Deity spying

Willem's diplo relation towards us doesn't matter - he can be furious and it won't matter. As kossin pointed out, GK's relations towards us only considers his own attitude.

Got it, will try gifting another crappy city to GK in hopes of returning to friendly. In the meantime, guess I should play this set wearing a lucky shirt or something.

Do we have any preference on what to steal first? I'm thinking CS followed by the optics route.
obsolete had mentioned that GK lacked Paper so that it could be used for trading fodder.
CS would be good for chain irrigation and Bureaucracy though.

Guess I have a slight preference for CS.
I'm thinking CS followed by the optics route.


That would mean the points we blew on Theocracy is the biggest rookie mistake ever....
I forgot to mention, I put a few turns into building the FB in our ORIGINAL capital. Feel free to finish up to the LAST hammer, but DO NOT COMPLETE IT! We should build it in all cities since we are getting 50% wonder bonus, 25% forge, and 25% org right now. This beats going directly to gold-build. No contest here.

We also have the ability to keep this around for when we capture another continent. Over-seas maintenance will be a fortune, though if we can COUNT on getting communism in time, then we don't need the FB. But you know Murphy's law. If we COUNT on stealing communism, and there is a 1% chance the AI's don't go for it, that is the one time they will definitely not go for it!
Hmm, Shy dissappeared again. I wonder if we should go by a 48 hour awol rule :p
BTW, with the next G-Spy, I think getting the Scotland Yard in the NEW capital is best.
Played to the birth of the GSpy. Not much to report:

(best I could manage)

(didn't bring him to pleased so I'm building another settler)

Willem is still teching fine with 4 cities. If we can take DR or education next, we should be able to backfill a tech or two with GK. We really need Willem (or GK) to tech one of the renaissance espionage techs soon though. Preferably Willem since his city count is lower. Also, the barb city grew to pop 2 so I grabbed it. Haven't settled crabs yet as it's useless without a workboat and I'm building a galley for spy transports right now.

I think we should plant some cottages to increase our overall commerce. We can't steal effectively with such a lower espionage output. Also, we should build the Scotland Yard in Dump - it's about +30 EP right now as compared to +18 in the new capital.


  • Spying! AD-1070.CivBeyondSwordSave
    264.3 KB · Views: 83
Phewwww.. at least GK didn't get paper at the last second. Well.. no other news means no more great generals popped on that other continent. That's either good.. or bad. We'll have to find out later.

Our spy points may not seem so hot right now, but our discount is increasing turn by turn (at least it was during my set). And it SHOULD get much easier the longer we keep at it.

I'll take a look at your save now...
LOL @ Snowflake city spending 20 turns to build useless monastery. Why? Around that time it will be obsoleted anyway. Useless... better to just work gold.

Getting a scotland yard in Dump city is fine with me. This should enable us to get Education in less than 10 turns. Since GK was avoiding paper, there is a good shot we may be able to get it first and backfill.

I wonder, how long can we expect for our -1 diplo hit to go away... Also, since the last 2 or 3 times we gifted a city we got no bonus for relations.. why should we assume the next city gift will do anything?
I think it migh be 2 cities for +1 liberation with GK.

Snover is ... useless. I figured monastery to pop some borders for lack of anything better to do with it. Building wealth is fine by me.
I'll take a look tonight.

SY in the new capital is probably the best indeed.
We can replace a few farms with cottages in grown cities I guess... Need to check how much more whipping is required though.
Forget about any more cottages. They take too long to do anything, and no fin bonus. We have to go to war here, cotts will be useless.

I think we should put Hero Epic in Dump city. Start getting ready for an invasion.

Goal 1: get GK back to Friendly ASAP -> gift city in the north to minimize walking time [on horses it's the most crappy site]
Goal 2: get Education from WvO -> SY in Dump, focus on production=wealth=EP until that goal is met.
Goal 2a: backfill with GK (Civil Service, Machinery, Aesthetics?/Compass)
Goal 3: After the 2 above are done, start growing some cities again.

HE in Dump (after Aqueduct)
GT in GT obviously (most likely not in my set as I don't see myself getting Drama but you never know)
FP is to be saved for other continent hopefully. Hammers decay after 50 turns so now is still a bit early I feel.
Units decay in 10 turns, buildings in 50 turns, but don't Wonders have an even slower rate?

It would be nice to try to backfill along the optics route as well. Let's get our ass out over seas to see wtf is going on there.
I found some time to play until T180 after all this morning.

Good news:
Stole Education, Aesthetics, Litt

Bad news:
Gift City didn't produce +1 liberation
This guy showed up... 18 cities gulp

And revealed that GK has full hands. He's packing units next to us and has no boats. I feel safe to say this one is over.


  • Spying! AD-1200.CivBeyondSwordSave
    293.5 KB · Views: 49
Lurker's comment :
Willem has a +4 for sharing Brennus his favourite civic, so Genghis and Willem know the others for a long time.
Also, the diplo screen shows the worst enemy of Darius -> Brennus.
With some luck Genghis will go after someone at the other continent.

A good game and hopefully it will be continued...
Nice, a 22 city GK neighbor preparing for war and an unhappy 18 city Brennus abroad. Boy oh boy is this game gonna be tough. It probably would have been hard even without our variant...

At this point, I think we should just assume that GK is going for someone other than us. If he's going for us, we can't repel his monstrous 60 unit stack (or is it more now?) anyways. So I'd give up on pushing GK to friendly for now and just concentrate on getting to constitution/democracy/communism.
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