Earth map, with 18 civs (Huge)

That map is called the "Earth map with enlarged Europe". Many people (I'm one of them) have already converted that Rhye map to be playable without a mod, but it hasn't been added by anybody to the downloads database.

Just to make sure, what version of Civ4 are you playing? Vanilla, Warlords or BTS?

For BTS I made a small mod with the following:

- minimum city distance 1 (instead of 2)
- civ colors from RFC
- dynamic city naming from RFC
- earth map with enlarged Europe

See this post for the download

It's great but some options doesn't work for me:
- dynamic city naming
- 1 tile between cities
and I don't why it isn't working, as I have BtS, most up-to-date patches etc. Can this be fixed?
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