EAT POOP YOU CAT: The Gritty Reboot that doesn't acknowledge the previous editions

Hey, Souron, are you going to make a picture or not? :p
Skip 'em?
Looks like the only thing I can do.

Souron is skipped. Normally, that would entail moving him to the end, but we have an odd number of players, so he gets nothing unless we have more signups or another skip.

Sending caption to SouthernKing now.
Leave him a PM or VM; if Souron's not reading this thread for the poop order then I doubt he's reading it for the witty repartee so prompting him in here won't help.

EDIT: oh you skipped him already.
Well, the poop was in PM form... :p
Looks like the only thing I can do.

Souron is skipped. Normally, that would entail moving him to the end, but we have an odd number of players, so he gets nothing unless we have more signups or another skip.

Sending caption to SouthernKing now.
Besides, wouldn't moving someone to the end who saw the starting caption pretty much ruin the whole concept of demanding felines consume fecal matter?
I'll just put mythmonster and Souron both on at the end, I guess. :crazyeye:
Actually, it would probably be far easier for me if I got a caption, so if you want you can send Souron's pic to me and keep the current order plus mythmonster. This will make the poop move faster (read: today) but it's your call.
The only problem is that you've already seen the caption, which would kind of mess with the results a bit.
Oh capton my capton!
In. I'll make sure to be more punctual this time round.
I'll put you in if we get another signup.
I pooped so hard it tunneled straight through the Earth and came out in Australia for classical to have a look at.
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