Europa Europa: European Empires Mod

Cai said:
This mod looks awesome, but I can't get it to work.

This may seem silly, but in the readme it says NOT in MyGames, but I don't see anywhere else to put it. I have a different mod (Fall From Heaven) that's there and it works fine. Help?

(Also, 100th post. Woot!)

It doesn't work for some people. Go to the root where the origional civ files are... probably C:/Program Files/Firaxis Games/ Sid Meier's Civilization 4/Mods
Cai said:
This mod looks awesome, but I can't get it to work.

This may seem silly, but in the readme it says NOT in MyGames, but I don't see anywhere else to put it. I have a different mod (Fall From Heaven) that's there and it works fine. Help?

(Also, 100th post. Woot!)

Put it under something like this:

C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Mods
Hmm, I got an error saying that path didn't exist. I'm guessing it just installed to MyGames. I'm betting I'd have to reinstall it to the other directory for the mod to work, which I'm probably willing to do, eventually.

The only thing under my Firaxis folder is Pirates!. Hmm, I don't know why.
V. Soma said:
I played a game on Sapon's new Iceland Map, with UUs, normal speed, Prince.

- In F8 I found the game has something like 6800 (!!!) turns
(I played NORMAL speed...)

- Is it OK that there is NO Space Race?

- After the Internet I had the Great Schism :)
(now, that is funny but then again... what?)

Didi anybody has the same issues?

V. Soma,

Thanks for the feedback. I removed the Space Race victory condition but its easy to put back in (Add: Victory=VICTORY_SPACE_RACE)

I changed the "Maxturns" to 5000, but that can be adjusted to you preference (I love Marathon games). I'm not sure why it would go 6800 turns if I set it to 5000, odd. I'll change it to 2500 turns.

I'm not sure about the Great Schism, I didn't adjust the tech rate or calander in any way. Maybe its just a freak of chance?

I also allowed city razing but that can be changed (Add: Option=GAMEOPTION_NO_CITY_RAZING)

The latest map I've worked on weakens north Africa (more desert) and ajusts rivers in Asia Minor for accuracy.
Hi, Sapon!

I misread it, it was the endyear that was something like 6500,
the number of turns were 5000, yes :)

No problem, since I now can open the file with notepad, I made changes to my liking.

Now, as why I had the tech Great Schism after completing the Internet,
that is a mystery, albeit a funny one, indeed ;)
Well, I finally finished my Austria game (endgame took forever).

Due to that, I was finally able to DL v3.1 and start a new game :)

My new one is as the Byzantine, which presented a question: why can the Byzantine discover neither Catholicism nor Islam?
Barak said:
Well, I finally finished my Austria game (endgame took forever).

Due to that, I was finally able to DL v3.1 and start a new game :)

My new one is as the Byzantine, which presented a question: why can the Byzantine discover neither Catholicism nor Islam?

I guess they can be Ortodox :)
V. Soma said:
I guess they can be Ortodox :)

Ahhhhh, didn't think of that. Makes sense.
Barak said:
Well, I finally finished my Austria game (endgame took forever).

Due to that, I was finally able to DL v3.1 and start a new game :)

My new one is as the Byzantine, which presented a question: why can the Byzantine discover neither Catholicism nor Islam?

Oh, so how did your Austria game end up? In my Prussian game, I ended up with all of Germany, Denmark, Belguim, Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Austria, parts of North Iberian, half of Poland, Czeck republic, Slovakia, Italy, the islands around Italy, Croatia, and some Bulgaria. Needless to say, my German war machine was a force to be feared.

By the way, I stated where in real life the places I took over where, as there obviously is no Dutch nation in the game.
In my austrian game, I won by space race in the 1940s. After building a huge war machine i used the anaconda technique to destroy the Germans in 10 turns. Attacking them from the west, east and south.

My Austrian empire extrended from the Atlantic in the west, the pyrenees mountains to the south west, all of the germanic and frankish states north to denmark. In the east I pushed into Polish territory with my culture circling some of their cities. My culture pushed to the south of Rome in Italia, and also contained allof the balkins, Turkey, Greece and most of Asia Minor.

The game got a little boring actaully, and due to defensive pacts any other military action would have started a world war against me. I was declared the next Augustus Caesar!
In my next game, I am playing V.Soma's map as the Byzantine.

Let me jsut say that the minor civs and barbarians around there are IMPOSSIBLE to defeat. In 1500BC or there abouts a barbarian horde attacked my cities of Constantinople and Gallipoli. Each turn about 10-12 warriors atacked my cities. EACH TURN. When they finnaly waned, they were replaced a few turns later by veteran Archers with 2 promotions. I think the barbs down here are a little tough :(

I also missed on out 3 wonders by one turn, and Orthodoxy by one turn. While I was holding back Barbs, the rest of Europe was expanding normally (I checked in World Builder)
Hi ArbitraryGuy

Nice mod.

However, i played my first game on "marathon" speed (the original version of scenario) and i think there is a problem with the "time victory" because the game ended about 1000 AD :(.
I won the game as Sobieski, i got lucky to won a city from the barbs very early, and i razed Metternich completely after :) ( he was over-expanding so i had to do it :D ).

Now i play the "extended" scenario and with 18 civs the game is much slower...

Good job anyway.

It's easily the best mod so far.Having lots of fun with it.

I was wondering though, Uncobain made a really hughe European map (uncobain's map), bigger that the current one, and since i really have a uber powerfull pc wich can easily run the curretn mod + map i was wondering if i could get my hands on a standard scenario of EE3 with correct start positins on Uncobain's map.Would you either be interrested to do that or could you tell me how to easily do it? (or give a link to a place where it's explained?)
Well, gave up on the Byzantine Empire. :( Or at least decided to keep the save and try it again later.

