DominatrNES: Infinite Struggle


Smoke Jaguar
Apr 11, 2010
DominatrNES: Infinite Struggle (*****NEXT ORDERS DUE: Friday, November 23, 2012- PM me if you can't make it*****)

You have been chosen by a newly settled tribe to be the chief. The lands around you are dangerous already, steeped with barbarous figures wielding stone axes and clubs, waiting to end your campaign. How will you serve your tribe and help them resist the icy claws of death?


This is a fresh start, non-earth, stat-based NES. Players are to give “orders” to me by PM, outlining where they will be spending points on traits to increase statistics and other operations (declare war, make peace, forge alliance, contact NPC, etc. and what your goals are. If they're reasonable, they might be achieved.) Statistics and traits will be viewed more extensively in a bit. The format that is used for orders is:
Orders from (Insert Your Nation’s Name)
Points Spent in each Trait (will be explained further in a bit)
Other operations, your goals, etc.


Now, along with Orders, you can also do diplomacy. For diplomacy that is from one Player to another Player, that may be conducted either by posting in the thread, or doing so secretively. To contact an NPC, you may PM me. The format that is used for diplomacy is:
To: (Insert Target Nation’s Name)
From: (Insert Your Nation’s Name)
Message goes below.


Now, the last thing that is conducted is stories. In order to enrich the experience and give empires some character and flavor, stories are to be written. They can be about a hunting experience some of your empire members had, a prophecy, your empire’s religious text or revelation, a significant battle, basically anything you want. The more stories you write, the more I will like your empire and award it with special bonuses. Not game-breaking, but it can certainly help out. Even if you don’t think you’re a good writer, give it a shot, it can be fun!

Ok, back to statistics and traits. In DominatrNES: Infinite Struggle, there are FIVE areas of specialization, or TRAITS. Traits have a potential to increase STATISTICS, which are generally permanent. The traits are: Agriculture, Combat, Religion, Research, and Economy. At each turn, you are given TWENTY points to spend in any of the five traits. Each point spent results in a 10 percent chance of an increase. (For example: 5 points are spent in Combat. There is a 50% chance that the corresponding statistic will increase by 1 unit.) Spend wisely.

You may be wondering what statistics are now.

The first one, Population, is the central statistic. It is influenced by the Agriculture trait. (If you spend points in Agriculture, Population has the potential to increase.) Population may also increase other statistics whenever it increases. (Example: Population increases by 1, there is a 10% chance Military will increase, 10% chance Religion will increase, 10% Technology will increase, and 10% chance GPT will increase.) It is very important to keep Population higher than Military, but less than Treasury in order to generate income and to remain stable. Note: (For all percentage based things I will use a RNG (random number generator to calculate outcomes. Example: 20% chance is used. Random number between 1 and 100 is chosen. If 20 or less, then statistic increases. If 21 or more, no increase happens.

The next stat is Military. It is influenced by the Combat trait. The way battles work in this NES is: Two empires are at war. A attacks B. A’s name is put into a hat x times (x being the value of the Military statistic) B’s name is put into a hat x times. Therefore, the greater your Military stat is in proportion to the enemy’s, the greater your chance of winning a battle and gaining territory. (For Military and Religious conversions, I will use a program called the hat. I will load a list of names into it and it randomly chooses one.) After a battle, there is a 10% chance you will lose one point in the Combat trait. (This accounts for troop losses.)

Next is Culture. Culture is sort of an alternative to Military, but it has different factors. It is influenced by the Religion trait. The way religious conversion works in this NES is exactly the same as battles, only they may only be conducted when a there is Unity (another statistic, will cover later) and Peace with the target for the conversion. Similar to Military, when a battle/conversion is “won”, a tract of territory is awarded, not the whole empire.

Next is Technology. It is influenced by the Research trait. For every 5 units Technology is increased, a new advancement is obtained. They follow a linear path through time, and different advancements may influence statistics. Advancements may be traded through diplomacy.

