Eastern civ in development

Yes, that's what I had in mind actually.

Well, yeah, with that system it would be even better; but I fear it might be a tad hard to merge.

Well, to do both actually, since they'd be conquering AND stealing at the same time.

No. That race has been created by another god to look like humans; but they don't possess the divine spark. They really look like humans except that they grow faster and live less long than humans. When they became aware of the other races, they began to try to fight their "curse" of dying sooner than other people; either by militaristic prowess or by truly searching immortality.

So, no possession, no corruption and not so much need to fiddle with graphics.

As for leaders, those pictures I like:
Perhaps: http://pokefreak.deviantart.com/art/The-Aggressive-Grace-of-Battle-83519206
(I liked this one too but I'm thinking it should go to the Kurios)

I also have other pictures but I need to find links before I can show them :)

Ah, I think I may have an idea of what race you'd be using.... Rather large jump from the first group there. :lol:
Ah, I think I may have an idea of what race you'd be using.... Rather large jump from the first group there. :lol:
I'm not sure I'm following you... Care to explain in MP? :p

Edit: So, yeah, you're right Valkrionn ;)
No. That race has been created by another god to look like humans; but they don't possess the divine spark. They really look like humans except that they grow faster and live less long than humans. When they became aware of the other races, they began to try to fight their "curse" of dying sooner than other people; either by militaristic prowess or by truly searching immortality.

So, no possession, no corruption and not so much need to fiddle with graphics.

(Note: The following is not said in anger; most said with a wry smile) What do you mean no? This isn't LENA, it's for Orbis. Ultimately it's Ahwaric that makes the decision.

Anyway, it was just some ideas I was throwing out. However I was thinking that another aspect in regards to the whole Nietzsche idea of "that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" This race might be very martial due to an idea that they are working toward "Ragnarök" or what ever the Erebus equivalent would be. (More on that in another post) Regardless what race (human or otherwise) perhaps the nascent Senshi (or what ever they might be called) had their main leader contacted by some God/archangel or had a serious vision of the Final Battle(tm) that would happen in the future and that the Fate of Erebus(tm) was at stake and they were the chosen instrument to win that battle.

Thus a lot of this race's combat doesn't have to be simple blood lust but the idea that they are weeding out the weak as well as toughening themselves up. In classic Norse theology, Odin would foment strife simply to cause wars so more warriors would end up in Valhalla to be available to fight in Ragnarök. This race could be under a similar sort of ideal.

This working toward the Final Battle(tm) would also explain why they aren't much into technology or other stuff. They don't see any purpose to it since the world might end so why bother with monuments and the like. They might be very much like Spartans, living a martial, harsh life with the belief that if they win the Final Battle(tm) THEN they can beat their swords into plowshares and work on the arts and sciences.

So perhaps their race could have some sort of added cost in :hammers: to many buildings and perhaps a bonus in :science: toward more of the combat techs.

Of course this would sort of screw up the idea of stealing tech (via ninjas) or via conquest because even if they could build colosseums or theaters, they wouldn't because they don't see the point.

Again, these are just some ideas to throw out as to how they came to be so combat oriented.
(Note: The following is not said in anger; most said with a wry smile) What do you mean no? This isn't LENA, it's for Orbis. Ultimately it's Ahwaric that makes the decision.

Actually, I'd like to direct your attention to a previous post by Opera. ;)

Okay, so... Know that I'm thinking with LENA in mind, not just Orbis.
Actually, I'd like to direct your attention to a previous post by Opera. ;)

That's what I get for posting while in class. :hammer2:

Sorry, sometimes in these mod forums there have been mod owners who have no tact when saying they aren't going take your idea. It can be a bit surprising considering this is all 'volunteer' you would figure people would be a bit more nice.
Personally, I like your idea. I just think Opera's 'fits' better with FfH.... But that's based on info not on the forums. :mischief:

As I've said before, people should get on #Erebus - You tend to find out some things. Including something large planned for RifE, which I'm working on atm.... :p

Well not to look like a total n00b but I have no idea what #Erebus is or how I'd get there.

