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Divine Intervention III: RagnarReign of Terror

Ehhh....Here`s a definition:

In winter, seawater freezes and forms a crust of ice called "pack ice". The area of floating ice, which makes up much of the ice cap in the Arctic Ocean, expands during winter to cover about 5% of the northern oceans and 8% of the southern oceans.

Pack ice consists of ice that formed both at sea and as fast ice (locked to the shore). It can be very flat (because the ocean is flat), but it is usually covered with very rough areas caused by the movement of sheets of ice against one other. These pressure ridges can increase the thickness of the ice from just a few inches or centimeters to tens of meters (many feet) thick.

Although pack ice moves with ocean currents and wind, it is not free-floating like ice-floes, and it is not always continuous. At times it can be very broken, with leads (cracks of open water) opening up without warning. The leads then refreeze, adding new ice throughout the winter.


In sum, it moves alot and doesnt last long.
vra: You may want to work in units of 50 when it comes to turns played...
here, i'll go ahead and post the save... i have to get ready for school, but there is a story coming for this save... i just don't have time to do it right now... you'll get to read it around 10-10:30 EST


  • DivIntElona3.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Elona sat atop a lonely island mountain. From her perch, she could see the rich, fertile lands that once were her own. A shaking hand wiped at the endless stream of tears the poured from her eyes and down her cheeks. So numerous were her tears, that a river had formed running down the edge of the mountain. Her home, her home... gone... gone!!!

How had this happened? Elona, a goddess, ousted from her home by a mortal king. It had been night when it happened. They had come at night while she was away. The goddess of nature had a large domain to maintain and she had to spend much time away. Too much time away. When she had returned weary and ready for sleep she had found her once-home in the hands of barbarians, but she had lost something far more precious than her palace, than her garden, something she had not mentioned to Ragnar. She couldn’t tell him because she couldn’t. She couldn’t because it hurt too much. Elona put her head in her hands and let out a low moaning wail. That day had been like any other. She had walked through the garden, smiled, laughed, and at the end of the day, she had tucked her daughter into bed. When had returned she had no home, but worse, she had lost her daughter.

Without her garden, Elona’s powers had diminished, but even so she would have had the power to defeat these mere mortals. She had killed many on her return and then come face to face with the evil king who had dared steal her paradise. He had her daughter by the hair, a knife to her throat. He told her that if he so much as felt a breeze in her forest that seemed strange Elainas would die. Any divine interference and she would die. That is why she needed Ragnar, perhaps if it was a mortal who came to steal the island the king would not suspect.

But Ragnar was taking too long! While he muddled about in his earthly wars, building his reputation and filling his coffers, her garden was dying, her daughter was dying. Was it not she who had first revealed her divine presence to Ragnar? Was it not she who had first commanded him on this quest. It was time to remind him that she was to be followed and obeyed. She decided it was time to send him a messenger, two, in fact, one to help him progress and build his wisdom and one to help him build his strength and lead him to war. She sent them with this message. “You are to go to my garden without fail and liberate my palace and all within it. If you travel north and west following the mountain islands in the north of the Central Sea you will find my home. If you start on this quest, commit to it earnestly, and ask me for aid it shall be given to the best of my power and only for this quest. You will be rewarded when it is complete, but I grow impatient. Go now!!!”

As she sat on her island waiting for her messengers to arrive and Ragnar’s quest to finally begin, a message came to her. The God Eldarion was calling for a council on this island of Liberi. He too had plans for the Viking king. He promised her aid. Elona looked to the south west. Aid from the divine could be the end of her daughter’s life, but she must do what she could and she must protect her own interests when it came to Ragnar’s destiny. Wiping the tears from her cheeks, she stood and left her island.
I know that for whatever reason, the gods have blessed a few individuals with Immortality. Some of them are obvious. Our Lord Ragnar, for example, is clearly divinely directed in his Leadership. It appears that others exist, such as myself, to keep a record of all that occurs in their divine realm.

King Ragnar approached me today, inquiring about the construction of a great building storing all the knowledge of the known world. I asked him why he was so interested in books all of a sudden, and he said something rather curious in response.

"Would you rather fight the wench with a stick or an axe?"

I, of course, iterated that I was in no mood to engage in combat with anyone, but his point was clear; the smarter you fight, the better you fight, and he wanted a place where the brightest could "make him better axes", as he put it. I did not question his orders and began making arrangements for the building to be built in Uppsala.


Two messengers approached our King today, sent by the Goddess of Nature. A rather ill-tempered swordswoman and a bumbling old man.

