

Oct 12, 2010

In DonMartyMod you start at year 10,000 BC,
You only have a settler at start.
The very first step is to build a hut, this bring cro-magnon emigrant to your village and unlock the tech tree.
You wont have any science until you build the council of elder.
You wont have a capital until you build your palace and you need masonry to build it.
Finishing your palace trigger a golden age its really the begining of your civilization.
All terrain improvement have been upgraded.
lake, and ocean give +1 :food:
You will stay longer in each era you are able to build massive army in any era.
You wont be able to build a settler abefore learning the wheel.
New building: Shaman house, Chieftain House, Hut, Council of the elder and Palisade from kael tutorial.
New Units : Cro-magnon, Chieftain, Shaman.
New tech : Hut building.
New Specialist: apprentice +2 science +1 great scientist

Fort and Citadel + 50% defence
Crossbow upgrade to sniper since V1.27
Longer golden age, harder to get
Noncombat unit now die from ranged attack.
Up to 300xp from barbarian.
No science per population
slower worldwonder
Less unit maintenance
Longhouse give +2 food to balance farm and mine upgrade.
Building science give 25%
Building giving more hapiness and more specialist
Fish, banana, deer, sheep, cow, wheat, horse give +1 happiness and are

History :

I win my first game on diplomatic victory, my town was small, i didn't use all the land around them, i didn't explore half of the map. I realize the game was incomplete, the mod list was empty, so i decide to mod.
Upgrade yield, beter specialist, longer research, faster unit production
Starting to add building and unit
No capital, unable to build settler and no science that bugged the AI.

V1.24 Fix AI, i tested it on quick speed after 111 turn im second in science with 4 town. All wonder of the world are build in far away land. So it will be the best release since V1.10.

V1.25 balance and fix. New building for the classical era: Agora + 4 culture + 1 gold. Now horseback riding mounted unit need stable instead of horse, stable require 2 horse.

V1.26 Unique hero for each civ !
You will need to complete the Heroic epic to get your hero. I will make different prereq for each civ specific Heroic epic, so the american wont have a medieval hero.
Jeanne D'Arc
Robin Hood
Frederick Barbarossa
Sonni Ali
Miyamoto Musashi
Scipio Africanus
Guan Yu
Ilya Muromets
Mehmet II
Chuck Norris was too strong, now america have John Henry, he build railroad at 10X the speed of a worker.
I forget Siam hero...
For now Siam will have the basic hero like all other mod civ.
I reduce the price of basic hut from 10 to 3, because it suck when you play marathon.

New unit: sniper. (Crossbow upgrade to sniper)
New Specialist scholar +3 science + 2 great scientist
balance :
reduce cost of shaman house + warchief house
engineer now +4 production + 1 science
Remake of all difficulty level. Warlord difficulty and up are harder.

V1.28 uploaded 2010-10-27

All new Ancient Era Tech Tree
Tech: Fishing, Slavery, Tools, Cave Painting
Building: Fishery, Slave Market
Unit: Slave
Specialist : Slave
Wonder: Lascaux

Add sniper unit

I made a military camp improvement that can only be build by the warchief +1 food +25% defense.
A farmer unit that can build farm. So you can have farm before worker.
Balance city growth, human unit cost food to build and lots of other small change and bug fix.

didn't test if AI build the military camp.

Tech: Crop rotation
Research agrement cost more.
no more farmer.
Library +1 :c5science: , +1 :c5science: / 5 :c5citizen:

Mod added :
Zulu Impi from Deliverator
GreyTiger's Courthouse Judge Mod

V1.34 bugged never released

fix Courthouse Judge Mod + Harder Barbarian

V1.36 -- Only available here
Mod added :
GreyTiger Horticulture v2
Valkrionn Economy v5

V1.37 --
added Thalassicus Balance Policies.
I reworked it to fit my "no capital at start"
added Thalassicus Balance City Development.

V1.38 --
Smellymummy Liberation boost
killmeplease Emigration
Afforess TechDiffusion
Gazebo City State Diplomacy

V1.39 --
add flavor to palace
reduce happiness by handicap:
Settler = 15
Chieftain = 12
Warlord = 10
Prince = 9
King = 7
Emperor = 6
Immortal = 5
Deity = 4

V1.40 Fix Cro-Magnon not working in V1.39

V1.41 Fix bug from last patch.
Add a lots of new building from civilization nights
Fix new patch policy to fit the mod

V1.42 More patch bug fix
Now need palace to build settler.

I made a new kind of settler the colonist require printing press. He move faster and doesn't need to be build in capital like the settler.
New wasted resource system!

Remove bug reported by Fëanor
Remove wasted ressources system. If you want to try it add <UpdateDatabase>xml/WasteImprovement.xml</UpdateDatabase> in DonMartyMod(v44).modinfo file.

