Earth evolution


Dec 12, 2006
Athens, Greece
As a farewell to civ4 I will be hosting an earth game.

The game will have the same settings as the earth evolution games played daily on the gamespy lobby.

For those of you that have never had the joy of playing one, I assure you it is tons of fun.

The map will be earth evolution 2 which is the best thought out earth map that gives all civilizations a chance of ruling earth.

The game will start on September 1st so we will have one month to do the civ picking and for those that have not played the map, to check it out and plan their strategies.

This prepartion period is important as it is good for all people to be aware of the map and have a strategy plan in mind, maybe even to have discussed diplo deals with their neighbours before even it begins!

Once we get started things will roll fast as the game will be on quick speed.

Game settings

Players: 18 players
Map: earth evolution 2 (
Game speed: Quick
Tech trading: Off
Huts: Off
Random events: Off
Vassals: Off
Permanent alliances: Off
Difficulty: Monarch
Barbarians ON
Pitboss timer: 24 hours

The civilizations
(the ones with multiple leaders, the owner can pick any leader they like)

England (Elizabeth) - 2 metraninja
Portugal - King Morgan
Holy Rome
Russia (catherine) - babybluepants
Persia (Darious) - Twinkletows
Arabia - Dick 76
Egypt - Aussielurker
Mali - onemoreturnmike
Ethiopia - ahmedhatzi
India (Gandhi) - Exploit
China (Mao) - Pieceofmind
Mongolia (Kublai Khan) - Indiansmoke
Japan - Hercules90

Pick will be first come first served..

You can check this forum out for strategies on all civilizations.

As you see all teh civilizations are old world civs, which means that things are going to be a bit more packed and the race for settling the new world will be important as well.

Double move rules during war will apply for this game, details will be posted in a later date.
I'll join, but want to look at the map to have any idea of the starting position and geopolitics.
Any more players comming?

I guess I can bribe one more to join too.
I'm ready for one last game before Civ5, but this isn't it.

Quick is a deal-breaker for me. IMO it's a completely broken speed.

And the idea of knowing who your neighbors are (and exactly what resources they will have) before the game even starts seems to take away a good portion of the early game.
:) OK, how it could be broken if a lot of people do play and do win multiplayer games constantly on quick speed ? Broken to whom? To all of the players involved in the game? Then how the winner is decided? Every time by random? Not off course. I do believe that a good player is still good at any speed.
Its just slightly different from normal, epic and marathon. And I can play, enjoy and win games at marathon, the same way like playing quick. Just my 0.02$
I realize many people play on Quick and enjoy it. I just personally don't like it. Among other things it leverages warfare heavily towards fast units, and all costs aren't equalized normally for the speed.

It makes the game feel unbalanced to me.

So I'll just go back to skipping this thread.
sign me up for one my faorite civs to play...The Mali and Mansa
anything on this?
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