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[GS] Does the queue system annoy anyone else with how it's implemented?


May 30, 2013
So, I've been playing a little bit and the queue system has more or less been annoying me to the point that I haven't actually used it at all. I think my main thing is that the queue closes literally every single time that you leave the city menus and have to open it again.

Also, it doesn't make much sense that it switches those two things in the queue rather than pushing the subsequent units down the queue too. I think it's a good start but I can think of some changes that would make it easier to use.

Also, I really like the idea of the multi queue, but it's in an odd location. Would make more sense if it was like a menu that could be chosen where the other menus are.

Anyone else have things that they think about the queue system?
I have yet to use it. Note for the future Firaxis, if you are going to put things like that in the game, do it from the start. I'm in the habit of doing everything manually, and I've gotten used to paying close attention to my city's builds.
It should be constantly running, not something you have to click on to get to then add to it.

Click on warrior and then a slinger it shouldn’t cancel the warrior, it should queue it by default and not a separate menu to make that happen
It's unusually convoluted.

In CQUI you just click things and they get put in order.

In here, you have to actually select queue and click things there. You also can't move things around.

I really don't get why it's so hard to get something right they did right years ago.
Agreed, queue should be default and moving something up should move the rest one step lower, not switch places.
Also units in the queue get erased when you research an upgrade. CQUI would also allow you to queue a districts and the buildings that go on it in one go.
I haven't used it much, but I like that the default when you click on something is to change what you're building, as I more frequently want to do that than add to the queue.

But it should be a toggle in the settings for those who prefer things to go straight to the queue.
It's definitely an improvement over not having any queue but there are definitely some improvements that could be made to it. There was a mod for R&F that work wonderfully but I have no idea what its status is for GS.
I like the new queue system. I feel like it is implemented really well. My "problem" is that I got so used to not having one, that is hard for me to change my habits. I have played 2 full games of GS and pretty much forgot to even use the queue. I only used the queue once or twice. I really need to train myself to use it.
The queue implemented in the Production Queue and Cqui mods is much better. The new GS version requires too many clicks to get to the queue and then further clicks to reorder everything just because you wanted to insert something at the front because it messes up the original order.

Too many clicks. The underlying philosophy of the Civ6 interface design.
I got a bit frustrated today when I tried to shuffle things around in the cue and ended up wasting two turns worth of production somehow. Probably just not understanding something, but the CQUI method was so much more conventional, cleaner & fast. This one is fiddly, with tiny buttons and symbols. Yes, I run a very high res monitor, so sure the UI is tiny, but they could have come up with something better, surely? Enjoying the game but this part is not my favorite.
I can't believe it took them two years to implement a queue that works worse than the one, that's been around in mods for ages. I mean, the fact that we have to press the queue button every single time almost makes it obsolete to begin with, and the fact that we can't queue buildings into an unfinished district is just stupid.
It is a shame that we've been waiting for the official feature for so long, and it isn't as good as the fan made mod was. The biggest issue for me, as others have mentioned, is the inability to queue up a district followed by it's buildings. Hint, when I build a Commerce Hub, I'm probably also going to want the Market next so that I can get a trade route built.
Also, you can queue up buildings more than once. Why even? Why would I want to repair my pillaged Library three times when I know I'll need to sink production into it only ONCE???
Eh, I disagree that the mod one was better, but that's just, like, my opinion, man.
I like the the GS queue. I don't use it that much but those times that I do, it is handy and easy to handle.
Was the queue changed in a patch? In my first playthrough I had to open a specific window for the queue or multi queue. In my second game tho, I have it on the left, permanently open and things are added to the queue by default, like on CQUI
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