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Egypt on Deity


Jun 7, 2012
I play G&K, Deity level. I have managed to win over approx 10 countries on Deity over the last couples of years but this Spring (2014) I got stock vs. Egypt. I simply loose every time (seems that the Egypt wonder skill is worthless). Maybe the AI has been improved, I have lost my knowledge or something else.
Please help me with hints to crack Egypt on Deity level, G&K. An youtube link would be great.
Hi, i don't think you can make use of Egypt's wonder bonus on deity, even if you had marble in your capital and that pantheon with another production boost for early wonders, but that's just what i read, myself is still playing only on emperor level.

Everything else Egypt has is pretty standard and nothing special that hints to a certain strategy i think which makes the game not easier. Maybe there is a trick that others can share with you. I would be really surprised if one could be competitive and still build more than maybe one wonder on this level with the AI having such a starting bonus (2 settlers, 2 workers and some warriors right? :eek:)

So the focus with Egypt should be pretty much look like the usual 3 city Tradition or a some Liberty strategy what victory type you aim for. I recently discovered the LP Videos of Marbozir who does a great job on deity level i think, maybe you want take a look, since he turns a lot of games into a win that look not so good.

I just quit a game (actually the third in a row) with Indonesia on a water map because i can't find the right strategy for them. - - - Either i get my Ability to work but get behind because to to late National College or i leave Optics and don't get my Luxuries early and totally struggle with bad economy. I actually just want one city per island, because otherwise i end up with to many and high policy costs.

Consider: your UA is "20% bonus production to wonders". If you have 5-10 production early game (i.e. good hill start & mineral resources), you're looking at an extra 1-3 bonus production early on (ancient wonders).

On Deity, the AI starts with 4 extra techs (Pottery, A.H., Mining, Wheel), meaning that it can begin building the wonders a few dozen turns before you can.

Now given the tendency of the AI to beeline any available wonders it is capable of building (policies + flavor-pairings allowing), do you think you will even be able to finish researching the prerequisite tech for the early-game wonders by the time the AI is 75% through its hammer cost?

The Egypt bonus is more noticeable the more production you have/the more the wonders cost (% production multiplier), so you'll have a happier time getting the medieval/renaissance wonders if you beeline them.
Yeah, it's a bit steep on Deity but with the Tradition policy and Marble, it adds up nicely. You can realistically go for Oracle, ToA and maaaaybe HG and Petra
Their UA doesn't mean much in Diety play. I recently played a Diety game as Spain and didn't find any of the natural wonders until mid-game, had no natural wonders in my borders, only had 2 crappy expands, and didn't have the production for military. Thus, my UA and my UUs were useless. I just focused gold/science, opened up patronage, and went for a diplo victory while paying all my neighbors to kill each other.

Sometimes, you just need to act like you have no unique abilities or units, and just flat out out-smart the AI. Egypt is one of those civs imo, on Diety anyway.
Well, Egypt's UA works for national wonders as well, so at the very least, you'll get a discount on the national college.

You aren't going to get any of the early wonders though, since the AI a) will get to those techs before you and b) has a production bonus better than your UA anyways.

I don't remember exactly, but G&K doesn't have the per city science penalty, no? So maybe go liberty and infinite city sprawl (well, not too much that you piss off the AI). Egypt's UB (the temple with the +2 happiness) is great for going wide, as you've got some ealry bonus happiness (that appears at philosophy so it's on a good tech path as well!)
Thank you guys. Reading your tips and looking LP Videos of Marbozir I am ready to give it a try.
Forget your Wonder production bonus. You have War Chariots.

Open Tradition, fill left side of Honor, return to fill Tradition, whilst waiting for Rationalism either fill Honor or work on Commerce. Maybe open Aesthetics.

Start with Pottery to maximise chances of an OK Pantheon, then Archery and Worker techs before Writing and Philosophy. You do not need to keep up in the early tech race.

Only build a Settler if there's an amazing location or you're inland and not on Pangaea. You want to get your National Wonders up ASAP. Buildings that do not unlock NWs or yield decent growth/production bonuses are low priority.

When you steal workers from CSs, do not make peace. They are target practice, nothing else. Acquire their luxuries with Citadels, not Diplomacy.

Your army should be at least three archery units, at least two War Chariots, at least two sword/spear line, and a medic II. Buy and build them as high priorities. Your line troops should aim for Cover II, March and Siege. All of your ranged units need Range and Logistics. Scouting III is good, but not essential.

Now, go and kill everyone else. Your infantry advance on cities in a line whilst your chariots aggressively protect their flanks and add firepower when a tough or fast unit threatens your archers. Maintain a supply of well trained archers and cavalry - if your punching bag CSs have any HP at the end of your turn, you're not optimally farming XP - to garrison your conquests. If Knights start appearing, warehouse your Chariots and take it steady - they can banzai charge your ranged units.

You can maintain an overspend for quite a while by breaking in new units on Barbarians, bulldozing improvements, and selling captured Workers. When you get two Capitals, their Luxury tiles will cover most of your expenses.

Focus on military techs. Burn everything that is not a capital, I don't care if it's got Petra. Use Citadels to claim and steal luxuries you do not have; five capitals in, the number of enemies with unique luxuries will fall - do not be shy of laying a chain of two or three citadels to claim a single Citrus.

The best Wonders to capture are Stonehenge, Great Wall (best done when you have a Horseman unit, don't burn off two GGs who could grab you a distant Cocoa), Notre Dame, the lesser Faith generators, Statue of Zeus (you can often build it), Pyramids and the high Culture yielding ones (especially filled up Great Work warehouses). Great Library gets an honourable mention, as it'll often be the only place you've got to put Great Works.

Don't march halfway across the world to capture the best city when there's two easier targets in the way. You need to keep your gains manageable and defensible. After two or three wars, everyone you know will hate you; half of them so much, they'll want to fight to the death. Oblige them.

A Friendly Militaristic CS will yield an Archer if you Pledge and clear a Barb camp for them. Religious ones are worth courting early on, unless you've already made them Wary, you monster. If a Militaristic CS can give you Berserkers or Samurai, consider aiming for a couple. If you can get Keshik, fight tooth and nail for 'em.

The usual 'don't bother with Religion' Deity advice does not apply. You want Divine Inspiration (the AI hardly ever bothers), and then use Great Prophets on your captured Holy Cities with multiple Wonders. If you can get Holy Warriors or a boost for Temples as well, you're laughing. Pantheons that generate Faith are best.

Forget long trade routes. There'll be so much wasteland, they'll be eaten within ten turns.
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