Deity Plus 1 Classic Succession Game Sign-Up

Here are some screenshots of the 1852 status at the end of the reign of Kev III, the Poet Conqueor....

Very little power is held by the enemy (10 cities total, among 3 tattered civs).


The German Front:

Current Score:

Ooops, after seeing the score, the reign of Kev III might also be know as "The Polluting Poet Conqueror!" (13 skulls !!!!)....
Yes, pollution began to take its toll. I DID clean up as I went, but a lot hit over the course of about 3 turns. We have engineers enough to take care of this issue.

I'd be willing to guarantee that those German cities are much larger than they appear on the map. German cities I've been running across have been in the upper teens and low twenties in size. Heidelburg is their new capital.

BTW: The reason so many cities are "out of sorts" (i.e. revolting) was because I held the 'ol one-turn revolution in order to finish off the Zulus (or at least I THOUGHT I'd finish them off). They'll be fine as the next turn begins, and with Adam Smith's in our grasp we should be making even more cash money.

I think that I built like 20 something airports and more on the way. So nice not to have to rely so much on transports now.
Originally posted by Andu Indorin

Actually, I'm fooling around with a D+5 right now. Will it be :cry: or :lol: ?
D+5 :eek: ?! I tried D+3 yesterday and failed miserably. There were enormous unhappiness problems. My starting position was probably not good, the terrain was fair but I had aggressive neighbours.

Following this I tried D+2 and I'm probably winning now after big difficulties but the win is far more messy than usual, a limited nuclear war and lots of pollution. The starting position was slightly better than in the D+3 game but I still had nasty neighbours (the Japanese). I was at peace with them but once a settler from them I had been following founded a city I subverted it. This became my fifth city. This apparently made the Japanese very angry and they declared war that I survived very narrowly by setting taxes to maximum and rush buying city walls in three cities and building a few pikemen and elephants. Surviving was a question of a single unit winning or losing a fight in at least one case involving my capital. At a similar time I managed to get Mike. This made things much easier and I started perfecting my five cities (I didn't have room for more cities because of the Japanese and Carthaginians with whom I later became allied and benefitted greatly from in the form of gifts). I didn't start military action until the modern age (howitzers, nukes and spies) when the Japanese suddenly sneak attacked. At that time I still had only five cities but they were highly developed. Fortunately I had about 25 howies and 20 spies so my counterattack was strong. I'm probably winning now, having conquered more than half the Japanese empire, but things are far more messy than I'm used to (unless in games where I'm experimenting).

News from the D+5 game will be interesting, I doubt it can be won unless (possibly) the starting position is highly favorable.
Thanks for the screenies starlifter, on behalf of myself and all those who cannot download the game and look at it ourselves. :goodjob:
I hope for your sake that the German cities are larger than they seem and that they have railroaded between them as your howies will run them into the floor very soon but I reckon the world won't be seeing much of the other civs by the end of the next go. I'd be intrigued to see you play another game after the style of the challenges the Civ 3 succession players set themselves. Good luck with (what should be) the final turn Fox!
by Duke o York:
after the style of the challenges the Civ 3 succession players set themselves.
?? I didn't understand that part ( I have not looked at Civ 3 succession playing styles).
I think that duke is referring to the "variant" games that I mentioned in my earlier post. The "no wonders" variant or the "no two-move troops" variant, etc.
It looks as if Flatlander was unable to play on Sunday; so I guess I'll go ahead and conclude things.

As for variants: I'm not all that thrilled about some of the variants, especially the one movement point limitation; but I suppose Civ3 players can get used to it since (at least the one time I played months ago) one cannot use enemy roads. Napoleon and Guderian would have been appalled with Civ3.

I'm more inclined to let geography do its thing. A couple of years ago I played on a map of my own design where the terrain was almost entirely desert. There were a limited number of "inland seas" around which there was a limited amount of grasslands and plains; and there were some mountain ranges which also had some plains. Needless to say, Engineers were of critical importance -- especially with the Transform command. And the control of railways over stretches sand connecting islands of Civilization was also of paramount importance. And those stretches of sandy wastes were a great place for Armor. It be quite interesting to play that type map with Barbarian Wrath in effect.
We asked Smash to set up a map for the Civ 2 Demo game and he seems to have made quite a sneaky one but I'm sure he could do better if you asked him to and produce a really difficult map for a Barbarian Wrath D+2 succession. I'd like to see a game similar to the Hawaii ones I've already mentioned where you have to get map making and the lighthouse if you want to meet the AI civs. But Smash has got loads of ideas of his own and I reckon he's got something extra evil for you if you ask for it! :whipped: :D
Andu, have you been posting under the influence again??

Actually, that desert thing would be interesting as a regular sp game, but I have a feeling that the immense boredom of engineer transformation would not make it a good choice for a succession.

