Does tourism affect your diplomacy with other civs?


Apr 9, 2011
I understand how tourism leads to culture wins, by eventually building up until other civs see you as influential and eventually dominant (tourism-wise). But does this buildup of tourism influence with other civs increase your diplomacy rating with them in any way? I know you don't see any green indicator in the diplomacy screen to reflect such an affect, but it wouldn't be the first time they put something into the game that was less than obvious to the player. So, anybody know for sure one way or the other if this is the case or not?
Probably. ;-)

I think if you dominate a culture they probably are more willing to trade. If you have open borders it helps and open borders also helps the spread of tourism so if tourism doesn't directly help diplomacy, doing 'stuff' to make tourism spread faster also helps with relations with the AI.
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