
It would be nice to have your stats in the order but it's not mandatory. I mostly need clear spendings and character actions described.
Gem Hound, I would appreciate if you let me the time to get the update done before posting such a story because:
1/ Things may happen before you reach Ellumar.
2/ Ellumar may very well be quite different from what you expect it to be, since you have not done any scouting of it.
The city is likely not going to explode. There are things inside which you don't know, there are actions from other players that might not even let you reach it or storm it.
What if someone else has scouted the city and invested tons of gold in it with some goal?
You simply can't say the city explodes jsut like that. As the mod, I am sorry but I have to veto your story.
Don't worry, though, what you want may well happen, but you should at least wait for my answer before posting sutff like that which changes the world outside your own land.
When Gods die.​

Spoiler :

Darkswamp's northern city of Mudholm is attacked one night by a band of pirates. The raiders attack one night, pillage, rape and loot a few scattered villages, capturing several women before leaving. Their attack on the city itself is met with arrow sheets that turn them away. People are afraid that the pirates may come back however, and demand that their rulers chase them away. Sakarlaisk enters the dark muddy pool of the temple of Pythia and sinks into the mud. After several days, he emerges from the mud pool of Lasanak, slightly confused by his sojourn in the muddy roads of chaos. From there, he travels to the coast, which he patrols looking for the sea serpent sighted the previous year, without success. His presence does, however, boost the morale of those subject to the attacks of pirates, but they ask him to bring an army with him as, obviously, a single man, whatever his powers, will never be able to get rid of shipfuls of raiders.
Darkswamp also develops giant toad herding this year. This activity was marginal at best to this day, but with the impulse of military reformers who see the animals neither as big sources of bad and expensive food nor as reluctant plow animals. Instead, they believe giant toads can be put to good use as military units, making advantage of their weight to crush opponents.
In Pythia, a giant alligator emerges from the swamp that is slowly expanding around the city. The Bog Serpent greets the being with hisses that only It understands.

The Mallitain city of Vanas is visited by a chartmaker. The man says he travels chaos lands, drawing maps of his travels, and offers to sell them before he moves on. Even though chaos is ever-changing, he says that his maps were accurate when he drew them, and that they are probably still correct to this day. He offers the maps for 5 gold. According to him, they show the extent of two full realms to the east and norhteast of Mallitain.
In the woods near Pressi, a horseman was challenged by his friends to go on a chase and bring them back the biggest deer ever seen. Being a rash young man, the horseman accepted the challenge and went hunting. He left the city and rode north for days on end. He reached Massad and passed the city until he arrived to Jassar and the great woods of the north. There, he found the beast that he sought, and pursued it. The animal was always in sight, yet ever it evaded the hunter. Man and beast ran for days northwards until they got into the chaotic hills that cut Mallitain in two parts. The hunt went on until one day when the hunter's horse, frightened by a snake, bucked and ran away. The young man fell and lost consciousness. When he woke up, he realised he was lying in a bed, and an eerily beautiful woman was looking at him. She said she had found him in the hills, prone, and had brought him back in her old tower to tend his wounds. She was curious about him and where he came from. As the hunter spoke, the woman's desire to visit the places he described grew. As soon as he could walk again, she ordered him to bring her south.
"That's a long journey on foot, madam", said the hunter.
"Why on foot?" answered the lady. And with a few gestures, she summoned a pair of horses for them to mount and go to Mallitain.

Ulm's Hammerer marches his army north to attack the independent city of Alhemia. His vast army contains many men merged with their metal armor. A thousand soldiers or more arrive at the gates of Alhemia and demand that the city surrenders. The citizens are afraid of the metallic men, and they realise their few arrows wouldn't deal much damage to the magical creatures. They therefore surrender without condition and are annexed by Ulm.

Alifat king orders that this year be a year of peace and love in preparation for a grand crusade against chaos to be renewed next year.

