Did/Has anyone ever figured out what causes the 12kb bug?


Sep 25, 2014
New Zealand
Did/Has anyone ever figured out what caused the 12kb bug?
I've been working on it for awhiile now, Ive slowly built and add other mods to a test mod incrementally to see if I can replicate it and then isolate it, but to no avail thus far.:crazyeye:
So I thought I'd ask.:)
Hi LeeS

Oh Ok sorry for being so vague, I didn't realise it wasn't so common place.

Anyways I'm referring to the 12kb save bug that can occur sometimes with the odd mod when attempting to save and auto save, it doesn't happen with all mods but some mods are more frequent than others.

There also the reserve that can happen also ie: 3gb save but that doesn't seem to happen as often

Again sorry for being so vague
When you save (may it be autosave, quick, regular or the IGE auto save) the save file is generated in no time and is 12 ko in size.

When you try to load it it's unusable and the game crashes.

If you don't clear the cache and delete the corrupted saves it will happen again.

Another variant is that the game saves forever until you kill the process via the task manager.
In this case you find a save in size between 3GB and XX GB depending of how much time you took to kill the process or of how much place you have on the HDD.

The bug is completely elusive it will or will not happen, and there is no hint in the log files.

From my experience the gigabyte save game bug happens more often in late game stages.

Last but not least : with my mod if it's compiled as a DLC it seems that these bug does not happen!
I actually have never run into this issue, so I have no idea.
Does this only occur in modded games, or has anyone witnessed this happening in Vanilla / non-modded games as well?
From what I can tell it only happens on modded games and only with certain mod types

Through preliminary test I've done and it's only preliminary it seems to be associated with ship craft
ie possibly ships that aren't usually able to carry land units being able to carry land units,
or ships being created to carry land units or a correlation of to many land unit ship carriers and/or to many land units on said ships etc etc

but I'm a long way off from anything definitive yet hence why I thought I'd ask as you never know who may have encountered this problem and triumphed, without having to do the ol cache dump routine
The first case sounds like an exception that cancels saving but is caught and causes no crash.
The second case sounds like an endless loop during saving.
The first case sounds like an exception that cancels saving but is caught and causes no crash.
The second case sounds like an endless loop during saving.

yes it does seem like an exception doesn't it, as it's bouncing up the layers one of them catches it, but then i thought it would produce an error box to say so, and of course if it didn't catch it it would ctd.
Maybe something related to lua coding perhaps as it works very fast but not to great when things go wrong, from what i've gathered it lua code just panics and doesn't know what to do. hence no errors maybe.

Then how does one debug lua finding the one or two line of code that could produce this?

hmm certainly won't be a quick fix that forsure

thanks for your feedback Jaii der Herr
cheers mate ;)
Well can't say anything about that without knowing what mods might by involved.
But endless loops and or null-Pointer exceptions are the most common thing I'd look for.
You can put debug output in all involved lua files (I'd suggest to diff against the original files if any files are replaced) to get more information of what happens during save.
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