Next is GPT or Gold per turn. It is influenced by the Economy trait. Gold per turn represents the amount of gold allocated to the Treasury each turn. If the Population value is Greater than the Military value, the GPT increases by that difference. (Example: GPT is 6, Population is 20, Military is 15. 20-15=5. Therefore GPT would be 6+the 5 which comes from difference, so it would = 11 GPT.) When GPT is calculated, the first number, which is influenced by the Economy trait, would remain permanent, but the second number in the equation depends on the ratio of Population to Military. Be aware that is Military exceed Population, the same formula is applied, meaning GPT would be lowered a bit to account for unit support.

Treasury, the next Statistic, is NOT directly dependant on a Trait. It begins at 10 gold and changes based on the value of GPT. So, it GPT is 10, and you have 100 gold, next turn, the Treasury is 110 gold. Treasury also can change when bargaining in trade. Gold is used to make deals, pay tribute, make peace, make alliances, trade technologies, gift, etc. It can help a lot in diplomacy and keep you safe if you have a lot of it, but beware, because it can also make you the envy of the world!

The last one, Unity, is also not directly dependant on a Trait. If the Treasury is GREATER than Population, meaning there is an abundance of wealth, there will be unity because people are happy. If Treasury is LESS than Population, meaning there is scarcity, the empire will become unstable. Instability promotes the risk of Revolution. When a Revolution occurs, only orders are possible, meaning that points must be spent to fix it. There is no diplomacy or advanced actions available. If the problem is not solved quickly enough, the empire may collapse, lose territory, or lose statistics.
There really isn’t a ton to manage here. I tried to make it simple enough to understand and conduct, but complicated enough to have some depth.

Investment into Traits may be adjusted to the player's preference by using governments. At the beginning of the game, only Tribal Council is available. Other governments are unlocked when their respective technological advancement is acquired.

Tribal Council
Agriculture- 10% chance to increase Population
Combat- 10% chance to increase Military
Religion- 10% chance to increase Culture
Research- 10% chance to increase Technology
Economy- 10% chance to increase GPT
Chance of Revolution when unstable:10%

In order to begin an empire, you must make a submission. Keep things somewhat realistic. No dragons, elves, orcs, dwarves, etc. Don’t use real places either. Like so:
Nation’s name: (both standard and plural form)
Capital City:
Leader: (Title and name)
Place Names: (Cities, towns, etc.)
Societal Structure: (classes, how people live, jobs)
Brief History:
Area on Map: (Post an image of the map with a colored dot indicating the starting location. The color used for the dot will also be the color used for your territory; please, don’t use black, white, or the color of the ocean. Also, one of the maps I posted has the biomes and cultural centers on it. If you’re going to make an empire that has names like Taghesh, Siwad, Moghat, Dorash, Sipran, it is advised that you place it in the Middle Eastern area rather than neighboring Mesoamerican empires or up north with the Germanic societies. Poor placement may result in a tough time diplomatically.)
Example Submission:
Nation’s name: Antogarrida, Antogarridans
Capital City: Forenzo
Leader: Emperor Antos
Place Names: Bastegli, Maradas, Tamain, Bariz, Tobraca, Huedri, Cahuita
Societal Structure: Divided society. Young men are in military and women are regarded as lower than males. Strong community of artisans and craftsmen.
Brief History: Fled from the collapsing Pannucho. Several small groups of refugees formed the empire along the coast to stay away from the way. The leader Antos, named the empire and took charge to keep his people safe.

Each turn will be summarized by Updates. This will include the summary of events that happened, war updates, statistics of player empires (the npc stats may be lengthy, so I might put them in an excel sheet and attach it) technological tree (again, will be in an excel sheet) and of course the updated world map!
I will try to update as often as I can, but it depends on a lot of things, so I won’t make any promises I can’t keep for sure. Update 0 will come as soon as I have a good amount of players.

Blank Map:
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Map with Place Names:
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Biome/Culture Group Map:
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Continent Names Map:
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This world is somewhat similar to our earth. It is divided into several continents, has numerous island chains, and large rivers that serve to cradle civilization at its birth. The climate is similar as well, with icy tundras and frigid forests at the northern and southern extremes, and steamy jungles and scorching deserts towards the center.

