Empire of the Sea (Vikings/Norse development thread)

Doesn't strike me as being overly "Viking", however. They were powerful seafarers, but not early seafarers. Now if this were the Polynesians, that ability would make a lot of sense.

It's also, to be fair, a very limited ability. It basically means you can have a naval invasion before another civ gets optics. I have Optics around the same time I have swordsmen. If you want to warrior rush a civ on a nearby island (or quickly settle a nearby island) if there's a coastal connection, it would be good. Otherwise, it's a fairly weak ability.
Perhaps a benefit would be that the Vikings don't need to wait a turn to embark and disembark a unit?
See, I feel you need to represent seafaring in there somewhere. It's why I suggested giving all their units amphibious. If you make it so embarking and disembarking don't end all movement, it'll truly represent how Christaindom felt when they saw Viking Longships on the horizon. They could appear, murder, and leave before the slow Carolingian armies could show up.

I like the idea....
So Amphibious and still movement after embarking and disembarking and crossing river then?

And I think the Longboat UU would fit better than the UB I suggested. So lets say + 1 movement, + 25% when fighting other Triremes/Galleys
That's about what I'd suggest. I feel you can think of many different things that could represent them, but those things represent them and you can easily see how they should play.
Doesn't strike me as being overly "Viking", however. They were powerful seafarers, but not early seafarers. Now if this were the Polynesians, that ability would make a lot of sense.

It's also, to be fair, a very limited ability. It basically means you can have a naval invasion before another civ gets optics. I have Optics around the same time I have swordsmen. If you want to warrior rush a civ on a nearby island (or quickly settle a nearby island) if there's a coastal connection, it would be good. Otherwise, it's a fairly weak ability.

true it is not very "Viking" because their power was during the early medieval period. I was thinking of the concepts being represented rather than being historically accurate. To make the ability stronger and not just an early bonus... then make all "Viking" embarked units have an attack (although weaker than navy units of the time). They would have a very powerful navy. As well allowing them to embark from the beginning would allow for early settler expansion over to smaller islands to be safe from attack.
I would argue that amphibious ability would give them a huge advantage over their neighbors and the ability to not lose movement while doing so would give them an advantage that can never be equaled. The overall ability would make them extremely powerful, but will at least force them to wait until the Classical era. If you give them a medieval UU, then they'll be set for a late classical and medieval dominant period. With their ability, they can sail along coasts and raid and conquer anyone nearby. They can even capture workers that aren't even on the coast or land, pillage the tile, and return next turn. The possibilities are quite varied.
So what about this then: Starts with amphibious, do not lose movement when disembarking or crossing river.

I wonder how hard this would be to mod. I figure the first part (starts with amphibious) is easy and straight forward. Kael's Queen of the Iceni mod seems to do something similar. The second half might not be hard either, but we'll have to wait and see.
It might be easier to mod this through a promotion, (eg. create a promotion where unit do not lose movement when disembarking or crossing river) and all Norse units are given both promotions on creation. Many things Kael added in FFH was done through promotions.
The project will be delayed until we get that mod tool from firaxis though. Until then, little can be done I believe.... unless Kael are willing to help me :D
For what it's worth, I think I found out how to set it so all units start with amphibious

Gameplay/XML/Civilizations Civ5Traits. There's a section called Trait_FreePromotionUnitCombats and it seems you can set it by unit combat type. Of course, it's probably best to wait until Firaxis releases their tools (one, because it'll be easier, and two, because you won't mess anything up in the game).
See, I feel you need to represent seafaring in there somewhere. It's why I suggested giving all their units amphibious. If you make it so embarking and disembarking don't end all movement, it'll truly represent how Christaindom felt when they saw Viking Longships on the horizon. They could appear, murder, and leave before the slow Carolingian armies could show up.

That works too, I just like the idea of a unit/civ who can profit extensively off pillaging. That said, I've just realized my idea already shows up in the game in teh form of the Sipahi, so nvmd.
There are a couple doubled benefits if I'm not mistaken (a couple have bonus Great General generation and I believe a couple have the heal instantly if victorious bonus). You could still make the Norse UU pillage without losing a movement point.
UA idea: Odin's call

- No maintenance cost for Mounted Units
- Melee units get the amphibious promotion
Well, the UA is already decided and I have started some of the easy coding already using files from Kaels QueenOfTheIceni. However I like the name and might use it for the current one.
Yeah! Odin's Call sounds really good. You should use that.

I hope we're getting the modding tools ASAP, so we can all get started. Thery're supposed to be delivered this week at some point.
Some people keep saying this week and some people are saying months to a year. Is it the modding tools that are coming out soon but the source code/SDK coming out later this year?
I am a firm supporter of the Kaupang UB rather than the "berzerker" UU. The longboat should be the UU, imho and I have seen several good thoughts on that.

Björgvin should be much sooner in the cities list, possibly even the first (capitol), or at least the second.

If you would rather have two UU and no trade related UB, then I feel that their UA should be something economic to reflect their trade spec.

Double happyness from whales and +2 Gold pr trade route.
All this is already decided, and as a norwegian I feel that I know enough to place Bjørgvin on the list. And Nidaros is indeed the most fitting Capital, both due to the fact that it was capital of Norway and the most important place of pilgrimage in all of north europe when st. Olaf still was inside the Cathedral. Bergen served as capital only for a very short period and were only a major trading centre, while Trondheim/Nidaros were norways main power centre during all of the viking age and into the late middle ages and also a major economic centre. Besides Hladir is now a part of the city of Trondheim under its modern name Lade. I placed the cities after importance and can give more detailed info on placement later if you want. However the list will not change with the one exception of Stavanger being corrected to Stafanger. End of story.
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