Epic Mod ( no name yet) : Work in Progress


Dec 23, 2010
This mod is planned as an epic one. It will be a kind of alternate history -, fantasy- and steampunk- setting. The time frame will be 4000 B.C. till 3000 B.C.

Up to now i want to include the whole world. The playable civs will be not realy existing nations. for example the Prussians that in this mod will represent approximately all german speaking Nations of Europe.

There will be a lot of chances comparing to the vanilla civ- game.

More techs that u can resarch in one single game. this will give the possibility, despite to the limitations of the tech tree, totaly different game sessions to play.
Players have to decide if they research one or the other alternative path. If you research both paths, the effort will become a waste of time and gold.

City placement gets a more importan role than now because many city improvements will be dependent of ressources in its radius.


Spoiler :

This will be a epic mod. I want to improve several things, well honestly a lot of things in a way that makes the game more enjoyable.
Also i'll try to keep this one as slim as possible and kinda 'generic'.With 'generic' i mean i dont wanna put in thousands and thousands of tech, rexources and units only because i can do it.

the mod shall cover aprox. 5000bc - 3000ad.

To put this into effect I want to change the most parts of the game.(The following points and comparisons reffer to vanilla C3C)
old entry[

First Ideas and thoughs
  1. More Differences between the 4 culture groups
    • - Generic flavor units for each culture group in each era
    • - Culture group specific civilization advances
    • -city improvements, great and small wonders for each group
    • - Religions

  2. A changed ‘city improvement system’
    • - cheaper improvements
    • - more improvements that become obsolete later
    • - dependencies from resources in city radius
    • - more dependencies from resources at all
    • - …

  3. New organized unit lines and army concepts
    • - units get more specialized into their roles (e.g. defenders never above A=1 )
    • - captured units become flag units for VP and gold ( no slaves in combat)
    • - several units at same time with different resources requirements
    • - some obsolete units are only upgradeable into civilians ( workers)
    • -movement cost ignore bonuses for units to fit terrain changes
    • -Armies become a ‘upgrade’ for a unit
    • -several Armies for several specialized roles
    • - …

  4. Resources get overworked
    • some Resources for improvements only like stone
    • - not enough Resources of every kind for everyone
    • - some Resources will represent native people
    • - …

  5. Terrain overworked
    • -Most tiles get reduced food, shields and commerce before improved
    • - movement costs changes to represent easy and difficult worked terrain
    • - …

  6. Defence Bonuses changed
    • - level 1 cities no bonus
    • - level 2 and 3 a increased bonus
    • - reduced bonuses for overall terrain
    • - increased bonus for fortifications
    • - …

Thus that this will be a real bunch of work till that will be working i decided to post my ideas here. to keep it clear i'll make a single post for every point mentioned above

process planning
  1. in this first step i want to make a brainstorming for every part of the stuff, mentioned above. i guess there are many other thingsthat could be included.
  2. in the next one i try to fit them together, sort the impossible, or simply dismatching parts out.
  3. i gues i'll have a usable backbone where i can start to add units , improvements and so on.
  4. then the most tendios part will start. the testing balancing an rebalancing. at this time i'll also start to look for matching graphics etc.

so thats. feel free to share ur thoughts. i know right now its not much. but i guess this one will grow step by step. :)
summed up there will be 20 playable civs. ( 4 per culture group)

  • [*]traits
    I want do develop my own traits. so each trait would e a summary of the ingame traits, uniquce imrovements, SM or even GW and units
    to give a example the trait "Seafaring" wold include the ingame seafaring trait maybe a coastal improvement that give some slighly bonuses to comerce .. and maybe a SM that allows faster ships or "saver seafaring"

    im planing to divide the trait into thwo groups:

    the huge traits that are assinged to each culture group. to reflect a typical charakter of that part of the world. and smaller ones more generic.
    so there will be 5 huge traits, one per culture group and 4 small traits. Every culture group will contain all small trais. thus every civ in game will have one huge and one small one. hopefully this will works out well and balanced enough to make every cuz enjoyable during a game.
    [*]Culture Groups thus this wont be a hitorical mod the civs wont be realy existing ones. take it more like a 'what if' or generic nation.
    Spoiler :
    • Europe