Bhumi's divine ruler, the Pavitra Bacce, follows the river southwest to move into chaos lands. He is accompanied by some troops, Avaza the diplomat and several workers who are to establish a trading fort south of the Rakshasa city of Rakshi. As they follow the river, they reach a point where the Pavitra Bacce and the soldiers part from the workers and move south, upriver, to a city called Jivajna. Meanwhile, Avaza and the workers move north. Their ships reach a place south of Rakshi where Avaza orders the erection of a stele of marble and gold, a huge slab of white stone that towers among the jungle trees. Near it, workers start building a fort and establish some sort of settlement, which they call Bagha panja. They soon realise that going into chaos land with little or no military protection was risky business, however. People start disappearing. Materials are stolen. Huge monkeys emerge from the woods and ruin the site. The workers go to Rakshi and pay for food and tools, but when they ask the rakshasas to help them work on their trading fort, king Ravana only accepts to sell them food or materials. Rakshasas refuse to work and help the men and nagas build their trading post, even for huge salaries. This seriously hampers any progress made on Bagha panja. A few workers are left to try and hold the trading post while others are sent back upriver to Bhumi to try and bring in more men and materials. Most reach Logapur, but they never come back to the stele, either lost in chaos or attacked on the way. Ultimately, Bagha panja is a smallish village with a huge stele beside it. The beginning of a stone fort can be seen in the jungles, but its construction had to be abandoned as it would constantly crumble, timbers would rot and stones turn to dust, and monkeys would establish themselves in the nearby trees to shoot stones at the workers, causing many to fall to their death. Bagha panja is therefore but a small village whose workers are mostly masons and traders who had to turn into fishermen to try to live off the river and jungle. Unless actions are taken, it is unlikely to survive and last for long. At home, the forests and jungles of Bhumi spread southwest of Logapur and the vegetation grows north of Ulundi.
The Pavitra Bacce leaves his soldiers a bit north of the city of Jijavna and moves there. Surprised by his appearance, the inhabitants close the gates and ask him who he is and what he wants. The Pavitra Bacce tells them that the stele have informed her messenger that Jijavna inhabitants are destined to strive in the way of perfection though their will be tests for them along the way. Their first test is to shed the mantle of hubris and to willingly join the Bhumi. Follow some threats that the city defenders answer to with rains of arrows, most of which bump on bhumi god without effect. Seeing the city will not surrender peacefully, the Pavitra Bacce summons his powers and attacks the city single handedly. This proves quite difficult for him. He is unable to scale the walls. The arrows miss him miraculously, or get stuck on one of the shields he bears, but it is impossible for him to take over the city. He tries for several days to force the defenders out, but they seem to be used to fighting monsters form the chaos and not particularly afraid of this particular one. After all, he is alone, can't block all the issues of the city, and will have to leave after a while.
Madhavali leads the legion of the Golden Serpents to the city of Rinzen in near western chaos. As Rinzen refuses to surrender, the Bhumi prophet launches her army against the walls. Huge black spiders complement the naga warriors backed by archers, and they easily prove superior to the swordsmen and slinger defenders, and Rinzen is annexed.

The conquest of Rinzen

As the dwarven king of Dvalan leaves his capital of Noren-dzu, the city falls in a strange kind of slumber. Time there passes so slowly that nothing seems to change. At the end of the year, when messengers come back from the army to talk about their expedition, the townsfolk are surprised to hear that a full year went by outside when it seemed that only one week passed for them.
Boeuf's prophet, First-Son, summons a huge bull to defend Myrvo and the Dvala woman. He then leads his troops and joins his father to fight the dwarven invaders.
Dvalan armies come from the south and two columns of soldiers march upon Toro, while the armies of First-Son and Taurus join to face them. The battle happens in the lush fields of Boeuf.

Minotaurs crush the dwarves' center but get flanked by dwarven hog knights.

