Direct2Drive "announces" "Double Civilization and Scenario Pack"

I have a british bank account / debit card, so I suppose I can buy it using that. But I'm in Hungary, which is not in the list. The question is will I be able to dowload the game from a hungarian IP address?
Does anybody have experience with a similar situation? Thanks.
If you can buy it, then you're fine. The actual download is through Steam, which is world wide. So if D2D accepts your payment, you're OK.
If they start having multiple civilizations that are inaccessible to regular versions of the game (and mutually exclusive to different game versions), then I am going to start getting angry about this.

Better start now, because this is pretty obviously what they are doing.

I bought the deluxe version which had babs and got the two first DLCs for free via D2D with $10 off so I'm ok for now.
Better start now, because this is pretty obviously what they are doing.

I bought the deluxe version which had babs and got the two first DLCs for free via D2D with $10 off so I'm ok for now.

One also has to wonder how balanced those civs will be.
So far they've only announced a single unique for Babylon, while every other civ has two uniques.
One also has to wonder how balanced those civs will be.
So far they've only announced a single unique for Babylon, while every other civ has two uniques.

You have to purchase the second unique for Babylon as additional DLC, MSRP at $9.99 USD...oh, and that goes for the unique ability as well. ;)
actually, I think the problem is buying the game and not downloading it. I couldn't buy GTAIV at D2D here in Brazil, but I was able to download it logging in with an account that had bought the game.

they'll check your IP when you try to place your order.

If you can buy it, then you're fine. The actual download is through Steam, which is world wide. So if D2D accepts your payment, you're OK.

Thank you for your replys. I was able to order/buy it using my PayPal account. I could download Civ III Complete, so I hope will be able to do so with Civ V as well :goodjob:
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