However, my last idea I think has some merit because regardless of what the history of Erebis is in FfH/FF/Orbis or LENA the GAME shows a struggle that ends up generally with all the remaining Civs fighting it out. So in the GAME, there is a Final Battle(tm) so the idea that this Civ's leader was either contacted by a God/Archangel or had some prophecy of this coming battle and that set the stage to how this one group went down the Road to War as it were. This fight doesn't have to be religious (Like the Bannor's fight against evil); it could be rather humanistic in that they are fighting to save Erebus. To them they may see themselves as good, because to them, wiping out 'peacniks' like the Elohim is toughening up the survivors so that only the toughest are ready to fight in the last battle.

Personally I can see this since the transformation of Erebus to Hell via the rising AC counter represents a world-changing event that your 'average' person would rather not see as enough reason for a race to dedicate itself to fighting it.

Plus we've pointed out that historically China & Japan has seen outsiders as being mere barbarians; in this case, the race might also see themselves as being the only 'worthy' heir to Erebus.
That's what I get for posting while in class. :hammer2:

Sorry, sometimes in these mod forums there have been mod owners who have no tact when saying they aren't going take your idea. It can be a bit surprising considering this is all 'volunteer' you would figure people would be a bit more nice.
Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Just is that I already have lore behind that race, which will be shared by three civs.

I like your idea of Ragnarok-thing, though. I'll think about it ;)
Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Just is that I already have lore behind that race, which will be shared by three civs.

I wasn't hurt, more surprised of the abruptness, especially in light that I didn't realize you were in "LENA" mode. :D

It's an IRC server, so a chat host basically. I tend to be on there, as does Opera, Grey Fox, and quite a few other modders/players. ;)

If you have no idea what IRC is, there's a link there which will allow you to run it in your browser.

Oh I know what IRC is; I studiously avoided it while in Afghanistan because I found that people using it spent all their time chatting and not enough time working. :lol: I'll check it out when I get home and have all my homework/reading done.
Well not to look like a total n00b but I have no idea what #Erebus is or how I'd get there.

However, my last idea I think has some merit because regardless of what the history of Erebis is in FfH/FF/Orbis or LENA the GAME shows a struggle that ends up generally with all the remaining Civs fighting it out. So in the GAME, there is a Final Battle(tm) so the idea that this Civ's leader was either contacted by a God/Archangel or had some prophecy of this coming battle and that set the stage to how this one group went down the Road to War as it were. This fight doesn't have to be religious (Like the Bannor's fight against evil); it could be rather humanistic in that they are fighting to save Erebus. To them they may see themselves as good, because to them, wiping out 'peacniks' like the Elohim is toughening up the survivors so that only the toughest are ready to fight in the last battle.

Personally I can see this since the transformation of Erebus to Hell via the rising AC counter represents a world-changing event that your 'average' person would rather not see as enough reason for a race to dedicate itself to fighting it.

Plus we've pointed out that historically China & Japan has seen outsiders as being mere barbarians; in this case, the race might also see themselves as being the only 'worthy' heir to Erebus.
Like I said (but that was before reading that post), the idea is interesting. I'll see how it can fit in my* lore... and also if it can be translated somehow into the gameplay.

*I say "my" because LENA will sort of be in an alternate universe of FFH...
@Ahwaric: Sure, go ahead for the picture ;)

Do you think Dao and my idea would overlap too much? I'd like them to be different enough....

@civ_king: perhaps just a building increasing the food gained? There's nothing in the code (yet) to reduce the food needed by a percent and I think increasing the food gained would have the same effect. And I agree, your way (rather than modifying the food points per pop) would be less of a PITA.

As for ninjas, not sure yet :p

In Rise of Mankind there is a modmod called A New Dawn with a building in it called Shanty Town that decreases how much food you have to put into the food bar for the city to grow
Yes, I know it's possible; it's just that I will avoid dll work if I can :)
*twiddles thumbs*
So is this going to happen?
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