The minotaurs run into dwarven infantry with ease but the dwarves have many crossbows whose quarrels pierce Boeuf defenders' armors. Most minotaurs fight to the death, but death doesn't bring victory. Taurus at the head of the army is among those who get pierced by crossbow bolts. Hit in the legs, chest, neck and head, he falls to the ground never to rise again.
First-Son leads the remnants of his army back to Toro to lick his own wounds. The dwarves keep marching, and at the foot of the walls, they demand that the Dvala be given to them or the city will be taken and burnt to the ground. His army depleted, First-Son reluctantly has to accept the dwarves' terms. Envoys are sent to Myrvo, where the woman is arrested and forcefully brought to king Miren of Dvalan. When they see her, the dwarves shout cries of joy and say "The queen is back!". As soon as their prisoner is given to them, the dwarves march back to their kingdom, keeping control of Veau and only slightly extending their control over the area.
In Boeuf, people mourn their god-king, but First-Son says that Taurus wasn't a mere minotaur. He says that he is not truly dead, and he can be brought back given enough prayers. Whether this call to prayer will be followed remains to be seen.

Heldenthal extends its borders, bringing in villagers from the nearby lands into its fold. Peasants are encouraged to join the cities, where new manufactories are built. Markets are expanded, and Walaruna tours the land, convincing hostile farmers to join her peacefful realm.

Unseasonal rains ruin crops in Hillden. The Falaxan city has been lacking food and roads have been turned to useless muddy tracks that needed repairing. Lots of money has to be spent to make up for the damage, and even more to just bring enough food from the rest of the realm to feed Hillden.
Some Falaxan scouts have been sent north and bring back news of orderly lands bordered by mountains and irrigated by lush rivers. A city called Milsford sits on the banks of one of these.

Ezio, the secretive fox-god of Falaxan, starts being worshipped in the now independant city of Redonum. Some people believe Falaxan protector will keep them out of Ermor's deathly grip.

In the Empire of Ermor proper, a merchant arrives to the city of Truscanior. He offers to sell a speaking monkey for 1 gold. The animal is, he says, wise and funny. Although there are rumours that a similar creature was once sighted in Bhumi, it seems they are different beasts, as this beast is not an ape but a smaller, white monkey with a prehensile tail.
In Eldergate, the food situation is still catastrophic, and many die of starvation. Plague breaks out in the city, taking a heavy toll. Several thousands die. Seshmek summons Black dogs from hellish regions, and lets them loose in the countryside to try and catch the Arcoscephale chariots and elephants that ravage the fields. The Arcoscephale army indeed retreats. Led by Skiotes, the chariots and elephants head back for Arcoscephale. Seeing this, Ermor leaders open the gates of Eldergate, and march their legions out. The infantry is far too slow to catch up with the fleeing army, but the Equites race and try to run in front of the chariots and elephants. They poison those food supplies they find, but elephants mostly eat along the way and Arcoscephale had plenty of food stored. More importantly, their own soldiers are starving, and some legionaires end up pilfering some of the food they find, grinding poisoned grain into floor which they bake into bread that causes them to fall ill. Eventually, the equites have to abandon trying to slow down the enemy, as they lack the numbers to fight Arcoscephale troops by themselves and, no matter what they do, the large infantry bogs them down with logistic issues that Arcoscephale doesn't have to deal with. The most important result of Ermor poisoning operations is a strong loss of faith in the capital. Starving citizens wonder why money is spent to poison food instead of bringing in some fresh food to those who are dying.
Nevertheless, Seshmek and the Pontifex lead their troops southward, trailing after Arcoscephale chariots. By the end of the year, Arcoscephale have retreated and Ermor has retrieved all the land south of Eldergate up to Upper Ermor, including many fields that will finally provide much needed harvests to the needy in the capital.
Meanwhile in Byzantia, Ermor soldiers were buzy taunting the defenders when a fire spread on the far side of the city. Many of the city defenders rushed to put off the fire. This was the time chosen by Samael to lead her troops out of their position. Samael's troops move east, upriver, towards Ermor. The whole army marches, and Pergos's troops, which were arrayed in a circle trapping them around the city, are thin when they meet the Empire legion.

An Ermor maniple breaks through the Arcoscephale phalanx.

