erezNES - Waves of Civilization

Spoiler Stats :
Tribal Council
Religion: Polytheism
Age: Bronze
Stability: Stable
Economy: 1 (0) (0)
Military: (6 units available, 1 trade barge available); none (0)

Spend 1 EP on improvement of Tricarian infrastructure- granaries and other storage facilities for surplus resources, trading stations, port/road improvement, mines, et cetera.
Send 1 trading barge to trade surplus resources with the islands to my east (which I'll name later, probably :p).
Send 2 units to conquer land along the coast to the east, and then settle the land. The usual :p
From Her Supreme Dreadfulness, Empress of the Nogaia, Queen of Yakot and Overlord of the Kele, Selasikas Kasari, Scion of the Unspeakable King
To the Monarchs of Fula and Patu

I rightfully humbly demand ask you to put aside your idiotic independence our former differences and unite against the Fisofi threat. Nothing that intimate! Ewww, gross, you clearly have a dirty mind! But anyways, our pact would be simple except for the fine print. If one of us becomes a focus of Fisofi attack, the other two will launch our own attacks into the Failsofi Union to distract them and to grab as many new Kele we can to help rebuild the singular victim.

If two are attacked, the single lucky opportunistic bastard state shall clearly have a easy time against their weakened defenses and grab a lion's share of the Kele. This pact would ensure that this singular state would share its wealth with her unfortunate sisters for the next generation of war against the Fisofi.

If we are all attacked, we can simply focus on defending ourselves like normal. And simple raiding and kele-corrupting doesn't count as a focused invasion/assault.

Are we in agreement?

OOC: :p
Spoiler :
Titles-> "I Humbly Ask"

Also, if we aren't going that many years, Kasari would be OK for an entire turn.
An Overview of Nogaia Settlements and City States

In the Nogaia culture, there are three major kinds of settlements, separated by their status and their usage. They are Cities, Fort Towns, and Kele Villages.

Cities ONLY denotes the capital of a city state and the home of a Monarch. In the past, some tiny villages even are known as cities, but recently, only Yakot, Fula and Patu are full fledged cities. These large cities are known for their thick walls, deep granaries, palaces and citadels. These large cities are places where the Dega are the safest and where their petitions to the Monarch or "votes" for the "elections" are most easily accounted for.

Fort Towns denotes all non-city urban areas where the Dega, or Urban Citizens, are a majority. In such case, the town automatically needs defenses against Kele uprisings and barracks for the local militia or Tahe company to survive. Thus, even the smallest fort town contains a turf rampart, a stone tower and an adjacent barracks. Tiny examples are based slighty less than a day's travel, so that no unfortunate merchant would be caught in the open at night. Larger ones are nearly cities in their own right, with granaries, market squares and such trappings of intense urbanization.

Kele Villages contains the rest, where a majority of Kele labor under the watchful eyes of a landlord Degate, a militia detachment, or even a Tahe unit for frontier or newly broken serf-slaves. Walls are strictly forbidden, and the Kele live in deep pits dug into the ground with spiral stair ramps, the top stairs only lowered from the top by the guards in the morning to let them out. Although they do live a horrible life, most stewards take care of their Kele, at least for their farm's sake. During the rainy season they bring out shaded pavilions to cover the pits and bamboo stalks to line to bottom. The stewards themselves live in tiny fort-towns, highly fortified block houses with a constant watchful contingent inside while the others manage the Kele outside.

Yakot- The Dread City
Fabled capital of the Unspeakable Kingdom and home of the Dread Citadel, Yakot perches on the northern spire of the Fisofi mountains, looking over a beautiful bay. Yakot's main trade is in new Kele, Weapons, and intricate crafts as well as mass-produced items in sweatshops by their large Urban Kele contingent. Yakot's walls are the largest, citadel is the scariest, granaries the deepest, and oppression of the kele the greatest.

Patu- Gaia Central
Patu is the largest city by sheer size, sprawling over three harbors. This is not to say that Patu is the least defended, as they incorporate both walls that cover all three quarters as well as interior walls for each. Their Citadel, the Sugaia Sentinel, is in the northern bay on a ridge juting westward, serving both as a fall-back point as well as a lighthouse. Patu is known for trading between Nogaia and the Suigaia, as well as a place where anything can be bought for the right price. Don't let their cosmopolitanism fool you, for they still crush their Kele as necessary, and maybe a bit more than necessary, just so they won't get any ideas.