Spoiler :

They came to emphasize the importance of Ragnar's adherance to their matron's quest. Ragnar made something of a show of agreeing with them before immediately sending the woman, by the name of Eldaireth, off to the front lines of battle. Meanwhile, the old man, a very knowledgable fellow, began a process of enlightening our thinking men with Philosophical topics. Although Ragnar was not interested, I listened, and found it all quite fascinating. I, in fact, penned a book on the subject and plan on putting it into the Library once it has been completed.

Meanwhile, our troops press deeper into Russia, beginning a seige on the city of Novgorod. It takes us a mere three days before the city is ours, and we construct a monument to our Lord Ragnar to impress the populus.

Spoiler :


The citizens of Rostov have learned of these ideals, the ones taught by the old man of Elona, and have started a Religion in her name. The city has taken the moniker of New Elona, and the religion is spreading.

The Coastal cities are prospering. We have begun the construction of a Forge in Eldarion to assist in the making of the Statue he asks of us. Meanwhile, as barbarians begin raiding our shores, the Happy Wanderer makes short work of them


A few years have passed since I last wrote. There has been much upheaval in the Kingdom with the advent of the new war. Our King Ragnar had made peace with Catherine after sacking Novgorod, but he seemed restless. The portugeuse had been charging tariffs for taxes passing through their land on the road we had built between Uppsala and Nidaros.

I remember a conversation...

"My Lord, you must concentrate on the Goddess' Quest!" an Elonan Priest urged, pestering our Lord. "These petty money issues are secular pleasures that we do not need!"

"SILENCE!" he cried, as a few others began clamoring around him. When the King called for silence, only the unwise did not oblige. "I am Ragnar. I am not a coward. When a man threatens my people's livelihood, I kill that man. I have sworn to protect their interests. When I build a road, I may charge people to use that road. If you built a road, what would you do if I told you that you must pay me to use it?"

"It's two completely different issues, si- Aaaargghhh!"

The King had snatched a poker from the fire, and whipped it around in one smooth motion, impacting the priest on the knee, which promptly shattered. Falling into a protective ball, the priest screamed and kept screaming, but the King looked over the rest of his advisors.

"We go to war. I am not a tool of the Divine. And their servants are not immortal. When we are in times of peace, I am more than happy to complete their requests as long as it benefits the people of the land. Portugal threatens my people, and so we will break its knees."


Although slow-going, victory against the Portugeuse was steady. It was not long before Ragnar looked over a clamoring crowd of a different crowd. Joao had left Lisbon before his army had cleared the walls, but the Governor had shared a much more gruesome fate. Ragnar held his head high above the balcony of the palace, and roared.

"We have defeated the Tyrant that is Portugal. As I have promise, tomorrow we begin our march to Paradise!"

And thirty thousand vikings roared beneath him.

Spoiler :

Far, far away, as the Library neared completion, a boy was born, and it was said that a blizzard refused to strike Uppsala so that the boy could sleep soundly. A prophet, they called him, a messenger from Eldarion.


I spoke to my King as he was settling down for another rest, after years of war and bloodshed.

"What will you do when you reach the Garden?"

He paused for a very long time, and settled into his bed.

"I will have her make me an axe."

World Recap:

Spoiler :

Ragnar saw a large man in full body armor coming at him from the horizon. This stranger drew a sword and before Ragnar could reply, put it at Ragnar's throat. Ragnar said “You fool! You cannot kill me!”he shouted.

The stranger replied “I am not the fool here it seems. I am Alator, god of war and you would do well to listen to my words for if you do not, you shall feel my wrath. You see I like war and bloodshed and since your war against Portugal has been very one-sided, they have (with my help) built a fortress capital city which is garrisoned much stronger than before as well as large legion of axeman near their former capital. Also they have received two very powerful weapons Bane and Pale although they cannot be used yet. You will take the fortress and destroy the weapons unless you wish to see their destructive power tested on your cities. After you have taken the city you will sacrifice a great prophet to me in return for your rudeness.

With that Alator disappeared leaving Ragnar quite alone...

Spoiler :
Two City Garrison 3 Archers added to Portugal's current capital as well as walls and a castle (I know not of the current era but it makes the quest much more difficult as well as not being game breaking). He has conscripted an army of inexperienced troops near his former capital as well. Finally two ICBM's(Also I know not of the current era but it gives an idea of the punishment should the quest not be completed as well as not being a unit or spoiling future gameplay) have been placed in the current capital with the instructions not to be used. (world builder edit unit AICITYDEFENSE, and the AI cannot use them)

/\ Not for Forest's eyes /\


  • TheForestAuro AD-0445.CivBeyondSwordSave
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  • ping0000.JPG
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In this post, ALL Spoilers, are not for Forest's eyes.