Arcoscephale soldiers are quickly dispatched, and the army marches on. Pergos groups his troops, and prepares for a chase. His heavy infantry follows Ermor, pressing them, while his cavalry and peltasts harass Ermor foragers. However, Arcoscephale have their own supply issues, with more food poisoning. Both armies chase each other across the country. Eventually, Arcoscephale elephants and chariots from the east join with Pergos's army, while Seshmek and the Pontifex are still far away. Some of Samael's soldiers then find the courage to tell their goddess what they believe: The morale is faltering. It does not befit Ermor legions to run away home like cowards. The courageous soldier who says this doesn't live long, though. When his corpse is sent away, a strange amulet representing a shield and a spear is found around his neck. This looks like a symbol used by the worshippers of the god of war of Arcoscephale. How could such a thing be brought inside Ermor armies?
With the enemy arriving both in front and on their back, Ermor army sets up a defensive position once more on top of a hill. Samael hopes that the frustration of the enemy troops will force them to engage, but it's actually the opposite that happens. Ermor centurions demand that they launch an attack now. Samael shouts that they must obey her orders. On the following day, she realises that many soldiers have deserted, leaving their weapons and running away in the night. She has to leave her strong position and attack now, otherwise her army will rebel against Her! She realises that the Fear she is used to inspiring around her falters. She is far from home, and her army's faith is faltering. Even though Seshmek and the Pontifex are still far away, she has to fight now, or her army will disintegrate.
The Ermor army marches against Arcoscephale troops arrayed for combat, their phalanx strongly deployed on a long line that Ermor has to attack. Ermor soldiers know they can't beat a phalanx frontally, so they must apply pressure on one side and try to defeat their opponents in one point and then mop up from a flank. However, their cavalry will face elephants, which is a very bad match-up, but the velites are more numerous than the peltasts, so Samael hopes she can lend a hand there, or defeat some elephants to win the battle on a flank.

Ermor cavalry tries to attack Arcoscephale's flank, and Samael herself flies into the fray.

Ermor horsemen attack Arcoscephale's left flank, where they face chariotteers followed by hypaspists and elephants. Samael flies to cut through the enemies rank with her firy sword. The equites aren't a match for the chariots however. They are blocked by spears and then chariots charge in from the side while the velites are still too far to bring in accurate pilum suport. Ermor cavalry breaks, leaving Samael alone in the middle of the enemies. Despite being alone, Samael manages to hold most of the elephants and kill many footmen while the armies clash. Arcoscephale chariots move around her, and charge the velites and principes, tearing down their formation. The Arcoscephale elephant riders decide to divide their troops. Some remain near Samael, keeping her busy, while the rest follows the chariots and charges through the legions.
Soon, Ermor's right flank gets depleted. Despite the few legionaires that Samael raises from the dead, the right flank can't hold, and the hypaspists push against Ermor's center. Javelins fly on both sides. Arcoscephale horsemen and peltasts, Ermor legionaires hurl their weapons while some chariot archers add in arrows. Pikes and glaives clash on walls of shields while the burning sword of Samael kills soldier after soldier. She is terrifying, and seems impervious to spear stabs, but she is alone, and the elephants and chariots are many. Chariots and elephants die, but many more legionaires fall. Eventually, Ermor troops lose cohesion and every soldier runs away for his life in a disorderly fashion. Samael starts tiring. She sees her army is defeated and flies away.
Samael gathers the remnants of her army and bring them together eastwards. Harrassed by Arcoscephale soldiers, they eventually manage to reach the river and follow it downstream far enough for the chase to finish.

Further east, the Burned Man takes some gold from Erynini treasury to thank the old man who gifted him the magic wolf skin. He then assembles his army and orders that they all participate in a big mass in which he blesses every soldier for the fight to come, explaining how the Eternal Pyre will burn their enemies and protect them from the bite of fire. Once his army is blessed, he starts walking them eastward, toward Firland...

Firland's high priestess Burner was busy reading scouts reports in Darayush, mapping the lands to the south-east, when she heard reports of raiders in the region. A group of marauders has emerged from chaos lands to attack the city.

Raiders attacking Firland are caught under Burner's fire balls.

