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Do you use custom city names?


Calm as a Coma
Dec 27, 2001
147 E 41.5 S
Do you use your own names for your cities as you make them?
I do, I'll use things like planet names from Frank Herbert's "Dune" stories, chemical elements, islands from Carrier Command, landforms e.g. "South Beach", "Three Peaks", that sort of thing. When I played Greece I used names of greek dishes. I should have used star names when I played as Arabia, there's a lot of arabic names for stars.
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I use a mod that (for most civs, as it's still being worked on) creates a name in the civs language depending on the surrounding features. For example, if you build a city on a river with cow next to it, it might be called "Cowford" in English. It also (sometimes) changes the name based on the first district you build, and it may also change names when it's conquered. It does sometimes give weird names though, like I got the Latin "Aquafluvius" when playing Rome, which means "water stream".
I've started using character names from books that I'm currently reading/listening to. EG Kelsier Doxon Sayzid Vinn Hamm Brees ect. Anyone guess the book?
Default names for my cities. Will rename conquered ones sometimes, especially if I know the name for the city in my civ's language, or can imagine what it might sound like.
I had good fun with it in the Viking scenario, turning Eoboracum into Jórvík after I captured it, and ensuring Dyflin, Tórshavn and Reykjavík were in their right places.

In normal games, it depends how I feel, but generally the default. However it's quite fun to bastardise captured city names into made up versions based on your civ's language.
I've started using character names from books that I'm currently reading/listening to. EG Kelsier Doxon Sayzid Vinn Hamm Brees ect. Anyone guess the book?

Mistborn. Not in English though.
I do for the cities I settle. Sometimes I will name it depending on surrounding terrain or resources, if it's near the coast or to match the function of the city. Examples include:
  • Rohan - if near lots of horses
  • Mint - If near gems
  • Seahaven - if on the coast
  • Oxford - If going to be a campus
  • Catterick - if going to be a military city
I don't bother renaming City States or cities I conquer.
Often no, sometimes southpark names, sometimes family names. I wish I could rename the opposition.
I'll sometimes capture, rename and then return cities. France's Amboise became Twin Peaks in one of my games, and Kongo ended up with Maralinga Dam after I borrowed their city for a few turns. Come to think of it, I think that was the same game.
I will often found cities close to a potentially friendly AI and gift the cities to them with silly names. Odin's Arse was a mighty population 4 Norwegian city out in the middle of the sea.
I only change my city names with this Aztecs because I find them difficult to pronounce. Once my empire has expanded to a suitable size, I change the names, like, Tlatlocatl changes to Thatlolcat.
I always rename nearly every city.
Especially conquered cities get a specific new name which fits to my Civ. But also founded cities get a name I connect with the played Civ and the location/geography/neighborhood/purpose of the city.
I used to do it a lot in V but Ive been lazy lately and have just left them default in VI. I'm a homebrewer and total craft beer geek so used to name them after beer styles like Saison, Trappist, Porter, Maibock, etc or famous beer cities like Burton on Trent, Munich, Pilsen, etc. It kind of started because I do most of my playing at night after the kids go to bed while I enjoy a couple cold brews before going to bed. Usually the name coincides with whatever I'm drinking.
When I play an Earth type map (which is often when I do play the game), I name cities appropriate to their place on Earth. Not very imaginative, I know.
I rename cities to other cities of the civ depending on location. If I find a good spot that I know will grow well, I tend to use the name of a RL large city (e.g. when playing as Germany, a city in a good spot would become Munich or Frankfurt, one near the coast Hamburg, while filler cities get names of smaller cities).
I will sometimes based on the geography or occasionally I will be childish and rename an enemy's city that gave me trouble something taunting to its citizens. That's more fun with multi-player though it really riles friends up haha.

In Civ II I used to create whole city lists and pretend to be other Civs since you could rename leaders and Civs before unique bonuses and units were a thing. Really miss that sometimes but wouldn't want to lose uniques now
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