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Effects of multiple mods active in same game


Mar 29, 2006
Just a question, but what is the effect of having multiple mods turned on in the same game? Has anyone ever done this, and does it cause problems? I can certainly see where two mods wanting to make changes might step on each others code changes and screw up the game.

It occured to me as I was thinking of using the TerraceFarmsYieldFIX mod along with the Building Made Fun mod with the Incas. I realize that would probably over power the Incas, but, what the heck. It would be fun. I could probably think of other situations with other civs as well.
It depends. I use CSD, Medic Units & Thal Balance Mod together without any problem.
It depends on what combination of mod cocktails you are using. Sometimes if they tweek or change the same thing i can mess things up a little bit.
I haven't tried too many "weird" mod combos, but have played several times (pre-patch) with Graves' "History in the Making II," along with the PerfectWorld 3 map mod & Info Addict.

BTW, I played a vanilla game yesterday with only Info Addict on (easy King as Norway, ice age map) just to get the "Where's the Biathlon?" (Enter a snow tile with the Norwegian ski infantry) achievement. I did it, but it didn't take -- so I went on to win the game, and it still didn't take. I figured that maybe the achievement acknowledging software didn't like Info Addict? I went on and did another short game without any mods and got the achievement OK, along with the one where you had to pillage 9 farms in one turn (easy to do with Norwegian helicopter-gunships:p).
Achievements (other than the one for using a mod) can't be earned while using a mod.
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