Fula-City of Pearls
Fula is certainly the riches and the smallest of the three cities. On the very southern edge of Nogaia, this beautiful city sends pearl divers and harvesters into the southern Kagaia as well as Degate-Kele miners into the Fisofi hills. Their citadel is the Mother of Pearl, a beautiful white tower which glistens in the setting sun and whose roof is inlaid with the said material. Fula is known not only for their pearls, but also for their jewelry and for their coins. However, don't take their beauty for granted, for their miners infringe on Fisofi land to retrieve their valuable metals, and they must maintain their guard for their Dega citizens number the last of all.
Orders sent. Will post story later.
To: All Nassiric City-States
From: Nassiros

Chyrian IV, King of Nassiros has proclaimed that all Nassiric states that donate armies to the cause of reestablishing the Cretos Base will receive a 50% tax cut when trading at Nassiros for twenty years.
All NPC city states answer the same
"What will we gain from Nassiros strangle upon trade?"
As requested:

to Yakot:
No. I do not care for the threat. They are weak and I am powerful. Also - I am the rightful ruler of Nogaia. (Each said that.
From Her Supreme Dreadfulness, Empress of the Nogaia, Queen of Yakot and Overlord of the Kele, Selasikas Kasari, Scion of the Unspeakable King
To the Monarchs of Fula and Patu

Good to know that idiots rule Fula and Patu. That shall make future plans much easier to plot!

EDIT: Against the Fisofi, of course. ;)
Just out of curiosity, Terrance, is that your own lore and information you're providing or is it based off of something? :D

If it's yours, then nice writing. ;)
Just out of curiosity, Terrance, is that your own lore and information you're providing or is it based off of something? :D

If it's yours, then nice writing. ;)

Thanks. Most of it is mine, although I probably subconsciously borrowed stuff.
To: All Nassiric City-States
From: Nassiros

Chyrian IV, King of Nassiros has proclaimed that all Nassiric states that donate armies to the cause of reestablishing the Cretos Base will receive a 50% tax cut when trading at Nassiros for twenty years.

thanks, but no thanks. we have more important things then supporting your failed project, closer to home.
The horns, carved from the mightiest bulls, brayed their obnoxious fanfare into the sky as the Kele turned their wary eye and Dega all gave a sigh of joy and relief. For down the road came a-marching a troop of men all not talking staring ahead with their open eyes the Tahe have come to Leki.

Infront of these a crier ran, his reedy voice rang across the land, "Her Supreme Dreadfulness, Empress of the Nogaia, Queen of Yakot and Overlord of the Kele, Selasikas Kasari, Scion of the Unspeakable King, blesses you with her presence!!"

And so it was, the Dread Queen her self, decked in her finery. Carried aloof by a pair of buff kele on her litter. Her haughty eyes scanned the open fields of animals, the Kele whipped by the Dega every few moments for laziness. For that is all they are, mere animals, fit only to be commanded to controlled.

The Dega of the citadel opened the door and welcomed her in. The local Degate was in a frenzy, preparing her their best offerings. The Dega are not much better in her eyes, too proud of themselves and their "freedom", an illusion which only serves to tighten her rule over them.

But still, she must pass the night. And she must maintain her image. He was harsh but gentle, cruel but sweet, lording but humble that night over roasted waterfowl and watercess over rice. Nothing worth her lips, but much more than what the Tahe can cook up for her.

She spent that evening watching the Kele stumble down the pit, weary after a day's of labor despite their laziness, and tending to their little cubs. She peered down one hole. They were clearly given too much food, and that child is much to old to be babied much longer. She informed the Degatero, leader of the Degate of this as she slept. The bed was too hard for her. She deserves much better than the rough feather bed the Degatero gave up for her use. But she is on a tour of her realm, and she must make do.

Upon waking, she led all in the morning ritual to the Sun Spirit and the Goddess of the Day, and turned to make her speech... the eighty fifth time, Or is it the fifty eighth?

"My fellow Dega, you all know who I am, and today I learned more of who you are.

Even out here, in Leki, we are still one.

I am still your Queen, who provides for you these kele, these lands, and these Tahe.

You are still my people, who provides for me these crops, these goods, and these bodies.

Together, as the Yakot, shall we move forward forevermore.

Beware the Fisofi.

Beware the Kele.

Beware the Queen.

For I am the only light in this island of darkness. The only truth in this sea of lies. The only hope in this storm of despair. The only might in this land of weakness.

Beware my might, and respect it, and all of Yakot. And we shall move forward forevermore."

Finished, she stood stately, infront of the rising sun, as they gave their applause. Veneration done, she joined her Tahe on the march to the next destination. Thankfully, a proper Fort-town this time.

She still doesn't understand why she must continue on this ritualistic waste of time as she settled down for a day-long nap.

EDIT: This is what I get for writing after three hours of straight HW and #neverending. Welp.
Oh whoops, haven't sent orders :blush:

Spoiler orders which I would have rather PMed but this is faster :

Tribal Council
Religion: Animism
Age: Bronze
Stability: Stable
Economy: 1 (0) (0)
Military: (2 units available); none (0)
1 EP
1 EP: creation of Guilds ('Illa') for farmers and fishermen where they can discuss farming and fishing-related issues and work together to improve their produce and production
@ Deaths Advocate-

Most likely after this next update.

If you want to be sure of getting a spot filling out the form right now could help. Then, next turn, you simply quote yourself, and you're in. This is faster, and thus gives you a bit of a higher chance of getting a spot.
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