The attack on Darayush fails miserably as Burner was training lots of new archers in the city. This gave them a lot of targets for practising from the vantage position of high walls. Most raiders were killed, but the mounted ones managed to flee and started pillaging the region. Burner had to send troops to chase them. They eventually managed to make them flee and Burner took her army and marched west to Firuum.
This year isn't a good one for Firland, as bakemono bandits have started operating around Darkmine, attacking wagons of ore and stealing lots of precious metals. Hearing this, Burner marched south to Darkmine but she hasn't had time to drive off the scoundrel yet.

The Phoenix leaves Harnost to march south against the city of Ellumar. When he reaches the walls of the city, he orders boulders to be collected by the giants to hurl at the walls, and catapults to be built in order to breach them. The army surrounds Ellumar, preparing a short siege and expecting to breach the walls quickly. The siege engines are still being built when news arrive of an army marching in from the north. The Phoenix barely has time to organise his troops, and he sees Erynini's troops ready to attack.

Erynini knights destroy Firland's left flank.

The Phoenix casts fire bolts at the enemy, but these seem protected by some kind of magic, and the flames hardly hurt them. He has to resort to his troops' more conventional weapons, but they are outnumbered and lack cavalry. Erynini knights charge the left flank of Firland and the lances murder many dwarves and elves. The Burned Man is leading the army, and his magic seems more efficient than that of the Phoenix. Although his fire bolts aren't as deadly against the Firland dwarves and elves as they are against men, his chants inspire his troops and bring fear to the enemy.
Firland giants hold the center of the army but they fall one after the other and, when the left flank caves in to the repeated charges of Erynini knights, the whole Firland line falters. The Phoenix tries to rally his men around him and charges to try to reverse the fate of the battle but a sling bullet hits him in the armpit as he raises his arm to deal a strike. Stunned by the blow, he falls. Someone stabs him and suddenly all hell goes loose. He erupts in a huge fire blast that sweeps through the battlefield.
Erynini soldiers are badly burnt, and many around the Phoenix's location die on the spot despite the magical protection granted by the Eternal Pyre. Firland troops suffer even more. Not only do they lack Erynini's blessing, but they also understand what the blast means. Those who survive run away and scatter. When Erynini knights recover from the blast, they chase the survivors and pick them out with ease.
The gates of Ellumar open and a few old men go out, praising the Burned Man for his victory upon the attackers. They ask that Erynini respect Ellumar independence, but they welcome him to teach them how he managed the magics that protected his troops from fire. They are very impressed, as they haven't seen people able to master such magic since the days of the Pantocrator.
In Firland, all the statues of the Phoenix suddenly change shape. When, two months later, a woman enters Firuum claiming to be the new Phoenix, people look at the statues and realise they are in her image. What will the new Phoenix incarnation do, how will she behave, is anyone's guess.
In Drakalor, the change of the statues is seen as a signal by the followers of the Eternal Pyre. They are numerous in the city, and they claim that the Phoenix died, as the statues show. The city council protests that the Phoenix is immortal and the new incarnation is still the rightful ruler of Drakalor, but the faitfhul of the Eternal Pyre are many and organised. It doesn't take long for them to convince the militia to join them and oust the Phoenix's followers. Drakalor announces it joins the realm of Erynini.

Myrde last cities get ravaged by plagues. People eat whatever they can find, including pebbles and long-dead rats. This, along with the strange magic that permeates the land, leads to a terrible disease where people start eating air. Persuaded that air is nutritious, those air-eaters gasp all the time, and they eventually grow big, like balloons, until they either explode or float in the sky never to be seen again. Fatrasie tries to chain some of them so they don't run away, but they just grow bigger until some kid throws a pointy stone at them and they explode, covering Tlanetzutl in disgusting blood and bodily juices.

