earth 18civ tutorial


Apr 23, 2006
Hi all,

I normally play multiplayer, with the occasional single player game, but unfortunately the power supply in my pc fried the other night. Fortunately it's under warranty...unfortunately it will be two weeks untill I get it back. In the meantime I'm confined to my mac laptop, and rather than spend 50 bucks so as not to miss a week or two of "civ time" I thought I'd take the oppurtunity to address my favorite single and multi player scenario.

So anyway...feel free to post any questions reguarding strats on the earth map. I've played and won with all 18 civs on at least prince in single player as well as in multiplayer games. So if you have any questions reguarding strategy..please feel free to post...get as intricate as you like, I've pretty much tried it all.

OK here is my question about the 18 CIV Earth map:

How do you get a full 18 players to play long enough to do a full game? I have played many of the countries (though just on Noble so far - but with what I am learning from the ALS series Noble is steadily becoming trivial).

Even on fast speed I can't imagine a game taking less than 20 hours or so. It sure would be sweet to get 18 players to devote the full amount of time to play a game (including players playing out lost positions), but I just don't see that happening.

The beginning of the games I really enjoy. But geez once you get to a certain amount of power going around and taking everyone's cities takes SUCH a long time :)
ok, as for getting 18 players to play...this one is a toughie...the first thing you have to do is come up with 18 compitent players that are willing to go through the 30 minute troubleshooting process of starting the game...

....thats difficult to find....

the most successful I've been hosting an earth game is 16 players...and it actually made it to 1950 or so before the game was called.

the first trick I would offer is make sure to password protect the game. people joining and leaving throughout the game are what cause most OOS errors and outright lockups.

the second trick I would offer is don't just give the password out to anyone. I personally am liberal about giving out my passwords, but I keep a "blacklist" for players that are either overly abrasive and abusive to other players, people who have terrible internet connections/latency rates, and people who tend to quit at the first sign of trouble ( oracle was built by someone else, someone else got their religeon, my mom says I have to eat dinner, etc )

the third is to make sure the players know your rules as a host. I have a few to avoid some known bugs on the gamespy server...

a) don't retire, use exit to main menu/desktop ( retire bug )
b) if your civ is about to be taken next turn so that you're completely erradicated, please leave before that turn, not after your last city is razed captured, etc ( semi-retire bug )
c) a person must IM me, and only me for the password ( buddy list bug, and avoids dumbasses from getting in my game, unless I'm equally a dumbass and let them )
d) don't ever spam my passwords in the lobby...that's an automatic blacklist offense...grin

as for the time's not uncommon to have a game go 12+ fact played one on blazing speed about a week ago that lasted 20+

I also adjust my settings to avoid certain exploits and do a little "map balancing" tech trading, barbs ON, taking time and space race off...

the main point is get people you know...try to schedule games, and eliminate as many things as you can to make sure the game doesn't crash...

learn the gamespy server and it's "features" so that you can host a better game

oh and as a quick side note...5 of the civs will be gone before 500BC...takes about 40 minutes to an hour to get this far...

just the nature of game, early fast military expansion for certain civs...

Nation- America
Difficulty- Lower end
Goals- Hold back Aztecs, found chrisianity in New York, spread across american continent
Problem- Aztecs going straight to the great plains and settling forcing me into war and hindering my westward expansion
Ruiz79 said:
Problem- Aztecs going straight to the great plains and settling forcing me into war and hindering my westward expansion

Solution = Kill Aztecs asap .. they start with no metal .. bronze to nw of capital.
chop out 3 settlers, settle ne (get bronze), w, sw 2 cities on rivers (great place for cottage spam) - I actually use the same strat I use when playing Rome here - I will tech up bronze, wheel fast - get the spam goin while I research my way to CoL + hopefully CS slingshot. Monty will settle a few cities near plains - dont fret .. you have a nasty axe/sword rush to take the pain away. First priority of war - Take his bronze! Easier to put him away without him havin axes. Kill monty before 1AD and you have plenty of time to colonize the continent.
Kill the Aztecs asap, I like that. I'm thinking I want to limit him to only cities in Mexico. The southern US border must be controlled but, I don't know if I wanna totally wipe out his whole country entirely.
BTW, while I'm on the border topic, does anyone come later on and settle canada? Maybe the British? Kinda new to this sceneario and Civ4 for that matter. Truth be told, maybe I should start off with a regular game before jumping right into a global scale.
Ruiz79 said:
BTW, while I'm on the border topic, does anyone come later on and settle canada? Maybe the British? Kinda new to this sceneario and Civ4 for that matter. Truth be told, maybe I should start off with a regular game before jumping right into a global scale.

