Divine Intervention Resurrection Bullpen: The New Garden of the Gods


Thought Bubble Thinker
Apr 4, 2010
The New Garden of the Gods: Divine Intervention Resurrection Bullpen

This is a place where we (the gods) will discuss about DIR without clogging the game forums.


Current Game: DIR I: The wrath of Khan:http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=364181

Originally posted by TheForestAuro
The Eleven Commandments of Deityhood

I.Thou shalt announce your intentions.
--(Be sure to "got it" so we don't run into continuim errors. We reserve the right to ignore not announced updates)

II. Thou shalt not Intervene if you were the last deity to intervene, and thou shalt only intervene once per waking
--(You may only intervene once per my update, and you must wait for another God to intervene before intervening again.)

III. Thou shalt not reveal the secrets of knowledge or the heavens to mortals.
--(No units or techs should be revealed to any civilization if they are not in the current or previous era of the player)

IV. Thou shalt not use your powers for cataclysmic destruction
--(Remember, less is more. Be subtle. It is far more interesting for everyone if you make subtle, interesting changes like forming a choke with mountains than if you just tear giant swathes of ice through my cities. I reserve the right to reject saves I think are unnecessarily apocalyptic.)

V. Thou shalt reveal yourself to the mortal with grace.
--(Everyone loves a good story, and if you decide to contribute to it, be creative! Choose a name and domain [i.e., Winston, the Sea God] that you govern, even if the characters don't know it's you acting)

VI. Thou shalt not be vindictive, and thou shalt not halt progress.
--(You are not allowed to strip techs away from me. Anything I research is mine permanently. You are also not allowed to remove any named unit, for any reason.)

VII. Thou shalt not be unnecessarily nice to the puny mortal.
--(I do not need a stack of thirty Level 9 Praetorians to win my fights. You do not need to fill my BFC with flood-plain grassland goldmine hills next to rivers. The only exception to this is if you genuinely make me work my ass off to get it, and even then it not ought to be as good as the dream city outlined above.)

VIII. Thou shalt reward him for piety, and thou shalt offer him redemption for his punishments.
--(If you give me a quest and I succeed, reward me! If it was easy don't give me a big bonus, and if it was hard I am going to be miffed if I get another Great Prophet for all my hard work. Likewise, if you punish me, tell me how I can fix it!)

IX. Thou shalt not war with the other gods. Much.
--(Obviously there's going to be some strife between those who would support The Kahn's Conquest, and those who would seek to protect the world from his tyranny. Having said that, Gods are not allowed to reverse the effects of an intervention without waiting for the update after the effects have been felt. This includes quests. In fact, you would do well to leave the other god's quests alone entirely. If you want me to do yours instead, make it more interesting or more lucritive)

X. Thou shalt obey the natural order of things, and of time, and of destiny.
--(There is a storyline going on here. Do try and fit in. Do not take great lengths to completely detract from it. Be smart.)

XI. Thou shalt not abuse your architectural omniscient nature.
--(Don't add wonders that don't already exist.)


Q: Another God has already edited the save this turn. Can I do it too?
A: Yes, but you may not undo their changes. Take their save and edit it. Also, you may only edit once per turn.

Q: I have this cool idea that only slightly violates your rules, but it's really cool!
A: Just keep in mind I have the ability to reject any save I deem over-the-top.
My thoughts on Canon:

Main Canon:

My interpretation of the DIR universe comes from one of the last lines in PaulusIII's DI game:

Originally posted by Paulus III
He held a speech from the balcony, delivering a stirring eulogy about the accomplishments of Pacal, Asoka, Elizabeth and Isabella. He emphasized that it was the time that humanity forged its own fate, and that Greece would take every measure to ensure peace and freedom in the world. His final words were of outer space... it would not remain unknown for long. A Greek mission would soon be under way, as well as an Indian and a Spanish mission.

He did not seem to create another world, instead he seemed to rule over the world which was free from the beast. He also seemed to go into outer space.

So my ideas are as follows:

When the immortal wins/loses, these things happen:

Conquest Win (without vassals): All the immortals except the player's one are dead, producing enough energy to destroy The Beast.

Conquest Win (with vassals): All the immortals except the player's are kidnapped and sacrificed, creating enough energy to destroy The Beast.

Diplomacy Win: All the immortals except the player's sacrifice themselves to save their world from the beast, creating enough energy to destroy The Beast.

Domination or Cultural Win: The player's leader gets enough energy from the power of their cities/culture to destroy the beast, gaining world approval making them the leader.

Space Win: The space ship evacuates all of the citizens of the planet (or only some of them!) before the world gets destroyed by the beast, making the citizens space refugees.

Gets Killed: The world gets taken over by beast worshipers and they do nothing to stop the beast, so the world gets destroyed

Space Loss: Beast worshipers send a rocket to the sun that makes it explode, destroying everything.

Time Expires (Win or Lose): The Beast gets enough power to kill everyone!

Any Other Loss: A beast worshiper gets a whole lot of power from his cities/culture which he/she gives to the beast, making the beast destroy the world.

After that happens the people of the planet go into a space age. The story focuses on another world which has it's own version of The Beast, which is still in the early stages of civilisation. Immortals are sometimes repeated in other worlds for one of three reasons. If the immortal won by anything but space, the new immortal is a representation of his/her influence on the universe. If the immortal won by space, the new immortal is then with all the people who were evacuated from the dying planet. They crash landed on this new planet and all their technology is broken. They have to start their civilisation all over again! If the immortal lost, then it is a case of Divine Intervention or the said immortal escaping the doomed planet on a rocket!

