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is it possible to remove the prehistoric era stuff? the mod was working fine until that got put in it just doesn't seem to be working with the AI.
is it possible to remove the prehistoric era stuff? the mod was working fine until that got put in it just doesn't seem to be working with the AI.

If you dont like it dont play it.
Anyway since i spend more then 100 hours coding so far the last weeks and dont ask me how much workhours my SDK now has.
Have you any experience in coding? If so then you can imaging how nice comments like this are.
Dont listen to him Gilga, its great mod just needs to squash all the bugs.

I can imagine AI will be huge problem but you can make it..good work and good luck in future.
Dont listen to him Gilga, its great mod just needs to squash all the bugs.

I can imagine AI will be huge problem but you can make it..good work and good luck in future.

I don't play because the AI doesnt research, but as Gilgamesch said it's a very complex mod, so I can imagine how hard to find and fix all of bugs. There are lot of mods out there, so everyone can choose but I will wait for this mod, cos I really like it. :nuke:
The problem is mostly that when you finished one bug or problem another appairs.
So that you jump from one problem to another.

For the ai, after digging the files it seems one ai file was broken and not loaded properly.

Also tried to set the handicaps better (all values are very complex and need retesting)

From my test runs it seems the ai is fast expanding, but keeps it happiness iam always the last player on diety, but i make more science per turn. This is related to the greater ammount of ai cities (malus for more cities).

Didnt have the time to make a complete test run, but await a quickhotfix tomorrow (hopefully).
Bladex, that was harsh. Great work as usual, Gilgamesch.

Can we add a new era before Ancient to deal with the problems, and create more construction choice in the early eras?
Can we add a new era before Ancient to deal with the problems, and create more construction choice in the early eras?

Two new eras are planned. One for the "Stone Age" and the one Chrome has designed (Industrial/Modern)
The problem here the complete lua tech files needs changing (remember this broke the techtree in the past)
I would prefer this changes soon, because this would allow era defines (bonus and malus) and a start choices for the player.

If someone could add the related lines to the lua files this could be done very soon as well.;)

Edit we would also need new pictures for the eras and the techtree.
Gilgamesch, I think it is better to make a dynamic tech tree based on Lua. Each technology will have an associated, unresearchable dummy PrereqTech, which will not be displayed on the tech tree seen by the players. At the beginning, a random-number tool in Lua can, subject to certain obvious restrictions (eg Fire doesn't unlock Writing, Warfare, and Literature directly), set the conditions for which a specific PrereqTech is unlocked. Once this tech is unlocked, the tech it is a prereq for will be researchable.

A new UI would have to be built for technologies, creating wire connections based on custom Lua and making the tech system modular. We will have to overhaul a section of our tech-tree code, but since it's not fully working anyway it will be worth it.
So do team not going to realize my suggestion of organized tech-tree (ancient > classic-medieval > renaissance-industrial > modern)?
There is no potential for the permanent extension of tech-tree without some limits.
So do team not going to realize my suggestion of organized tech-tree (ancient > classic-medieval > renaissance-industrial > modern)?
There is no potential for the permanent extension of tech-tree without some limits.

Its all about time, and i have no time for overworking sql files.
This is nothing i can do in one or two hours. I think it will take at least 4-6 hours!!!
Bugfixing and troubleshooting not included;)
Also i will not start working on the techtree yet and comeback in the next weeks to change it all again for the two new eras.

You work will be implented but like i said before with the next updates.
Ok, good, then where i can look at tech-tree for "Stone Age" (because it will duplicate many techs of ancient) and what do "Chrome has designed (Industrial/Modern)".
Ok, good, then where i can look at tech-tree for "Stone Age" (because it will duplicate many techs of ancient) and what do "Chrome has designed (Industrial/Modern)".

local g_PipeRevolutionaryWarfare = InstanceManager:new( 
local g_PipeEnvironment = InstanceManager:new( "TechPipeInstance"[CODE]

Good question i can only say what was left in the code "Revolutionary Warfare and Environment. The 3. is disappaired and that was the reason for  the broken techtree.

For the techs, all files are located under CCTP/Technologies/Technologies.sql.
Open it in modbuddy and look for settler, spirit and nomad. There is no exclusiv SA era yet.
Yip would take some rework, but iam thinking of giving "Stone Age "era only one techcat (all other eras have 3 )
Yip would take some rework, but iam thinking of giving "Stone Age "era only one techcat (all other eras have 3 )[/QUOTE]

It may be good idea if you add some playability for game without cities (because they actually appeared only in neolithic times). May be it should be like game at barbarian side.
It may be good idea if you add some playability for game without cities (because they actually appeared only in neolithic times). May be it should be like game at barbarian side.

Please dont ask me how to code this, iam no lua programmer and have no time to create working code at a good working rate for lua.

Also iam sure that someting like this need a dll hook, what even bring more complications to the mod.

I would also like to see things like this, but since iam coding the most part here alone in the past weeks, i only played one game and this only at the end of industrial.

To be honest my interest in spending even more time for CCTP is low (at the moment).
Rl, my Girlfriend and at least my work dont give me the time for this and when i think about the reportet bugs my goals is to provide a propper bug free version, than adding more and more stuff.

I love CCTP but its only a game/mod and with me as the only active coder here, this will not work for ever.
Yeah. We need some proselitism.

This could help, but dont take me wrong for my posts.
Iam struggling in RL and this mod give me sometimes so many headshots that iam feeling cursed.
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