Spoiler For Elona :

@Elona: Did you put a whale near the Garden? I missed that whale!!

Anyway... if the borders pop, then I guess your garden is suddenly going to be a... lot stronger :p Also, while on that topic... did you know that you can WB in palaces in Barbarian cities? I didn't. I wonder what will happen?? It sounds epic :p

But firstly the borders must pop before Forest comes in an captures the Garden...!

I will make my comments now, and I will edit it as soon as the person who has got it replies with the save :p

Ragnar awoke with a start. He heard a terrible rumbling, coming from his trophy room. Expecting theives in there, he grabbed his battle-axe, and charged into the room.

Immediately after opening the door he was blinded, by a herd of glowing ivory elephant-dolls, no more than 5 centimeters high (Yes... the ancient Vikings used metric... they were smart Vikings :p), but all glowing with the ferociousness of the sun.

"Shield your eyes. Cover yourself in your sheets, or you shall surely die!" the elephant said. Ragnar new that Gods almost never turned down thier promises, and obliged.

"Who... or WHAT, are you?"

"I am Digit, Lord, and God of Entropy. And Ragnar... you have NOT gained my favor... not yet. For the Dutch empire has freed me, and now I must obey my pact. I am not like the other gods... I do not give bountiful fields of my chosen resource... but I do give power. Raw, unadultorated power. Alas, my power will harm your people, and your land.

Gain favor with the Dutch, and you may gain favor with me, if my ... vessels ... the great sea-beasts that swallowed me, are allowed entry into your lands, and your ports. But be warned... although I still lack the power to destroy anyone who attacks the Dutch, I have given much power to the Dutch... much power. So feel free to invade the Dutch for thier sea-beasts, but do so at your own risk."

Ragnar looked at the glowing elephant, through his sheets. "My people and land will be harmed because of you... what methods can be used to heal the land?"

"The damage that I will, accidentally, do to your land will be temporary. But... if you can secure a new source of Ivory, from a foriegn trade, then you can be assured that any damage done to your lands in the future will be negligable. I will gift you a new source of Ivory, my greatest of Land Beasts, on a tile that has a town. If you choose to hunt these Elephants BEFORE you trade for some more, then you will not be able to trade for a second source of Ivory. I demand proof that you are trading for Ivory, however... and after that proof is given, then you may resume hunting again. All other sources of Ivory have been... replaced. They will be returned to you in time (100 turns)

And more damage, there will be. Within a few more hundred years, your land will be destroyed twice more, and then in a few thousand years, you will face weapons far greater than you can even imagine!! Only I can protect you in this time."

Spoiler Effects of quests, and changes :
When I get around to it, this is what will happen.

#1: Fallout will appear every 3 tiles between the Viking capital, and the Dutch capital (I will avoid Forest wherever possible, but I will try and land on Jungle, as well). From my previous game, it is appeared that fallout has a half-life of around 15 turns at a normal speed (probably 30 turns in a epic speed), which means by the next update, the fallout will have almost all gone. If I am mistaken, then all lands that are touched by fallout will be replaced with a forest/grassland, and the 'best' improvement will be built on it (Including farms / cottages / workshops). But I doubt I am.

#2: A second source of Whale appears on a Dutch Coastal city, furtherest away from the Vikings.

Quest #1: If the Vikings get this source of Whale (or a source of whale), then they will be able to unlock better bonuses for thier quests, and the damage dealt by me will be reduced to zero, forever. BUT, once the advent of ... whatever tech obsoletes Whale appears, that deal is cancelled. The easiest way to do this is to trade for whale. Alternatively, they can destroy the Dutch... but that will be hard at the moment...

#3: The Dutch, if they have Ivory, gain 8 War Elephants. If they don't, they only gain 3. These War Elephants are all promoted to Combat III... but without Combat I or II. This allows them to use blitz REALLY quickly, once they get promoted.

#4: The Roman source of Whale has been removed. I am the God of Entropy, which implies balance. I will never give someone something, without taking something away.

