Policies like "+100% Commerce Hub adjacency" and "+yield from Trade Routes" better.

Yeah, especially when you roll Pangea.
All those nasty boats swimming around and I'm like "LIZZY RELAX, I HAVE NO HARBORS, PISS OFF!"

Now now that's not a nice thing for a young man to be saying. One must have a decorum or one will never reach above the dizzy heights of barbarian.

When one is performing a cultural victory and one has no harbors one has the choice of sending the money grabbers out to educate the world or keep them internal moving production and food around. Why not have harbors and do both?

If one is building on a shore one should always build a home for ones grain with priority. However having a lighthouse means 1 more growth than not having one in the early mid game. It is also a harbor requirement when one wishes to more experienced ships, better leaders and that extra +1 gold and food oft comes in handy

One will relax when one has a battleship armada with a range of 4 hitting your inland districts. This can be gained earlier than you think thanks to those overlarge candlesticks.
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