Divine Intervention Resurrection I: The Wrath of Khan

((That would not be a good idea, Ilduce.))
I will add the barbarians. (Can I add my god child, the musket with every promotion)

Nice idea, but I would rather the overseas Civs to be removed of all advanced Techs/Units/Buildings/Wonders and then have them hit by barbarian hordes so they don't retech back. Maybe we should make them hate each other as well so they don't be super teching buddies. I don't want them to be completely destroyed by your God Child. (But nice idea though :).)

BTW, could everyone please edit by Friday (GMT -10)



Got it. I am Hadrin, Deity of Life and Death.

Hadrin, Lord of Life and Death awoke from his long sleep. He last saw the American race prospering. But when he looked down from the sky, he saw them gone.

Gods only for that spoiler.
Spoiler :
I resurrected the Americans, but only 1 city. I did not see anything that blocked me from doing so. Also added some resources near whale coast.

And a Quest for the mortal. There is a great cache of wealth near the Whale Coast. Send these resources to the capitol before the age of Rifles and you shall be rewarded, not only with that wealth, but with a special surprise.
Is everyone ok? I've only had one edit, I need more than that to play!

I'd love to play next week, please get your edits done by Monday! (GMT -10)
((I've barely posted in the last month or two, so I can't really be said to be participating any more.))
I don't have access to the internet on my civilization computer. if you want to wait 2 weeks, I will edit it.

You can ask some one to edit for you if you want. :D
Ok, right,
Spoiler :

add 7 barbarian grenadiers for every city in the other continent. spread them out, and change the script to AI_City_Attack, or whatever its called. Also add a barbarian trireme right outside my holy city.
Is everyone alright? I’ve only had one update and one update request. Looking forward to update.

@CivRulesAll: Could you do ilduce’s edits for him? Thanx :goodjob:

I would, but my sister went off to her college and took my BTS disk with her accidentally. So, i'll have to wait til it comes back in the mail. Sorry.
Here are the edits then :)

Ninja, do not read.
Spoiler :
Did ilduce's requested edits, then as technically ilduce did something, i did another thing. (decided americans might as well have been stronger. The other continent AI are as good as dead.

Now that there have been 3 edits, you can easily play, right? (I edited, the technichally ilduce edited and did something else.)
CivRulesAll: Thanx :goodjob:. But, have you removed the advanced Units/Buildings/Wonders/Techs so the Civs don’t kill me!

I’ll update soonish.
If it isn’t to much trouble could somebody please edit out the advanced Wonders? I just think it would be better than if they were razed.

The sands of time. As they flow even the greatest civilizations crumble.

Ok modern wonders are gone and suffice to say they won't be building them any time soon..
Spoiler :
Big edit here: I removed the modern wonders and also removed all tech from all civs on the other island. This is a big intervention and I don't really like it myself but it's the only way besides from declaring the game death in my opinion.


  • Genghis Khan AD-1700 Stones and Sticks.CivBeyondSwordSave
    598.3 KB · Views: 67
Hey, how do i post a save, i want to be a god too

EDIT: Also, HOW DO I UPLOAD THE SAVE!!! evertime i finish downloading it, it sends to warlords and the save isnt there!!! and when i start up complete, the save is STILL not there! HELP! It also deleted all my exsiting saves!!! OMG! That file is CRUSED!!!
(P.S. i have the complete verison)
johnfalcon99977: When you reply, (not a quick reply a full one) there is a button that says “Manage Attachments”. When you click on it there is a upload button. I don’t know why it would download strangely. It should go to wherever stuff downloads to (I own a Mac, so unless you own a Mac I have no idea where stuff should download to.)

BTW, I started playing and a very strange thing happened. The Barbarians were the first to discover Liberalism :lol:. Also I found some more advanced units (some barb post astronomy ships and some barb rifles.). I think what’s happened is that Ducism (AKA the Super Duper Taoism HC) has probably pushed the Barb tech rate up so much that they have got lots of advanced units.

Could some one get rid of the advanced units? And the Barb techs? That would be great.

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