#5 (And quest #2): All source of Ivory within Viking borders have been destroyed, and replaced with furs on Plains. In 100 turns, all Plains / Furs will be returned to Grassland / Ivory. An Ivory source has been placed on a town. In 100 turns, that Ivory will be destroyed. If it is hunted, then the tile will be replaced with barren (IE. Non-floodplain, even if riverside) desert. If the Vikings manage to grab an Ivory source from trade, then no more fallout will EVER be placed on his cultural boundries, and, upon reaching the Modern Era (I could do it in the Industrial Era, but that would be mean :p), the SDI would be constructed in his capital, for free (Probably). Fallout placed by OTHER gods, however, WON'T be removed, and the same inaction will occur if some other civilisation nukes the Vikings.

Its a little more than I expected... but I will sit out in the next turnset :p

[SPOILER="@Civman]I understand that you need ICBMs to show the power of failing the quest... but I sure hope you are not going to LAUNCH those ICBMs :p That would be defying the rules!! (Plus, it would be rather... insane! At least, this early in the game. Finally, it would be hard to force the AI to launch them at the appropiate target :p)

But feel free to do any... non-nuclear damage :p[/SPOILER]
"Ragnar awaken" spoke the voice in the night. "You have failed me Ragnar. You let the friendship of my people wane. Reconsider, before it becomes to late. Convert to my religion. Share in the joy of gold that I have begun to share with you. Send pilgrims to my new holiest of cities, Carthage. Do not fail again Ragnar else the consequences will be... massive ;)"

Change list to come later.

Could somebody please delete the massive change I made to punish. I regret them, but don't have time now. I'll be back in two hours so Forest please don't play until then unless you want a nasty surprise.


  • TheForestAuro AD-0445.CivBeyondSwordSave
    313.3 KB · Views: 73

Geez... I missed it the first 2 times by a few seconds. Finally, I can do my stuff :D

[Edit] Here is the save. Note: I didn't TOTALLY remove the Runners punishment (if he wants to, then he can say so, and I, or someone else, will do it for him)

HOWEVER, I did tweak several things.

Spoiler Nor for Forests Eyes :

#1: The two southern-most Punishers (War Elephants) (Combat I-V, Drill I-IV, Woodsman III, Navigation I&II, and either Shock, or Morale) have been removed out-right.

#2: The North-Western Punisher has been weakened, to just Combat I-V (Losing Shock, Navigation I&II, and Woodsman III)

#3: The North-Eastern Punisher, has been moved 1 tile East (away from the Worker), and gains just the promotions Drill I-IV, and Woodsman III (losing Shock, Navigation I, and some Combat Promotions)

#4: All Punishers become lvl 20, meaning that they lose the ability to gain extra promotions from combat.

#5: My fallout has been changed from once every 3 tiles, to once every 2 tiles. As it was, I could rig it so that it avoided all worked tiles. In addition (and this penalises the Dutch), fallout has landed on Grassland Farms, instead of peaks)

Are those changes OK Runner?

Spoiler My 10-turn demo, again, Forest... you aren't allowed to look >:( :
Actually... those jumbos are laughably easy to destroy... I destroyed both Jumbos with only 3 spearmen... I might, with your permission, add in 2 more Punishers, in the original locations, and promote one to Combat I-V + Shock, and the other to Drill IV, Woodsman III instead!! (with your permission). It isn't hardly that bad.

The Islam thing is harder to undo, and more significant too... And it is going to make a continent of pure peace >.<
I had a nice idea, but there are already so many gods I feel it won't be interesting because sooo diluted... May I suggest a limit on the number of gods if next game there should be? ;)
Flip a non-acted god the idea, Juju, or do it yourself! These changes are sounding insane, though...

Would get it, but I got something happening that will disrupt me making changes real soon
@ digitcruncher

Yeah those changes are fine.

Also @ digitcruncher
Spoiler :

I didn't give everyone all islam. Whoever's south of the other continent doesn't have it and I didn't add it to about 1/3 of the main continent cities. I did it mainly to be a big boost to carthage who got the holy city. I think it might be to big so carthage might "offend" me soon and a lot of islam will disapper to balance it out.
Grabbing it for a second...

See what has been done before, the child is saddened. "Those weapons should never be made, not by mortal hands, not by our hands. You, oh god of war who has given them to a people! I rend your lands fallow, and strip them of the keeping of knowledge! Those weapons are not to be revealed again, under the pain of suffering and remorse. Let not this world burn under them."

Spoiler :
The Isle de Liberi has been added to a little (Barb Settler and Worker), and Joao's lands have lost all pastures and farms, as well as a Mine. His cities also no longer hold Libraries due to a "mysterious earthquake".
@Digit - ((Um... you do know that entropy means chaos and not balance, right? Second law of thermodynamics - all states left unto themselves tend towards a maximum state of entropy, i.e. disorder.))
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