C'tis priest-king Ssussaapi starts huge works in Myrde. He orders most of the old buildings destroyed and tries to unearth the dead squid god from wherever it's hidden. The thing called Fùxaxxatlìnnùnìnùtlectlìbrrrìxxatl is just a small buried squid, however. And by now its physical shape is probably rotten away for all the lizardmen know, as they are unable to find it. Still, the most visible buildings of Myrde madness are destroyed. The tipped tower and weird apparatus are desroyed stone by stone, metal part by metal part, until Myrde starts looking like a real city again. Slowly, lizardmen move from the north and replace those humans who die to the new filthy weather.
Skenaton attacks Thrymr. When his armies reach the city, they find the giants have left to follow their prophet Maerfarth in an assault of the dwarven city of Zhakoten. This doesn't go very well for them. The giants charge the walls, certain they can scale them easily, only to be cut to pieces by dwarven crossbow bolts. Thrymr is therefore defenseless and easily conquered, the inhabitants slowly coming back to their senses, leaving the most faithful among them to die drooling alone in their madness.
Ssussaapi marches on Tlanetzutl with his own troops. When he is halfway along the road, he faces a... Actually, Fatrasie would call this an army. Maerfarth would call it "G'thuft'agh'n thrughr shh?" and then burp. Fùxaxxatlìnnùnìnùtlectlìbrrrìxxatl wouldn't even care about calling it something. Yours truly will call it a rabble of madmen led by a madwoman. As Fatrasie sees the enemies, she starts a terrible incantation. She has prepared a ritual for days before leaving Tlanetzutl, and only now is she unleashing the power of her Faith and her mastery of chaos magic. All the men on the battlefield suddenly shiver and fall to the ground. Their hair grows, and horns sprout off their forehead. Their distorted limbs rip their clothes and armors apart. Their eyes turn gold, their skin gets covered with wool and soon, where two armies (well...) of men stood, now stand two armies of sheep.

A Myrde commander announcing the charge.

Except men were only a tiny contigent of the C'tis army, whose lizardmen have been untouched by Fatrasie's spell. The poor mercenaries hired by Ssussaapi are now sheep, and they don't know how to fight in this shape. They get easily routed by the undisciplined but savage Myrde sheep, led by furious rams. The lizardmen, however, aren't that easily defeated. Their lizard-chariots easily stop the rams and sheep charges, and the skeletons fear not the din made by the animals. Fatrasie's sheep are slaughtered in what can only be described as a butchery. Ssussaapi then marches on and liberates Tlanetzutl with ease.
Fatrasie is killed in the battle. Maerfarth, after dying his nth death at the walls of Zhakoten, somehow reincarnates in Myrde, where he gets captured by lizardmen who put him in a jail in an isolated hut while they keep digging to unearth the dead squid god.
How aware are the priests of Bhumi of the goings-on in other lands? Like a the monkey and the cartographer- are we aware of these things?

OH- and good update!
What the hell is this monkey anyways?

I smell a trap everywhere. It seems that every turn, everything that can go right goes right, but everything that can go wrong goes wrong simultaneuously DX
Great update, that went better than I expected. I'll most likely have some diplo up later today.


Thank you.

Now that I have your attention, allow me to speak a few words about our current situation! No, Larus, I have not been sent by one of Samael and the Pontifex’s superstitious nay-sayers, I have come to speak as a fellow Ermorian and a soldier.

I will admit that I am not as silver-tongued as some of the Imperators that we fought under through these long years of combat, men! When I speak, I do not keep a cool head upon my shoulder. I only have one thing to say: I WANT TO FIGHT.

Men, all these talks in camp about Ermorians not wanting to fight is a load of baloney! Traditionally, we Ermorians love to fight! We love the sting and clash of battle. Ermor loves Winners. Ermor does not tolerate losers. Ermorians, therefore, play to WIN. Tha

t is why we have never before lost a war!


We will FIGHT this war to the bitter end and at it, only WE shall be victorious! I already know that this is true, do you know why?

Because these foreigners… these Arcoscephile… they are sub-human. They are nothing more than common bandits lead by a mewling baby! Have they ever shown prowess, cunning, discipline, and courage in open combat? Nay! When they struck us in our rear during our war with the Maverni, they fled as soon as they caught wind that we, Ermorians, were coming! Because they couldn’t stand the thought of warring with us, they murdered defenseless civilians and tried to destroy our lands with beasts! Because they couldn’t stand the thought of matching us in fair combat, they snuck around our lands, destroying our trade caravans, and starving our civilians!

