Double culture on jungle tiles. Bug?


Aug 23, 2002
I wonder why some of my cities have double culture on their jungle tiles?
I don't think this is possible, so is it a bug? If so, what was the cause?
This is the info about my religion :
Pantheon -> sacred path
Religion -> Buddhism
Piety policy -> Religious Tolerance

That's because Religions Tolerance is broken, it identifies your pantheon as major religion and your religion as 2nd major religion, whose pantheon just happens to be the very pantheon you have. It doesn't work in your cap because the pantheon is not present anymore.
The double culture happens when the pantheon sign next to the city appears with sacred path and then with the religion that has sacred path pantheon itself.
As stormtrooper said it's a bug when you have religious tolerance but no religion in your city. The pantheon will be recognized as the majority and your religion as the secondary.

To be more precise the function GetSecondaryReligion() doesn't check if the majority it found is not a pantheon. While adding that check is easy (just have to put > RELIGION_PANTHEON instead of != NO_RELIGION) it then begins to gets more complicated if you want to consider the "secondary religion" as being the first religion and the "third religion" as being the secondary one. Possible but a lot of hassle for not much benefit.

And it's not like it's really advantageous. Yes you have double pantheon but no follower belief in that city.
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