DLNESI - Godwin's Law: Preview

Soviet Union wouldn't work: not until things start to go terribly wrong anyway, until then it's all in one man's hands.

China, meanwhile, is too much of a mess, and at the same time quite overshadowed. Ultimately not worth the effort, given how little it was able to accomplish during the war, and for good reason.

I insist on Third Reich-Commonwealth-Greater Japanese Empire.
I want the French :p.

Seeing that you'll most likely just smack that idea, if opened up I'll take a russian conscript :).

Well see if people want the French instead of the British then we'll have the French. :p

So far though Germany seems like a must. Like, how can you have WWII without Germany? But the other (European) power can be decided.

Of course we could always go with the original idea, which was to cram everyone into one country and have some major drama. You know, like who gets promoted and why and who can brownnose the best and all that fun stuff.
Of course we could always go with the original idea, which was to cram everyone into one country and have some major drama. You know, like who gets promoted and why and who can brownnose the best and all that fun stuff.

Like pull ranks on each other. Write home to Hitler whining. And stuff.
France isn't really all that useful, not only because it will fall but also because it played a somewhat insignificant role in the term of sheer initiative. What did the French leaders ultimately do, on the world scale? What could they have done even had France survived?

Britain, ultimately, is a must: because it had a presence in both theatres, was distinctly concerned with both and undertook the most initiatives on both. The Soviet Union and the USA ultimately were more important in the terms of sheer power, but the British were more important in the terms of initiative, which seems to be the primary matter here.

Japan is, come to think of it, possibly not a must have; still, it is very interesting, and the most obvious nation after the former two. To add Japan would be to elevate the international part of the game above the mere duel of German action and British counter-action, adding an uncertain factor that the Germans try to bring in on their side and the British try to either distract or contain.
Sounds interesting... I'd be partial to Hjalmar Schlact, Porsche, or some other influential industrialist. Or if just restricted to the military, Alfred Jodl.

Either way it's obvious where my loyalties will lie ;).

EDIT: Or, if Japan's in the picture... maybe someone over in the far east.
Actually, if I turn out to have the time after all and nobody clearly better comes along, I might be interested in Mr. Hitler. ;) I think I can get into the right mindset well enough. :evil:
So what is this exactly? You are anyone in the country? I don't understand the exact restrictions.
You are anyone of importance, i.e. a minister, a general, an admiral, a head of some sufficiently major state organisation, etc.

Though it may be best to restrict the initial sign-ups to the higher echelons of power and some of the more important opposition factions if such are allowed; then, once those are more or less filled up, allow the lesser positions to be taken. Ofcourse, we are talking of de facto power and not de jure here; the Japanese Prime Minister is, as of 1939, relatively negligible.
You are anyone of importance, i.e. a minister, a general, an admiral, a head of some sufficiently major state organisation, etc.

Though it may be best to restrict the initial sign-ups to the higher echelons of power and some of the more important opposition factions if such are allowed; then, once those are more or less filled up, allow the lesser positions to be taken. Ofcourse, we are talking of de facto power and not de jure here; the Japanese Prime Minister is, as of 1939, relatively negligible.

It would honor me to serve alongside Das as Der Führer! Any suggestions for positions (not high ranking generals, too much responsibility :p) that you need filled? Perhaps Hess, my Industrialist positions I inquired about before?

Japanese Emperor, or one of the high ranking military oligarchs, would be interesting too.

EDIT: Japan is tricky to pin power on... there's enough debate as it is. I guess it'd allow the Emperor to have his historic struggles with the military government.
Struggles with the military elite aren't nearly as fun as the struggles within. There's Army vs. Navy, and there's the actual centralised imperial staff vs. the generals in China, and the generals in China vs. each other, and so forth. It's lots of fun. ;)

I don't think you actually meant Hess given that he's not an industrialist, but sure, I could find some use for Hess. Just don't you run off to Scotland on me. :p
I will play the British if you get enough players to start this up, although I will have to check to see exactly who...
I will join this, of course. A few questions though...

1. What kind of map setup? Regular?
2. How do you send orders for a character?
3. Wouldn't the head of state of Britain/Germany/Japan have to be taken at all times for NES purposes?
4. How do you and weird-name-boy plan on divvying up the mod responsibilities?

I would like a spot in whatever needs it, probably Britain :D

If by some miracle you guys get BirdNES2 level signups, you might want to expand to 4 ;) Britain, Germany, Japan, and the US (US has plenty of factionalism, including the whole Nazi youth movement, isolationists, etc.)

Oh, and I would consider extending the NES past its WW2 end if it makes it there...it would likely be wildly popular by then and we would have to burn you at the stake if you stopped it too abruptly. :mischief:
USA had plenty of factionalism but little in the way of genuinely influential intrigue, not in the political area anyway. The Navy is more interesting though. Still, I don't think it would really be necessary - there are plenty, plenty of positions to fill up with the three countries suggested.

Also: I don't think they have a ruleset just yet. Still, while we're discussing that, there are two issues that seem worthy of particular attention here: turn length and stats format (I think we don't need stats for characters, but rather for nations involved; those might be kept to basic statistics as seen in Paradox games perhaps).
I am pretty interested in taking over someone like Erich Raeder, Halder, Brauchitsch, or Guderian. The last one would be best, of course.
You really do need two of them, don't you? :p You could have picked, say, Auchinleck or somebody competent at least. Otherwise I'll have to go all Panzer Leader on yo'ass.
I am a British man and I will remain a Servant of her most (un)Holy Empire :evil:

but more to the point; I see the theatre in Japan mostly going as such; "lets not repeat Pearl Harbour" Then when the USA actually cuts off supplies to their invasion south of the Philippines going "frack"

Or they go ahead with it and then go "frack" we have no monies (sounds better than oilies)

Germans go on their usual crushing everything spree (because they uhh can), either ignoring the African sphere and force the Italians to withdraw, possibibly invading Spain if they can't get them to join (and heck, to all discussions I've read about it Spain would be worse than useless, wait make that worse than italian). And of course we'd probably have the typical change to properly attack and take Moscow to succesfully cut of railheads.

Uhmm thats all I can think of on the Axis side.
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