For now I have decided to make the world England!

On the shores of the River Themes the town of London was founded near an abundant supply of livestock. The English people will never want for food.

During the peaceful early years English explorers found the landscape to be plush and green in the west, while rocky in the east. Town elders planned an expansion of the growing city, and a faction chose instead to take their families north to establish a new sister city on a northern river and named it York.

They were surprised to find other peoples living to the north. These Scotsmen had set up a nation of their own in the far northern Highlands and Henry King of the English was pleased to learn that peace was desired by all. Over the next several generations, both peoples expanded peacefully with England establishing 4 cities and the Scots three.

In the year 1200 BC (in their world this date would have no meaning of course) a prophet was born among the residents of York. Surrounded by the ancient ruins of Stonehenge he and his disciples declared the end of paganism. A monotheistic religion was founded, observing the one true god. Catholicism was born! Quickly this new found faith spread among the cities of the British Isle bringing common culture and religion to the Scots and English. Across the channel to the south, word has been brought that disciples of Catholicism have brought word of the faith to the lands of France, Castile, Aragon, the greater Germanic states, Italia, and Scandinavia.

While the English and Scots tended to their herds of cattle and sheep in peace and fathers in London celebrate the opening of the Curia word has come of a new faith born somewhere in the east that has caused religious wars to breakout somewhere in the Germanic states. Our friends the Swedes, Lithuania and Poland have converted to this new Orthodoxy and word of Muslim Ottoman army advances have also been heard on the wind.

By 500 BC, with war and other faiths ravaging the continent, how long will peace remain in England?
Barak, is that England-game on Prince?

I just had one with them on Sapon's map and had a quite peaceful one,
ended with Diplo Victory in 1920. Only the Scots were conquered...
V. Soma said:
Barak, is that England-game on Prince?

I just had one with them on Sapon's map and had a quite peaceful one,
ended with Diplo Victory in 1920. Only the Scots were conquered...

Yes, on prince. My intention in this game is to have a war with Scotlnd to bring the whole island under my control. I will also conquor Ireland (which the AI leaves alone) and take the small isle near the oil off the scotish cost. I will make no attempt to entire continental politics, but will defend myslef if attacked. I noticed that there were some nations that were orthodox as well as muslim and catholic.

I like the changes you made to the map, and love how Islam and catholicism requires writing now.

Should be fun!
I could win on monarch with Byzantium and England.Prince is still fairly easy to win.

Byzantium and England have the advantage of being fanancial and having lots of coast, thus lots of worked sea tiles with good income.Both London and Constantinople have fisheries near their spawn so i always work boats very early on, since they bring in that crucial money and food combination a start.

I'm having more trouble playing Bohemia on monarch.

Played a game of Papal states on Monarch that was actually fairly easy.Rome starts with Bronze near so i rushed for bronze, choped for a number of axes, then took the rebbel Italian towns and Venice before it could grow by a second city, thus having a very good head start.

As of that, mind you IMo certain rebel towns give certain country's a good advantage at start, Castilia, Papals ,Venice ,Russia ,Byzantium, England and Scotladt are all near some rebel towns that can speed them up at start a lot.Though granted the Irish rebels are on an island so you need ship first, and certain city's are quite well defended.But atleast Russia and either Castilia or Aragon are taking those weakest rebel towns usually fast, resulting in them being often the top Ai country's.
2. Put both *.Civ4WBS files in the /PublicMaps/ folder (not the one in My Games!!!)

Civ4WBS? I'm new to these mods, what might that be? I searched for it on my computer and could not find it.
Very nice narrative Barak. But don't you feal a little claustrophobic with those damn Scotts up north?

Barak said:
Well, gave up on the Byzantine Empire. :( Or at least decided to keep the save and try it again later.

For now I have decided to make the world England!

On the shores of the River Themes the town of London was founded near an abundant supply of livestock. The English people will never want for food.

During the peaceful early years English explorers found the landscape to be plush and green in the west, while rocky in the east. Town elders planned an expansion of the growing city, and a faction chose instead to take their families north to establish a new sister city on a northern river and named it Leeds.

They were surprised to find other peoples living to the north. These Scotsmen had set up a nation of their own in the far northern Highlands and Henry King of the English was pleased to learn that peace was desired by all. Over the next several generations, both peoples expanded peacefully with England establishing 4 cities and the Scots three.

In the year 1200 BC (in their world this date would have no meaning of course) a prophet was born among the residents of Leeds. Surrounded by the ancient ruins of Stonehenge he and his disciples declared the end of paganism. A monotheistic religion was founded, observing the one true god. Catholicism was born! Quickly this new found faith spread among the cities of the British Isle bringing common culture and religion to the Scots and English. Across the channel to the south, word has been brought that disciples of Catholicism have brought word of the faith to the lands of France, Castile, Aragon, the greater Germanic states, Italia, and Scandinavia.

While the English and Scots tended to their herds of cattle and sheep in peace and fathers in London celebrate the opening of the Curia word has come of a new faith born somewhere in the east that has caused religious wars to breakout somewhere in the Germanic states. Our friends the Swedes, Lithuania and Poland have converted to this new Orthodoxy and word of Muslim Ottoman army advances have also been heard on the wind.

By 500 BC, with war and other faiths ravaging the continent, how long will peace remain in England?
jberke23 said:
Very nice narrative Barak. But don't you feal a little claustrophobic with those damn Scotts up north?

While King Henry is trading pigs for cattle with the Scots and pledging eternal friendship, he has just ordered the training of Axmen and Swordsmen.

He has also instructed his wisemen to come up with someway to eliminate the Scot city walls. "Isn't there some way to throw a big rock at those walls to destroy them?"
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