I hope this will be fun for all. Please, PM or post questions and suggestions. I want to make sure everything is clear and logical and that there is no confusion in the way. Make sure to tell all your fellow NESers that you think would like to join as well. You may post now!
You are going to need to reserve more posts than that. Also you'll probably have to use the New NESes thread to get attention.
Player Statistics

Khay Lat (Krzowhh)
GPT: 4 (+2)
Treasury: 92
Unity: Yes

Alexaendros (Samsniped)
Treasury: 203
Unity: Yes

Phoces (Tambien)
GPT:15 (-4)
Treasury: 183
Unity: Yes

Amra (Bonefang)
GPT:10 (+4)
Treasury: 170
Unity: Yes

Lycia (Patriotic Fool)
GPT:8 (-3)
Treasury: 118
Unity: Yes

Ok-Sai (Topsecret)
GPT:5 (+5)
Treasury: 76
Unity: Yes

Amu Daria (Patchy)
GPT:2 (+1)
Treasury: 47
Unity: Yes

Dervon (Jehoshua)
GPT:4 (+1)
Treasury: 25
Unity: Yes

Grecosaliourax (christos200)
GPT:3 (-1)
Treasury: 16
Unity: Yes

Baru (MaxaTheGreat)
GPT:2 (+2)
Treasury: 47
Unity: Yes

Rokinrol (EQandcivfanatic)
GPT:0 (+1)
Treasury: 12
Unity: Yes
Technology Race

10-Pottery (+2 Population)
15-The Wheel (+1 Technology, +GPT)
20-Alphabet (All technologies now require just 4 points to advance)

24-Bronze Working (BRONZE RSC)
28-Warrior Code (Despotism GOVT, +1 Military)
32-Ceremonial Burial (+1 Culture)
36-Sailing (+10 gold)
40-Masonry (+1 Technology)
44-Mathematics (+2 Technology)

Those in grey are not yet acquired by any empire.
To see which advances you have, look at your tech stat. For example, if your stat is 11, you have already acquired Pottery and are on the way to getting The Wheel.
Nation’s name: Canfre, Canfrian
Capital City: Canfre
Leader: King Augustus
Place Names: Latinum, Antu, Antia, Istria, Trillesia.
Societal Structure: A strong Militaristic Tribe, all males serve 8 years of required military service, with men joining one of two branches, fishermen and other seafaring men join the navy or other naval related jobs, while those who are laborers or hunters join the army.
Brief History: Augustus was only 24 when he took his brothers and cousins and formed an army to challenge a rival family who wronged Augustus's family by selling them sickly animals for high prices. Augustus and his brothers fought several bloody skirmishes and saw countless buildings burned before Augustus and what is left of his army, 2 brothers and a cousin, finally claimed victory when they exterminated the last of the rival family. With this resounding victory other families either strengthened their alliance or shifted allegiance to Augustus, allowing him to form a small kingdom next the Phoryetor Sea.


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Hmmm...Capto Iugulum, SKNES, N3SIII, EpicNES...why not a fifth? There's a lack of IOTs right now :p

Nation’s name: Alexaendros, Alexaendrosi
Capital City: Alexandria
Leader: King Alexander II
Place Names: Kania, Molaoi, Antelo, Oltenia, Levanthia
Societal Structure: A nation used to fighting and sailing, males at the age of 13 get two years of training in both the army and navy; at 18, they decide whether they will go into the navy or army, and can serve in the other if needed. Men not deemed fit for military service and those who wish to leave the military at thirty instead of taking a command position can take up any craft they wish-usually shipbuilding, stonework, hunting, or fishing-or work for the king in some way or another. Women run stores or stay at home, to teach their children. At ten, children can become an apprentice for up to 3 years to ensure they will have something to do after the military.
Brief History: The Alexaendrosi were a seafaring tribe that settled down on the Graci Peninsula. A base for their uses, they quickly expanded across the area, with little resistance.
Area on Map:
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Need suggestion regarding the biome of the place i have selected the city in ....
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Need suggestion regarding the biome of the place i have selected the city in ....
Map :
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The spot is somewhat dry and warm, but the sea cools it off. Not the most suitable for growing crops, although it can be done. Has an abundance of seafood, and Temperatures generally stay around 80F.

