Discussion on Game Difficulty Classes, Structure of Civ3 GOTM/COTM

I know I am coming late to the discussion, but I think one of the relevant points is that sometimes Predator class 'penalties' are actually a bonus for more experienced players. Better unit support just means more leader fishing, etc. The loss of a luxury is probably the biggest real handicap. Although I always play 'open', I've sometimes looked at predator and thought it might actually work better than open for my planned game.

The problem with this is that new players rarely have the skill to actually capitalize off these 'penalties'. Most of them seem (to me, anyway) to be aimed at slowing down the fast conquests/domination players. Given that I rarely play for those victories, it would stand to reason that I would have a better chance to rank in predator than open (if there was no open).

In addition, for new players, predator may cause confusion/frustration. Predator civs often start with fewer techs or different unit cost structures, penalties to starting your GA, etc. I don't think that will encourage new players to join.

Opinion Piece:
Spoiler :
I think a change to the structure would be to pacify the players that are still playing rather than drawing in new players. If the goal of the change is to bring in new players, I would just leave things alone. If the goal is to make things easier for Civ_Steve in generating starts, calculating, ranking, etc. and appeasing the current players, then elimination of open would be okay. I would suggest a change to naming structure so that 'predator' becomes 'open'.
I like the idea of having some of the games have a longer time to complete. I know I've had a few games that weren't finished in time, and some more that almost didn't finish in time, so that could be beneficial.

I don't see why it's a problem if top players want to get the best scores.

To me, it seems like Open Class makes the least sense to get rid of, since it's the most common (or was when I last checked), and probably the easiest to set up?

My guess is Conquest class makes less of a difference as to whether new players start playing GOTM than the difficulty level of the current GOTM. It might make them more likely to try a higher level.

However, I am at most an occasional GOTM player, so don't weigh this too heavily.
2 weeks ago I wrote a message in this thread. It was not the right place sorry.

Anyway I thought it could be a nice thing to both suggest maps and help Steve (or maybe you don´t see it as a help Steve ?).

In mind, I would have a lot of fun playing as Vikings on a very small islands map (kind of having 100 islands with max possibility of 3 or 4 cities per island).

Any thoughts about it ?
If open class be removed the field will be decimated by about 50 percent. :nono:
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