V1.45 (under development only available here)
New Building City Hall +3:c5happy: +1:c5culture: +10:c5culture: with Citizenship. 12:c5gold: Maintenance cost and +5%:c5gold: . Require Printing Press
New Policy God King require Monarchy +1:c5gold:/5:c5citizen:
Building the Pyramid give 2 free slave.


  • DonMartyMod (v 45).zip
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What do you think about my mod ?

Like you have seen, i'm tempted by your mod but if you give no description of your perhaps nice mod, what you mod is about ?

What are its goals ?

What things are added from vanilla Civ 5 game ?

If you explain all these things, i could be tempted by your mod ;)
Or, in other words.

I think absolutely nothing of your mod, because I know absolutely nothing about it.
Yeah, your description on the mod hub is also incredibly difficult to comprehend.

I hope you get it sorted and best of luck!
The shamans are a really good idea. I get so sad when my shaman dies for my city hehe. One of my most favorite things so far though. The only unit i care about early on!

I also like having to build the palace. Many times I have been so upset when i get a map that I cant raze the capital of a neighbor. This mod gives me a nice window to shove off the capitals that are in my comfort area if I hurry to do it. A nice incentive for early warfare.

I must say I edited the mod a bit. I was unsure if the yield balance bonuses would end up being too easy for me. So I went and removed your tile yield options.

I saw that you have a dark ages idea. I think that would be really neat when you get to it.

EDIT: I also have to add... this mod works very well alongside totalmod alpha.. Its a nice combo
I saw that you have a dark ages idea. I think that would be really neat when you get to it.

My idea was to trigger a Dark Age when golden age hapiness fall below 0.
Giving about -75% science and -75% culture
And removing the production and growth penalty from unhapiness.

I just dont have the Lua skill to do it.
I like the changes in the newest version. The direction you are going is very interesting.
Having no science at the start is kind of cool.. it really makes the game feel prehistoric.

Id like to see some tactical options early on.. like instead of getting 2 cromagnon AND science.. have a choice one or the other.. or maybe a tiny national wonder that spawns a chieftain.. takes longer than the others but creates a great general with combat abilities or something I dunno. Just something to make you chose a path.

You broke my habit of spamming cities just for population science boost at the start. This is making the game alot more interesting for me... I kinda like the idea of no science for population.

Im having alot of fun with this mod, thanks for the effort =)
i will make the chieftain house :)

Chieftain done !

Like the shaman he come with his building so only 1 per town.
Building cost a litle more than shaman house and give +10xp and 25% unit production bonus.
The chieftain got 9 strength double attack and ignore terrain cost promotion.

I remove the +1 science from the basic hut. I made the elder council that give +1 science.

I'm trying to make the basic hut a prereq for other hut. It should come out on my next update, no more time today.
V1.22 uploaded with new tech: hut building.

There was a bug in V1.16 so i quickly try to patch with 1.17 and 1.18. Sorry if you dl one of these version.
how does the AI handle the science production changes?

I'm losing so much patience with the performance of ciV, and at the same time I'm trying really hard to like it with certain changes to the mechanics of the game. I think making the science not directly based on population is an excellent idea, but as people were saying before, how does the AI cope?

I've only played a few small games so far at King, and it almost looks like some AI do ok (but still lag behind me in tech) while other AI stay at 0% Literacy, which means they have no science at all for the first 100 turns and sometimes until the end of a game...?

Can people share their observations with regard to AI science performance in the long term with this system? How can I help the AI optimize their science without basically cheating?
Hey, a quick q-- how do i get research in the beginning? It appears that I need the elder council to get research, and yet to get that I need research... its a catch 22! what am i supposed to do? Is there even supposed to be any research in the beginning of the game?
how does the AI handle the science production changes?
How can I help the AI optimize their science without basically cheating?

I know that AI actually do some research. But i did'nt play any full game yet :(
It will fix by adding more science flavors:
a bit of sql
UPDATE Leader_Flavors SET Flavor = Flavor+1 Where FlavorType="FLAVOR_SCIENCE";

thx for reporting

coming soon on v1.23 :
Hey a suggestion after figuring it out (thanks!): maybe dont get rid of science from population all together, but just make it 1/3 amount it was before. Cause I played about 200 turns and i was just getting writing in the 150s AD. Is that right?
i already try 0.5 per population but that didn't work at all.

What other mod are u using ?
At what speed are you playing ?

At normal speed it should take around 40 turn to get writing.
just urs, a clock and one that helps with UI, as in more info about tiles. But i didnt beeline writing, so... is that it?
and btw, why didnt .5 work? did it crash, or did it just screw things up- ie production- too much?
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