Germanicus12 already has that location, though. I would suggest either moving a bit north or south if you with to be in that general area though. Make sure you complete a submission too!
Nation’s name: Paschim Ghati
Capital City: YamunaNagar
Leader: Raja Jayanta
Place Names: Yamuna Nagar is the capital of this new found nation. The kingdom has been ever reliant on the sea for its supply of fish from the nearby fishing village, of Shivpuri. Towards the north, there is the mining/timber lands of SubhasPalli.
Societal Structure:
for ages together, our land has been known to have a detailed classification of the societal hierarchy, where each has been given a certain job, based on the need of the society .
the ksatriyas : the warrior class: these people are the ones that have the job to defend the country. the king is also from the ksatriya caste. At the age of 16, after the end of formal education, he is sent to the royal barracks, where he is to pursue
his career. At the age of 21, after 5 years of rigorous training, he is allowed to be a part of the royal army. It is then that he can claim his medellion of courage, which officially confirms his status as a ksatriya.
the brahmins: the preist class: brahmins, are the knowledgeable ones. Brahmins are in charge of praying to the deities, education of the children of the empire. Some brahmins are also known to be famous advisors to the kings and playing a part in the military's medical corps. A brahmin needs to have completed his mastery in one of the these subjects : devine, medicine or education. the mastery usually takes about 35 years to complete. Some of the brahmins who prefer to be advisors to the king or a part of the military corps, are usually looked down by the others as they are often considered to be rogue. A brahmin is known by his sacred thread hanging loosely across his torso, called as Janoi.
the Vaishyas: the mercantile class: The backbone of the economy. These people are involved in looking after the trades that happen within the kingdom. A shudra is allowed to choose his profession, right after he completes the necessary education for 16 years. After that a Vaishya has to apprenticeship for 5 years under a registered merchant of the kingdom. Only after that he is allowed to start a business of his own and get registration of the kingdom. Since the merchants have to travel to lands
far and wide, they are allowed to maintain a standing force of 100 men (including infantry and cavalry) to protect their business interests. These men are recruited from the Imperial army, but paid and maintained by the merchants themselves.
the Shudras : the service providers: The lowest rung of the society, these men serve the other classes. The population is usually made up of the slaves and the prisoners of war that have been captured. They are under the ownership of one of the
three other classes. These people also have no rights in the kingdom, although they are allowed to intermarry among them selves,and maintain a family, but only under the supervision of their masters. The shudras can gain citizenship, if their masters
have provided them with a character certificate. Incase any problems occur with the converted citizenry, the previous owners are held responsible, with penalties ranging from minor fines to confiscation of property.

Ksatriyaas : 30 %
Brahmins: 5 %
Vaishas : 45 %
Shudras : 20 %

The kingdom has a strict policy regarding the education of the children of the kingdom. there is a classical system, of Gurukul, aka, house of the master.
Each disctrict has one gurukul where children are to stay and take basic education till they reach the age of 16, where in,
they will appear for their professional exam to be sorted into one of the 3 classes of the soceity. Shadra children do not have rights to
education, though they receive education, upon sponcership of their master.

Sponsoring a Shudra to freecitizenship is considered a great deed in the kingdom. the converted shudras are usually absorbed into the family tree, thus bolstering the family members.

Each of the factions, except the Shudras have their own council, which discusses the needs of the faction. The leader of these
councils are elected by a democratic voting. The leader of these councils gets a honorary seat within the Imperial Court.

Brief History:
The paschim Ghati, also, known as the Western Mountains, has been underconstant conflict with the nearby settlements fighting with each other, to take control of the rolling steppes, on the coast. It was only in the rule of the previous king, that this region was assimilated into the kingdom now known as Paschim Ghats.

