

Grammar Nazi
Feb 26, 2007
Grammar Nazi Conclave
Drafting is a underused mechanic. I would like it much more if drafting was civ-specific. There could be things like bannor drafting demagogs during a crusade, sidar drafting "wanderers" that have no strength but gain experience by visiting wonders or unique features, calabim drafting slaves, grigori using drafting to evacuate cities that will soon be taken and create units that can be added to other cities of upgraded into units, and all sorts of stuff. I don't think that drafting should cause unhappiness for most civs, and should not require civics. Some could be balanced by only allowing it every few turns, like elohim drafting monks causing unhappiness, requiring a reliquary and only allowed every 15 turns, while the bannor can draft demagogs every turn. It just seems wierd that in a dark fantasy world, your citizens just sit in their city instead of going out to fight, Even the warrior civilopedia entry says "hardly a household is without a sword". this way, pillaging and other methods of population reducing would become effective ttactics as you can reduce your opponent's capacity to create units by pillaging their farms.
That's a great idea but what would it take? Python? C++? If the team did that it would add ALOT more flavor.
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