• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Department of Stupid Decisions

OK, so here is one decision we've made. Whomp asked me if I wanted to be POTKISS for a while, just to induce some confusion and have MIA believe that we're in trouble. Me as POTKISS, yes, that would spell trouble indeed :crazyeye:. Anyway, biz will commence as usual and this is just a move to (possibly) fool MIA. Scout was present at the making of this decision so it is deemed legal by Celtic Law.
Yeah, we have a great system, that's one of the rules. Like, rule #8 of our code of laws is "This is Great" - so it's just that great.
Beorn-eL-Feared said:
Yeah, we have a great system, that's one of the rules. Like, rule #8 of our code of laws is "This is Great" - so it's just that great.
Code of laws? I must read this. It's gotta be a scream.
POTKISS Daghie boy I recommend that Beorn's new law go into effect. Can I get another "yay" for adding rule #8 of our code of laws "This is Great" - so it's just that great.

Anarchy Laws

I would also like to suggest another one...there's plenty of laws discussing idiocy but none regarding grumpiness. I would suggest an additional law....:hmm:....how about law number.....um...how about...13?
Grumpiness means whacking somebody when no one is looking. True grumpiness is not an act, it is a habit. Live life grumpy and you're one step closer to Meleet.
I'll add a hearty 'Amen' to both of Whomp's proposals.

I would like to add another.

Law # whatever
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS

It probably goes without sayings, but what are a nation's laws except codified mores?
I thought this might help some of our new players understand where we are at in this game.
From Cliff Note said:
The nuts and bolts are we governed as an anarchy. No Rules are good rules.

We started the game making friends with MIA (greeks to our south on our continent) and sharing techs. Donuts (Iroquois) and TNT (Persia) had an early despotic GA war. This set both of them back a bit.

When our deal with MIA was done there was some controversy when they gifted TNT into the MA's so they could both share free techs due to their scientific trait. This angered us mightily.

We have made the right friends now in Donut. We have an agreement to share techs, research, defensive pact agreement till the end of the MA's.

In the meantime, we split borders and made peace for 50 more turns (known as the 1000 Monkey peace treaty which ends turn 165) with MIA just before April Fool's Day. April Fool's Day, a great day for all idiots really, :mischief: we declared war on TNT. They are now in a world of hurt because 2 or 3 turns ago Donut declared on them and are rambling through their jungle cities.

Ultimately this indirectly hurts MIA because their partner is toast. We are trying to get Donut to make MIA believe Donut is stabbing us in the back by trading with Donut. This is a developing situation.

Most of our diplomacy is done on IM. I'm at bawhompATyahooDOTcom if you want to hook us with some of us. The out of game activities are just as interesting as the in game activities. Recently, our Grumpy old men have played most of our turns. Scoutsout, Grahamiam and Bugsy.

Feel free to ask questions in any thread to get up to speed. Most of the threads you'd want to read are either stickied or have had posts within the last few weeks though some of the are pretty funny.
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