We could always play a game where our civ is "the new civ" in the world. In other words, hit the space bar 20 or so times and see about catching up. I'm sure there are other thoughts on variants as well, but as duke suggests, an evil map from the evil Smash could go a long way toward challenging.
I tend to agree with Andu about being careful about too many gameplay restrictions. The reason for this is because I've run lots of tests on way to make Civ 2 more competitive (for my own games), and found many things that seem like a good idea often have unanticipated negative effects on the AI. In general, the AI can handle good terrain and extra units (to a point). Sone units, like the Dip & the Spy, are so overwhelmingly powerful that I don't mind too much restricting their use a bit, but but things like only moving 1 square at a time really only delay the inevitable and would likely just confuse the human (me) tring to conform. Changing rules.txt would solve that, but would apply to the AI, too.

Anyway, probably a D+2 with few if any restrictions might be good. I would not mind ensuring each AI had an extra setter, though. But if a D+ game is played is should probably be standard, as not that many have been played, and we and others would want to see the real effect. I have not played any D+ games except for this one :).

PS, how is your D+5 going, Andu :eek: ... Maybe a GOTM setting, LOL ?!
Er, I'd just like to point out that the evil Smash is only the Smash who makes the custom maps for Civ to tease other players and that the everyday Smash is a most delightful chap all round and please don't ban me from your forums for calling you evil and sneaky in so many threads. :blush:
However, perhaps Smash's dark side could furnish a particularly wicked map for the next succession game. You may be let off somewhat when he realises I won't be playing in it, but maybe he still has something special up his sleeve to bamboozle his partner SunTzu! I'm looking forward to the next game! :D
Between packing, farewells, and farewell performances on the billiard circuit, has been a busy week. And what with more packing to do -- and a lack of enemy opposition for creative writing purposes -- will be brief.

1853. Ganges and Punjab conquered by a force of 5 howitzers, 3 Mech Inf., 1 armor launched from Bengal to the west and Mpondo from the East. Indian Civilization destroyed.

Engineers advancing roads toward Munich discover Zulu Alpine brigade; follow-up spy discovers irrigating Zulu Engineer, and thence the Zulu city of Issus. Howitzers destroy Munich garrison; Armor destroys Issus garrison. Munich captured, partisans suppressed. Issus captured. Zulu Civilization destroyed.

1854. Defensive line established in front of American city of Leipzig, facing Frankfurt and Heidelburg, allowing Howitzers to recover from recent conquests. Comence a major transfer of veterans from the Indian campaign to Fort Fox and Philadelphia for operations against western German cities of Hannover and Bremen via Kev Haven and Trenton.

1855. Frankfurt garrison destroyed by Howitzers; German counterattack defeated by Mech. Inf. The city of Getafix founded on island between Ringwood/Trenton and Hannover.

1856. Howitzers land facing Hannover, destroy garrison. Port Hannover founded. Howitzers destroy garrisons of Hamburg and Heidelburg. German counterattacks defeated by Mech. Inf.
Apollo Program.

1857. Supported by rush commissioned spies, Hannover conquered, partisans suppressed. Howitzers land near Bremen, destroy garrison. Bremen conquered, partisans suppressed.
Newly built garrisons in Hamburg, Frankfurt, and Heidelburg are destroyed; all three cities are conquered, and the few resulting partisans are suppressed. Five Howitzers, one Mech. Inf. and two Freight embark from Nuremburg, land near Cologne. Howitzers destroy garrison, and Mech. Inf. conquers Cologne.
German Civilization destroyed.

Or is it? Having built the Apollo program, I've discovered that the Space Ship option is indeed on. If any wants to build a Space Ship for this game, please feel free to do so; and there's still plenty of work for engineers to do.
I think that's about it folks! Nice job to all - still quite amazed at the speed and efficiency at the AI death.

Hope to do another in the future...
Well, just to wrap things up since I played following Andu I finished the game by conquering the single German city that remained. A summary of the results:

English destroyed in 1670 AD
Romans destroyed in 1808 AD
Spanish destroyed in 1810 AD
Indians destroyed in 1853 AD
Zulus destroyed in 1853 AD
Germans destroyed in 1857 AD

So we got 522% which is not too bad but could easily have been higher. However, I (like everyone else (?)) was too lazy to go for a higher score by building a spaceship.

Thanks to everyone involved, it was fun. I'm interested in another one, hopefully soon. I'd suggest deity+2 and a medium/large random map that would then be modified to make things more interesting. Something comparable to Andu's 'desert game' might be interesting. I also once played a game where I didn't get into any contact with the AI until I had IIRC 48 techs and the Germans (the tech leaders) had 63. This was because I was on an isolated island in a lake surrounded by a 'circular' mountain range surrouned by ocean. Thus I couldn't start exploring the world until I had caravels and I had to found cities in the mountains and build ships there too. I don't know if this would be a good idea in a D+2 game since it might actually be advantageous not to meet the AI until late on because dealing with an aggressive AI at D+2 before solving happiness problems (Mike) can be very difficult. Reminds me of my very first deity games I won, at that time I was only able to win if I started alone on an island with space for 8-12 cities.
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