Britain might, as the map is small and a british city in northern scotland would have a LoS just far enough to see Nova Scotia, and send a ship there. Spain will probably come a little later. Also, I have several times seen Japan settle in Argentina, but that is Huayna Capacs problem.
You have two intersting goals with America...controling the north american continent, and founding Christianity...these are somewhat counteractive goals, but here goes...

The first question would Aztec, AI or human...if it's AI, Monte is going to be much slower getting to iron working than a human is...he will also expand faster and generally neglect wonders/religeon. My advice is beeline iron working...3 settlers is too much...get one settler, settle new york northeast of washington...get a worker, to mine your iron and road your two cities as well as working a road down to mexico, mobility is worth "wasting" the worker. Barracks up Washington and New York and begin pumping axes. The key to this is a simple fact in civ Axemen>Jaguar>Swordsman.

You want to fight Aztec archers and jags, not Aztec axemen ( aggressive bonus ). At this point you can keep aztec bottled in in his capitol and never let him get metals...use your diplomacy screen with him to make sure he doesn't sneak a settler out and have a second city to "trade".

Now whether to kill him off completely or not is determined by if tech trading is on or off...if it is off, destroy him completely...he is of no use to you...if it is on, you will use the teching strategy of beelining the "important techs" for america...which are iron working, construction, code of laws, currency and naval techs to astronomy. You will extort Monte, which isn't easy, for as many techs as you can if TT is on.

Not allowing Aztec to get metal is the key to controling america. With TT on your greatest challenge will be managing an empire that is bigger than others, yet managing a civ which is further behind all the european and asian civs tech wise. Cottage spamming is your friend...and getting caravels/galleons out early are the key to catching up on missed techs...

Personal opinion, you're better off "importing" a religeon. America, like China and Japan, is won by controling production will put up more production than any other civ on the map. 10 galleons full of riflemen and cannon will mop up a city defended by 10 infantry...grin.

If you want anything more specific, by all means ask...

Joe ima add you ass buddy in Civ4 ok, and i think Barbs on is bad because off how unbalanced it is. Russians, Americans get too many while Persia, England, Rome get none.
Thanks for the advice Joe, seems like you know what you're talking about. Actually thats a good idea about playing as America and the Aztecs, at least for my first game. That should get me what I need here. I know it sounds like cheating, but only till I learn more of the late game tactics. I also have this thing with putting cities right where they presently really are on the world map so this should work out.
actually I find barbs on, even raging barbs on, creates more fairness rather than taking it away...its true that rome/england/france/spain don't have to worry about the barbs, however they DO have to worry about rome/england/france and spain. It also reduces the automatic ability of china/the americas/egypt, to gain great land masses the old worker/settler/settler/settler build order.

some disagree, and this is a very arguable point rather than set in stone, but I feel the barbs make the game more balanced not less so...

remember part of the fun of earth 18 is that it is NOT a balanced's a great handicapper when you have friends at different skill levels.

for some reason, I seem to be playing mali/spain/arabia a lot lately while my friends play japan/rome/england...grin

How many English cities is good on their islands? 1st time I played I put like 6, my brother usually only has 3. Whats a good way to go?
2 on the main island and 1 on Ireland.

BTW, how do you play the Earth map in multiplayer???
As for England...

England is one of the two "power" civs on the map, reguardless of settings ( the other is Rome ).

The question of how many cities to put in Great Britain has popped up on a couple threads in here, and I posted a reply that involves an early 4 cities on "the big island" and 1 on ireland later in the game.

I'm going to defend my reasoning for 4 VERY early cities as England here in a little more detail.

