Do you still play Civ IV and for how long?

Do you still play Civ IV and for how long will you?

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Jul 14, 2010
Evergreen, Al
Just wondering how many people still play Civ IV and if so for how long.
I haven't played much at all in 2 years. While there are some changes that I dislike, I won't be able to go back to CivIV as CivV has introduced enough new stuff that I really like.
I like Civ V a lot more but i play Civ IV every now and then just for that nostalgic feeling :D
I play Civ4 once in a while in prior checking new mod versions or to play one of my favourite finalised mods
I also played my first Civ5 Great Vanilla Campaign as Katharina (Cathy) of Russia
as next Ill go with Empress of China Civ5 giv it a great campaign
It's not just Civ4 (I just started a new game of it, and it was like coming home after one of those disastrous holidays where your flight out was delayed for 12 hours, you find the luxury hotel you were promised is still half-built, the plumbing doesn't work, etc etc).

But the Civ5 thing has compelled me to load up all the old games - just examining how much things have gone off-track. Though I don't think I can face playing all the way through a Civ1 game...
Because 1UPT was what i hated in Civ IV, i no longer play it. Sure, Civ V has huge problems compared to Civ IV but the combat is great, especially if you play on the higher difficulties.
Shouldn't this be in the Civ IV section? Is this to show CiV players that people still play Civ IV?

I havn't bothered with Civ IV in a long time since I wanted to play CiV. I am still giving CiV a try. If I do not like CiV till it's fixes or what not, I will go back to Call to Power II. I still say CtP2 is so much better than Civ IV.
I've got a Civ IV PBEM going which started not long before Civ V came out. I would think that this will be the last Civ IV game that I play, but I doubt it will end for a good few months yet. (Roll on Civ V PBEM).
The third and fourth answers should be combined. Most who continue to play civ IV don't like V.
For me, I'll continue to play 1, 2, 3 and 4.
5 can take a long jump off a short pier, for all I care.
If a 6 comes out, it will get a LOT of research before purchase, due 5 being such a horrible waste of money.
Civ V has made me realize how good Civ IV still is. I preordered Civ V, but I don't really like it, so I went back to Civ IV, I hadn't played in two years, but still is fun and addictive as hell, something I can't say about Civ V.
I have ended up playing more Civ IV than Civ V after just a few games. Something about Civ V just isn't grabbing me, personally. That and my wife and I still play LAN games on Civ IV a few hours a week!

Not to beat a dead horse, I know it annoys a lot of ya'll, but as disappointing as Civ V has been for me, I've been thinking of loading Civ III just to get a new-ish feel to my overall civving..
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