And when they tried to entrap us in Arcoscephile and demand our surrender, we showed them what’s up by simply crashing through their defensive lines!

These men we war against are truly nothing more than the lowest scum that lives within our mud! The entire race, as a whole, deserves nothing more than the chains of slavery tied around their ankle! One would wonder why they even bother to rise up in the mornings to face against us, do you know why? IT IS BECAUSE THEY DESIRE TO ESCAPE FROM THEIR SHRILL UNFULFILLED WIVES AND MOTHERS! Not surprising, given the size of their manhood. It is no bigger than a flea on a roach’s bottom!

YES, Tilus, I KNOW that we were forced to retreat from their lands ourselves! Have you managed to beat everyone you faced off against in the drills?



Yes, not everything will go the way we want. Hell, almost nothing we did in this war went the way we want. When we turned to face the Arcoscephile during our flight, we lost.

And that pisses me off.

But do you know why, men, that we have these drills at all? Do you know why we do not pick up some mewling infants off the streets, give them a sword, and tell him to go and fight the enemy?

Because sending untrained men to war is to send them to death, that’s why! These drills have one purpose and one purpose only: to teach idiots lessons! To teach them the mistakes in their posture and their fighting style so that they do not make those same mistakes in actual combat and die like flies! No men in our army have won every single combat drill! And what do we do, men, if we lose?


NO, MEN! WE TRAIN. WE SHARPEN OUR PROWESS AND SENSES! We harden our bodies and mind so that when we finally have another drill, we will come out on top! These Arcoscephiles, these… arseweasels may have defeated us, but we are still alive and now we outnumber them! They can’t even kill us if they had us surrounded with backs to a literal wall! They had to kill our men in sleep, frighten us, and then poison our minds with these charms of their heathen gods to break our morale! I do not accept this previous loss against them! Do you remember what happened? Only Samael remained to fight at the end, and she was the one who was leading our retreat before being urged to stop! THIS IS AN embarrassing display from us Ermorians! There must be another battle! We WILL regain our Ermorian Honor, for what are we without them?

So let us pray, my fellow comrades! Let us pray that our ancestors and comrades, if they still watch us from beyond, that we do not show any more embarrassment. Let us pray for victory against these bandits. And let us arm ourselves to the teeth, just in case they are not listening.

-Centurion Quintus Maximus, addressing his troops
A shiny object was seen soaring through the skies. No one in the city of Daryush had any idea what it was.
Then, it landed. It's sharply blue leatherine wings folded onto it's back. The sun shining off of her scales nearly blinded the man. As soon as she touched the lands of chaos, things began to change. People everywhere in the city began changing. The buildings began to twist. An inhumane sound came from her lips, what sounded like laughter. Then, the buildings stopped twisting yet all the other changes continued to occur.

Then, she walked forward. "Clack clack clack" her claws made as she walked towards me.

Then, I looked down at myself to notice that I was changing too. I screamed but all that came out was a whimper and then all was black.
I woke up with a funny feeling on my back as she offered her hand to me. I accepted and let her pick me up. She whispered in my ears "Don't crush your wings" and I once more fell on the ground.

As the grips of a heart attack overtook me, I looked up to see many things crashing in the air. Humans were no more in the city of Darayush. Somehow this thing had harnessed the powers of chaos for a short time.

The heart attack suddenly stopped and I stood up. My skin was green and scaly and my back was covered by a pair of green bat-like wings. I tried out my new wings and accepted what I have become as my claws clacked on the paving stones. The previous man was no more once I left the ground. I will die for my Queen, and nothing you can tell me will change that.

((Drakans wave wings, clawed feet, are covered in scales, but have a humanoid body with humanoid hands. ((The palms don't have scales))))

The phoenix took off and flew back to Firuum satisfied with the chaos she had sowed.
A Speaker for the Dead:

Spoiler :
Look at them, Pontifex, my liege. The soldiers mill about with their spirits crushed. They do not yet know that we now hold the advantage. The trade caravans and healers from the cities will come soon, my lord. They and dozens of priests of Samael to encourage them along.

