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Dungeoneering NES: This Aint Your Moms Basement

Selen Winterwisp
Male Elven Mage, Level 1
Lawful Good
Ability Array #10: 16 16 12 11 10 8
Str - 10
Con - 11
Dex - 12 [+2]
Int - 16
Wis - 16 [+2]
Cha - 8
Skills: Illusionist, Elementalist
Languages: Common, Runes, Elvish
This answers NOTHING.

If you want, you can tell them I am a bad DM who has prepared nothing for them, and that they should play on the #neschat with you, Luckymoose.

OOC: How will this game be run?

-Well, I will present them situations, and they will provide actions. They can roll a dice and add any bonuses they have or I can do it for them if they like, and the outcome is decided by the dice and the modifiers, thereby altering the situation. This back-and-forth is called playing a game.

Will you roll dice as required?

-That is a stupid question, I just answered that.

Will the players write stories or short descriptions of theirs actions, requesting skill checks from you as they go?

-Again, I -just- answered that. Keep up, Luckymoose.

Will people be forced into parties, as is traditional?

-Good question. If they desire to go their own separate ways, I will have to manage. But initially, they will all start in the same place, because I am a monster.

What does the world look like?

-It is a globe probably, though that is being debated by certain people. It has rivers and mountains. Probably kingdoms.

How will it behave?

-Normally? I do not understand the question.

Is it traditional high fantasy or something more

-Only time can tell. Initially, players will be playing the races provided. Yayyyyy111

How will you keep people in line from abusing actions or gaining treasure?

-I am a man of steel.
Eltain, how s my sign up sheet?

Also, Lucky, you've said in chat that you hate the set up of Action Chatrooms. Have you changed your mind? Either way, it is not your place to deride Eltain's NES because you do not believe in it. If you don't like it, ignore the thread.
In fact I was going to ask you how I should interpret Illusionist and Elementalist. Are they incredibly specific knowledge checks?

Trained skills (such as those) would be used to modify attempts at actions relating to them, and I am just unsure of what those would relate to.
Well, when casting illusions or elemental spells, I get a bonus. I can make them broader if you wish.
If you want, you can tell them I am a bad DM who has prepared nothing for them, and that they should play on the #neschat with you, Luckymoose.

OOC: How will this game be run?

-Well, I will present them situations, and they will provide actions. They can roll a dice and add any bonuses they have or I can do it for them if they like, and the outcome is decided by the dice and the modifiers, thereby altering the situation. This back-and-forth is called playing a game.

Will you roll dice as required?

-That is a stupid question, I just answered that.

You do not want players to roll dice, they will cheat. There is no mechanic to prevent them from cheating. You present them with situations, they will want to succeed, thus lying about their dice rolls. It is not a stupid question, it is a fundamental flaw in your design.

Also, Lucky, you've said in chat that you hate the set up of Action Chatrooms. Have you changed your mind? Either way, it is not your place to deride Eltain's NES because you do not believe in it. If you don't like it, ignore the thread.

It is my place to help people in a subject I know very much about. Eltain has not thought it through, and advice will be needed to keep players like you from abusing the system like you do in SuperNES, for example. Hush your mouth, silly girl.
How have I abused the system in SuperNES? I've accomplished barely anything... I robbed a bank, brought some gangs under my control, and lost a fight to another person...

Second, I very much doubt people will straight up lie about their rolls, and if they do then it makes it less fun for them. Not really for anyone else, though, so it's not a huge deal.
Clearly you do not know me - I would not misreport a die roll. Not worth it. Nevertheless, I am somewhat surprised that Eltain is taking that leap of faith. Well, I'm ready and willing to take a stab at it. Speaking of which, Lucky, are you in?

EDIT: Cross-post with Arrow.
Arrow Gamer, your character in SuperNES is an irredeemable, uninteresting overpowered munchkin. He's not edgy, he's obnoxious. Jake's got no character traits beyond a lust for power and random violence against everything around him, and he completely perverts a system which is meant to be built around creating a story together, as a group of NESers. I personally feel that your actions are tremendously harmful to bestshot9's NES, and I think that this kind of behaviour is very likely to crop up again in this NES project, so I think Luckymoose is right to be criticizing you in this manner.
I fail to see how a lust for power and random violence are not character traits, and although I am a rather poor writer I'm working on expanding him. Still, he is not very overpowered, seeing as he can be completely destroyed by a flying character. Also, he is not ruining the NES in any way. He hasn't done anything to effect anyone else except Grandkhan's character, and that actually helped him. He is a guy who is rather crazy who destroys stuff. I haven't really revealed why yet, but in the words of Alfred from the Dark Knight, "Skme men just want to watch the world burn."

Jake is rather similar to the Joker, but the Joker is perfectly acceptable. Why can't Jake be?
The Joker is the antithesis to batman and is meant to be the ultimate villain. Just sayin, not regarding that conversation.

You do not want players to roll dice, they will cheat. There is no mechanic to prevent them from cheating. You present them with situations, they will want to succeed, thus lying about their dice rolls. It is not a stupid question, it is a fundamental flaw in your design.

What I meant by the second part was, "yes there will be dice rolling", I did not take the you to mean me specifically. Do you think this or any such potential problem could be solved by me being in charge of the dice, then?
What I meant by the second part was, "yes there will be dice rolling", I did not take the you to mean me specifically. Do you think this or any such potential problem could be solved by me being in charge of the dice, then?

Yes, you should control every die roll.
I'm not sure how seriously I must take this NES.

Can I be a half-ogre Rogue or should I just shoot myself in the foot before I even start that process?
Initial name concept for LOE's character included Healy McPriesterstein, and the game itself is called This Aint your Moms Basement.

1: Gender and name : Glorfindel Faelivrin, Male
2: Your race : Elf
3: Your class. Ranger (MultiClassing Allowed ?)
4: Your alignment : Neutral Evil

5: Abilities Array Table : {#1 : 14 13 13 13 13 13}
STR - 14
WIS - 13 (+2)
CHA - 13
CON - 13
DEX - 13 (+2)
INT - 13

Others :
+2 Perception checks - Racial Ability
+1 Ambush Rounds
+1 Dual Weild/ Ranged Weapon
Quarry (Preferred Target)

*Where # is incredibly important.

6: An extra language your character speaks. - Random Pick (?)
7: Pick 2 Skills that you wish to be trained. (see Skills table)
Making some skills up.. hopefully not too much OP :\
Ultravision - By the grace of Seldarine, the woman of the night, her worshippers have been graced with unusually strong power of sight. At night, their sight notices things that most mortals dont notice. Even in the day time, certain traps and camofloge attempts can be noticed.
Cure Light wounds : 1d8 healing, 10 % reduction of effect based on the armor level of the target's cast.
@SouthernKing: Never played either. Jumped in anyhow. Mind you, from what I know of D&D we're playing a heavily streamlined version, so prior experience is somewhat less applicable. You should join, too - we'll learn together!
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