So what do you think? (BTW these are only suggestions not guidelines on what DIR should be.)

Another Reservation

Reserved again
The new Garden of the Gods! Woooh! Olympus ahoy :)
My thoughts on Canon:

Main Canon:

My interpretation of the DIR universe comes from one of the last lines in PaulusIII's DI game:

He did not seem to create another world, instead he seemed to rule over the world which was free from the beast. He also seemed to go into outer space.

So my ideas are as follows:

When the immortal wins/loses, these things happen:

Conquest Win (without vassals): All the immortals except the player's one are dead, producing enough energy to destroy The Beast.

Conquest Win (with vassals): All the immortals except the player's are kidnapped and sacrificed, creating enough energy to destroy The Beast.

Diplomacy Win: All the immortals except the player's sacrifice themselves to save their world from the beast, creating enough energy to destroy The Beast.

Domination or Cultural Win: The player's leader gets enough energy from the power of their cities/culture to destroy the beast, gaining world approval making them the leader.

Space Win: The space ship evacuates all of the citizens of the planet (or only some of them!) before the world gets destroyed by the beast, making the citizens space refugees.

Gets Killed: The world gets taken over by beast worshipers and they do nothing to stop the beast, so the world gets destroyed

Space Loss: Beast worshipers send a rocket to the sun that makes it explode, destroying everything.

Time Expires (Win or Lose): The Beast gets enough power to kill everyone!

Any Other Loss: A beast worshiper gets a whole lot of power from his cities/culture which he/she gives to the beast, making the beast destroy the world.

After that happens the people of the planet go into a space age. The story focuses on another world which has it's own version of The Beast, which is still in the early stages of civilisation. Immortals are sometimes repeated in other worlds for one of three reasons. If the immortal won by anything but space, the new immortal is a representation of his/her influence on the universe. If the immortal won by space, the new immortal is then with all the people who were evacuated from the dying planet. They crash landed on this new planet and all their technology is broken. They have to start their civilisation all over again! If the immortal lost, then it is a case of Divine Intervention or the said immortal escaping the doomed planet on a rocket!

So what do you think? (BTW these are only suggestions not guidelines on what DIR should be.)

That's all very well and good, but surely, first time back, we should keep things simple, like in the very first one, to get things going once again, before over-complicating it with different rule systems etc. Let all the complex ideas come in the storytelling!
I always thought that the whole beast thing never needed to be a constant theme. I think it would be far more interesting to see new dangers every time around.
The basic history of the beast was that it was the growing energies that were in opposition to the divine energy thrown around by the gods right?

Even if we are not repeating the beast backstory i do have a question. Quite simple... Who was the first god? the beast follows the destruction of the world and continues to contaminant it in new ways but was there a first god that caused the evolution of the beast? perhaps humans lead to immortals and the first immortals killed untill they ascended and become god uno, first, ein etc.
I would find a world without an overdeity far more interesting than one with. All of this, perhaps, came about as a natural evolution in deific energies.
No overdiety then, i was just wondering if it was part of the beast-backstory that i'd missed.

The so-called Beast is only there to play the part of the penultimae antagonist correct? I'm sure something similer could be created to provide conflict without it being the same.
No overdiety then, i was just wondering if it was part of the beast-backstory that i'd missed.

The so-called Beast is only there to play the part of the penultimae antagonist correct? I'm sure something similer could be created to provide conflict without it being the same.

I think that the idea of "a beast" should be utilized in every game, but only in the loosest sense.

A beast can be anything from an actual Cthulhu-esque horror or something as impersonal as a sun about to go nova. One thing that has to be consistant about it is that the gods can't fix it without the immortal's help.

The problem about predefining endings or conditions is that it takes some of the mystery out of the game. Perhaps several beast-like endings may present themselves. Only one will be the true threat, however!

I just want to propose an Idea that I had.
It involves having a different ending other that "the beast." but similar.

I propose that the hole created in the planets surface when the Lizardmind escaped from the underworld destabilized the crust of the planet and so the planet starts to deteriorate and the surface of the planet starts changing in accordance with this.

This would lead to the time limit being also being more dynamic as the habitable area of the planet would become less and less leading to more wars for survival. You would have to be constantly looking out for the pest parts of the land to decided who you go to war with.

Just my Idea:)
Nope, this is where you talk about either the concept of divine intervention or the DI games in general. It's also where you can get info on the old games or see if there is any interest in a new one popping up.

At the moment there is only one DI game in play and it was a bit too much action packed and not enough story weaving for the old crowd. I believe someone was trying to start up another FFH as well but seeing as that was a month or so ago, and no word recently, i think it faded away.
Nope, this is where you talk about either the concept of divine intervention or the DI games in general. It's also where you can get info on the old games or see if there is any interest in a new one popping up.

At the moment there is only one DI game in play and it was a bit too much action packed and not enough story weaving for the old crowd. I believe someone was trying to start up another FFH as well but seeing as that was a month or so ago, and no word recently, i think it faded away.

ok, thx
You know, I am slightly dissapointed with mega changes some of the new crowd is doing. I am not taking names, but what happened with just one free Great Scientist, or a new, resource, or growth of forests, or just adding a few courthouses?

I got chaotic... :crazyeye:
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