Does BTS include Warlords?


Jun 20, 2008
In Civ 3, the Conquests expansion included PTW, so I only needed to buy two games. Is this the type of situation for Civ 4, or do I need to get all three?

Apologies if this question has been asked already, and thanks for the help.
BtS includes all of the features of Warlords other than the Warlords scenarios. So it is really not necessary to get Warlords.
yes it includes everything in warlords :)
If you have Civ 4 already, go for BtS only. That will give you nearly everything there is to have.

If you start with nothing (except Civ III?), I believe the pack you want is called "Civ 4 Complete". It contains the main game and both expansions.

Beware the "Civ 4 Gold" edition which bundles the main game and Warlords only. (No BtS.)
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