The first point I have to make about this game is that civ18 is not like a randomly generated game of civ. England has 1 wheat, 2 cow, 1 horse, 1 stone, 1 coal, 1 iron, 1 dye, 1 deer, 1 fur, and 1 sheep. This is the largest per tile concentration of resources in the game, and I've not even included "water resources". Even more than China, France, etc.

The second point is that even though Europe as a whole is tightly packed, England has 1 thing that all the others can't take advantage of in the same way...the channel. There is no natural enemy of england that can take advantage early game.

The third point, Rome will rule mainland Europe. If the Rome player has any level of skill at all, he will take all of mainland Europe. If he has any sense, he will attempt to take England as well. Your main job as England is to defeat Rome. Rome's capitol is a production powerhouse. Madrid is a production powerhouse. Paris is strong in production as well. Even with the channel if you allow Rome to outproduce you early, you will lose as England, assuming comparible skill levels.

Now, for practical experience, of the HUNDREDS of multiplayer earth18 games I've played, never once have I seen a successful england player only put two cities on the big island and be a power in the game, for the reasons I've listed above.

A passive England will not win the game. You can pull it off on a noble level game against all AI's, but honestly there's not much challenge to that.

You need to take advantage of Elizabeth's traits ( Philo/Financial ) in these ways.

First, Philo, you will have early libraries in all 4 cities in will normally have two scientists working in all 4. This will lead to early acadamies in each of the first well as more popping out as you take Paris/Rome, also might get lucky and get a free "philosophy, or education" tech on your liberalism slingshot.

Second Financial, you will not have many tiles capable of supporting cottages, but you WILL have a lot of water tiles that pound out the coins/beakers, as well as the horse tiles, etc.

Okay now how to defend England and prepare the offensive on the mainland.

London should settle in place...worker first...settler second...the settler should settle 3 due west of london ( I have an alternate strat on this, but this is the most straightforward game. The other involves a pyramid rush that completes in 1960bc, but that's for a later time ). London's next build is ANOTHER settler, and the new city's first build is also a settler. Settler #2 ( city 3 ) is settled one south of the forrested hill with iron. Settler #3 ( city 4 ) is settled one west of the fur in the north. Each of the 3 new cities builds a warrior ( to help with happiness ), you will have sailing at this point and all 4 cities will produce galleys. Naval supperiority will be a focus all game long. You will be hitting iron working about this time. Two of your 4 cities, normally london and your "iron" city" will produce barracks, while the other two will produce your first two axemen...then the builds alternate, so all four cities have barracks and you have a constant stream of axes coming. You will get writing soon after, again, two will produce libraries as two are churning axes. You will NEVER build an archer, and will almost never build swordsmen all game long.

Now for the offensive...Rome will have Europe on it's knees. Your strike is at Paris. You need to claim the iron east of paris so it cannot be utilized...England will be technologically superior to Rome, but it will not have this point, catapults are the priority. You need to take Paris and hold it at all cost...then you split the roman empire by heading right at rome. You will now have 5 strong cities pumping out units/improvements. Rome with have Rome, Madrid, and either greece, berlin, or possibly thebes at this point. This is where you win or lose the only having 2 cities in england you would not be able to produce enough to crack the prae/axemen defenses rome is putting having 4 you are able to continuously improve your cities on the islands by building city improving structures in england yet still having 2-3 cities pumpint out units.

I tried to be fairly specific without writing too long of a book here, if you have any other questions, let me know...

Please tell me how to play this as a multiplayer game, my group of friends would love it!
same way you would play any multiplayer....just choose "new scenario" rather than "new game"

Hey, joe, long time no see...

Anyway since you play so many earth games you probably don't remember me, but i like to play rome. I'm an experienced rome player, but there is always one thing that brings me down. That is - overexpanding. Where do you think rome should stop attking? Playing the map, i've taken over all but mali, china, india, japan, and the americans, but then my economy is in shambles. And yes, i know i can't take the cities and then raze them, cause then the other civs will just settle. What do you suggest? I'll compare with what i usually do (not going to disclose that at the min)
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