Area on Map:

Nation’s name: Otara (Otaran)
Capital City: Di Ota
Leader: King Qaotar III
Place Names: Unak, Pelar, Carntesh, Kura, Hamar
Societal Structure: Royalty & Religious upper class, military middle class, lower class, slaves.
Brief History: The warlord Qaotar I conquered the region of Otara (land of rivers), building his castle/palace in the city of Di Ota (two rivers). Qaotar II consolidated his father's kingdom and cemented the stability of the area.
Area on Map:



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Nation’s name: Khay Lat, Khaylatian
Capital City: Trang Khom
Leader: Emperor Lhu Sim-Fang
Place Names: Tsui Ngap, Rang Siek, Trhem Si, Mak Tshay, Ghuk Lom
Societal Structure: Organized into many classes. Highest are nobility and government officials, followed by businessmen and prolific artists. In the middle are military, artisans, and merchants, and the bottom are the farmers and workers.
Brief History: The previous Emperor was the Lheup-I Emperor, the father of the current emperor. The Lheup-I Emperor was once a great general who defeated the invaders from the west and the east and established the Lhu Dynasty. However, he soon afterwards fell ill and willed Khay Lat to his son our current Emperor Sim-Fang.
Nation’s name: Phoces, Phocesian (Phocesian Republic)
Capital City: Phoces
Leader: Epistates (Title) Miltisius Holon (Name)
Place Names: Ipheles, Jycros, Hinthos, Holocyuse, Olynthon
Societal Structure: Not sure if this goes here, but.... tribal council. The various castes have tribal divisions within, and the various towns could be considered tribes, so that fits the best.

The Phocesian Republic is based off of the concept that all citizens should participate in the government of the Republic so as to reduce dissention and complaining. However, not all people are citizens. There are four classes of people. Citizens, Phocesians, Population, and Slaves. The Citizens are those men that own land. They are all equal, and must participate in the higher house of government, the Ecclesia, if they reside in the capital of Phoces or one of the many towns surrounding it for 1 mile around. From among the Citizens, the Epistates is selected by lot to head the Ecclesia. The Phocesian class are residents of the cities of Phoces who are women or do not own property. Male Phocesians can participate in government through the lower house of government, the Boula. The Boula is in charge of municipal management, and as such has a branch in each city and town, while the Ecclesia is in charge of nation-wide management. Population is the class for all the misscelaneuos persons living within the domains of Phoces that are neither Citizens, Phocesians, or Slaves. They do not participate in government. Slaves are those persons owned by another. Children of slaves are Population, but can rise above that small status as can any other Population by moving to a city or obtaining land.

The day to day life of people in Phoces depends very much on the class. For example, citizens spend their days in leisure or working for the betterment of themselves. Slaves tend their every need, and Citizen children are prepared for their future lives as either Phocesian wives or Citizen Men. On the other hand, Phocesians spend much of their time trying to increase their wealth and feed themselves. Population varies from town to town. Slaves only serve.

Jobs in Phoces are gotten depending on the class (again). For example, no Citizens would be seen fishing, while that is a major pursuit of Phocesians along with trading. Citizens are usually traders, philosophers (basically any intellectual), or full time government officials.

Many times, annexation of new territory is driven by the desire to get new lands for the children of the Citizens or for the Citizens to trade safely in.

Brief History: The city of Phoces grew on the coast of a protected cove as a great trading city. The harbor is suprisingly deep, and as such was a perfect place for sea traders to congregate. Phoces quickly grew in prominence and absorbed the smaller settlements around it. Throughout this, however, the spectre of a Tyrant stood above the city. Finally, due to mismanagement and general stupidity the last Tyrant, Illus Danios, was driven out of Phoces. The people established the current system as a new government. Soon, however, the city of Olynthon on the opposite side of the island became just as powerful as Phoces. This could not be allowed to stand. The Ecclesia voted to end to prosperity of the other city, and the Epistates agreed. Eventually Olynthon fell, and was reduced to rubble. But the site of the city was too good to abandon, so an enterprising group of citizens rebuilt the area as a Citizen enclave and trading port. Of course, it is always kept below the splendor and size of the Eternal City, as all municipalities must be. It is on this world that the sun of 4213 AC (After Creation [of the world]) rises.

Area on Map:
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