    • Asia

    • Amerika

    • Afrika

    • mediteran/ middle east


right now i got a problem. i am stuck with ideas.
although its quite simple to make the small traits. ( militaristic, seafaring, sientific,..)
i got no rea l idea what to do for the huge traits.
Europe for example influenced the other continents the most. so there could be a imerialistic trait for them. but what with teh others?
Amerika. regadring the maya and atzteks and many others.. well what made them uniqe? or in other words. what unicq ability would fit to them well enough to make it feel right or fitting?
Also. While for europe its quiet eay to make some civs that fits in my opinion. ( Prussia for all 'german' people or Bretonia for the English ones.) i have no clue for Afrika.
last but not least. im unsure about the mediterain / middle east. i could skip the mediterans and split them to Europe Africa and the middle east. should i or shall i do this more with the middle east?

it would be realy kind if i get some input from anybody.
old entry
Spoiler :
any sugestions about that?
i will update this post from time to time to keep it actual.

Land units

Defense Line:

(Pure defenders. i plan to make them slow but with good def Values. maybe also that the uprade have a improves attack valuse. so that it would be this pattern:

Unit 1 : 1A 2D
Unit 2 : 2A 4D
unit 3 : 4A 8D
unit 4 : ......

1) Archer
2) Longbow man
3) Crossbow man
4) Arekbuse
5) Rifleman
6) Infantry
7) Mech Infantry
8) Defender Mech

Balanced Line
Balanced line but not as good as offence odr defence units.
Needs no resources

Heavy Attack Line

This Guys shall be the slow hammer that crushes everyone out of live
although this guys should never be alone in enemy teretory cuz they will be never in a good defence position.

9) Trained Warrior
10) Swordsman
11) Heavy swordsman
12) Food Knight
13) ...
14) ...
15) ...
16) ...

Fast Attack Line

this are the fast ones. bad in defence and also only average in attack but fast. i guess i'll give them the same attack values than the average/balanced ones but a bad defence.

Mounted Units

17) Chariot
18) Mounted Warrior
19) Armored Rider
20) Knights
21) Cavalry

Mechanized Units

22) Armored vehicles
23) Modern armored vehicle
24) Fast Assault Mech

Special Operation unit line

i guess this is speaking for themselves

This ones will get a slightly beter A - Value to get the AI use them.

25) WW Paratrooper
26) Modern Paratrooper
27) Special Forces

Amphibious Units

28) Antik
29) Medival
30) Marine
27) Special Forces

Civil Unit Line
all the units that are not desinged for combat


Army Line
Armies are only a kind of upgrade . still in progressing..

Naval Units

Civil ship. No combat values! i guess this gotta be well planed.

Heavy Ships

( high attack and defens values but slow. Later “blitz ability” no bombardment

33) antik
34) Ship of the line
35) Battleship
36) Light ship

Light Ships
moderate combat values but bombardment no “blitz”

Fast Ships
low combat values but fast.

Submarines / Pirates
(hidden nationality. Pirates upgrade to submarines. Subs invisible

Air units

/high range


Recon unis

Stealth bomber
there were a plenty views of that topic but no post.

so i guess its not interesting enough for anybody else. any sugestions what could be improved to change that?

im currious. i will still work on this. as far as real life give me the time .
... (and people fear it will take way too much time to complete)?
what exactly to u mean with the time? the time to make that one or to play it?

... (and people fear it will take way too much time to complete)? Why not try a more focused project? :) We do need non-epic mods too, like region-specific ones.
well personaly i like a epic game especialy. its the beginning wehre everything is quite new. n then in the middle game u get it running and get ur position and in the endgame u get new toys and everything gets that totaly different touch cuz u can do "everything"
I meant that it may take too much time to create :) Afaik there are very few epic mods which have been completed, and also they take too much investment of time to play as well, since you have to learn their peculiarities...

But most classical mods are of more set periods, Imo.
well. if i make a scenario with plenty of units and tchs... including to compare the stuff with the real history. then i'd guess the time effort is barely the same
What Kyriakos is saying is that mods take a long time to complete, especially if they are a major overhaul, many people plan to make them, and only about 1/5 ever get made. I know I am guilty of this.

Also people aren't as active in the forums as they used to be, this is an old game, so sometimes people look, but they wont comment especially on an unfinished project in the earliest stages and when there is no real question.

My advice is to just keep going ahead, people will comment when you have something interesting or new to show.
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