"End Turn" instead of "Next Turn" Problem


Sep 13, 2015
Resumed a game and instead of "Next Turn" as an option in the bottom right hand corner I get an unclickable "End Turn" option. Hitting Return does nothing.

I've rebooted and got rid of all my saves, but it turns up every time I start the game.

Any ideas?

Oh and it's Version


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Having this same issue on all games, not just restarts. Even freshly started games. Along with the end turn button issue, turns automatically end (not set to do so), I can't open the Civics or Tech trees, and I cannot take any actions with units nor change city queues. I'm getting a bunch of buggy XXX_XXXXX_XXXX_XXX buttons as well. This is version 1.0.5 on Mac using updated CQUI as well.

Edited: this appears to be linked to a single saved game, and any game started or loaded after loading that save. So, I've deleted that game 176 turns in, which is a bummer, but seems to not be an issue with any newly created games. Hopefully just a one-time weird bug.
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Only thing I've been running is CQUI. I turned it off and still had the same issue. Seems related to one bad save file... I hope.
Update to this, it seems tied to CQUI. Once disabled, whether on old game or new, game runs fine. CQUI appears to have just updated last night, so perhaps a bug along with High Sierra... dunno. Keeping it off for now.
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