For an army the size of this, a simple priest such as myself seems to have overextended myself. Not that I appear often to troops anymore, that is, sire. Like you, I seem to have been considered an outcast.

It’s been a long time since I first started guiding your way around the city, my lord. It wasn’t long since the soldiers began to associate me as you: the Pontifex. Blasphemy, I say. But what can I tell them?

Can you remember what it was like, sir? Before the war, I mean. Those days of old have vanished, tone and tint; they have gone glimmering through the dreams of things that were. Their memory is a land where flowers of wondrous beauty and varied colors spring, watered by tears and coaxed and caressed into fuller bloom by the smiles of yesterday. Refrains no longer rise and fall from that land of used-to-be. We listen vainly, but with thirsty ear, for the witching melodies of days that are gone. Ghosts in armors pass before our eyes; voices that have stolen away in the echoes from the battlefields no more ring out.

But the ghosts are here, milord. I can see them, and so can you. If only the soldiers could see them too, perhaps they would not be so heartbroken. It is a bad form to show these… Spectators. Soon, though, the dark times will be over. Help will come for our soldiers.

Surely they are the finest of our people, sire. The strongest and the quickest. It pains my heart to see their faith so shaken. Samael had inspired them before with fear, but without it…

But I digress.

They are the finest people in the whole world, sire. But it is not because they are quick and strong. The people of the Maverni are quicker and stronger. Yet we have emerged victorious over them.

That is because of the bond between the soldiers. It is stronger than steel and utterly unbreakable. These men fight side by side and trust each other fully. They hold no secret amongst them.

And it pains them, just as it pains us to see their faith broken, to see each other die. Their loss of faith should not be blamed on them, milord, but us. We did this to them. They have done everything so admirably. It is not that they are weak willed, but rather that our leadership failed when they needed it the most.

There can be no more failures from this point onward. We must show these men that we are made of steel, just like they are. We must show these men that we are just as good as they are, for we are surely not their betters, and that we are fit to lead them to victory.

But that person will not be me, sire.

Truth is, I have contracted the infection.

Apparently I was deemed unworthy of the soldier’s fortitude.

No, Pontifex, I am thankful. There is no need to be sorry for me. I am thankful for every day that I still live, walk, breathe, and talk. No historians will remember what I have looked like or what I have spoken, but I will have you to eternally remember me.

It is a miracle that I can still even walk, Pontifex. Everybody have told me that I still have a few years left of my life… but looking at the symptoms, I can not bring myself to classify that as living.

And I knew how this was going to end anyways.

I guess others could spend the rest of my days in retirement, sire. Lie down in a sunny place, let the steel rust in a dusty cellar full of books to read.

But not me, sire.

In times of war, we do not allow steel to rust.

It must be reforged, melted down, repurposed. A rusted sword holds no meaning, but a melted down sword can be still made anew and mended. Like a true Ermorian, I will continue to fight to the bitter end. From the ashes I will emerge, like a phoenix from its dying flames, I will cast aside my old body and enter a new one. I will annihilate my soul, my consciousness, and my life.

I have remembered the life and times of countless historians, thousands of dying men and women of Elder Gate, and hundreds of dying soldiers. There will be another to this land to remember me, and that will be enough.

Let my infection be transformed into Hope.

Let my life be transformed into Immortality

And let the grief be transformed into Love.

There is yet one thing that needs to be done.
How aware are the priests of Bhumi of the goings-on in other lands? Like a the monkey and the cartographer- are we aware of these things?

OH- and good update!


How aware are the priests of Bhumi of the goings-on in other lands? Like a the monkey and the cartographer- are we aware of these things?

OH- and good update!

Such news travel but take a while to do so.
Therefore, Bhulmi will get hearsay after a while. The cartographer is most likely unheard of until he is given an answer by Mallitain. The monkey rumour will take a longer while to spread, what with a war being waged in-between your lands and Ermor, and the river which provides communication channels not flowing into Bhumi. So it's likely to reach Bhumi in one or two years.

Sorry to take so long. I just sent them.

For next turn, by then we should have heard of this, we are willing to buy talking moneys, apes or furred primates of most kinds.
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