Europa Universalis IV

There's the Eastern Europe thread on Paradoxplaza EU4 forum.

Their moderators infracted me for that picture back in the day:

They have no sense of humor.
I have no idea why they would possibly object to that picture. :p
The 3 tiers...

We have countries in 4 tiers, when it comes to attention in the EU4 development process. This is for DHE, decisions, missions and (unannounced features and mechanics).
Tier 1 - 8 countries (flavour and fun, behaviour vital for game progress)
Tier 2 - 9 countries. (flavour and fun, behaviour important for game progress)
Tier 3 - 16+ countries (flavour and fun, behaviour not vital for game progress)
Tier 4 - the others.... where the minimum flavour level is EU3+EU2.

Tier 1
England - Arguably the winner of the time period.
France - Big blue blob is a must here, no game is complete without a strong France dictating western Europe.
Ottoman Empire - the major complaints on EU3 was the fact that they didn't become the historical threat they were.
Castille/Spain - We all want a big Spanish colonial empire on the map.
Muscowy/Russia - another failure of EU3 was that russia didnt form often enough, and you ended up with a fractured east.
Sweden - Swedish agression is what shapes the northeastern quarter of europe.
Portugal - in history and with our new trade system, their impact in the first 2 centuries changed europe forever.
Austria - The central european player that affected half of europe.

Tier 2
Some comments here.. Netherlands didn't make the cut for the top 8, as they don't exist at the start. While we would like to see them in a fair amount of games, they are not a guarantee to happen. Poland and Denmark, while important countries from the start and have a rich history, we chose Russia and Sweden ahead of them in that area, as Russia and Sweden were the winners historically.

Tier 3
The Hansa

All of these are interesting countries to play.. While Eu2 at most had 2-3 events for these countries, we aim for far more, to bring them closer to what tier 1 and tier 2 countries could expect.
So yeah it has been revealed.
Interesting stuff. Well done!
Interesting. It's less Eurocentric than I feared. Still Eurocentric, certainly, but acceptably so to me.
The inclusion of Byzantium is a little strange to be fair, but they said they did it as a fanservice - which is not a bad thing. :)
Novgorod surprises me the most. The most notable thing it did in the EU4 timeframe was being annexed by Moscow. It fall was glorified by some writers of Russian Enlightenment, but that's about it.
The inclusion of Byzantium is a little strange to be fair, but they said they did it as a fanservice - which is not a bad thing. :)

I would have just left it to the 400 Byzantium mods which will appear within the week it is released.
Interesting. It's less Eurocentric than I feared. Still Eurocentric, certainly, but acceptably so to me.

The Japan, Persia, and Mughals appearing in tier two is nice.
The Japan, Persia, and Mughals appearing in tier two is nice.

Yeah. I was afraid the only Tier 2 nation was China - if they were even going to consider a non-European civ - but at least they seem to have the powerful/prominent/important/whatever non-European nations covered, and Japan (I consider medieval Japan overrated :p).

Viyanagar on Tier 3 was a bit of a surprise to me, but it's good they're taking even South India into account, although I'm not sure about Ayutthaya as the only SE Asian on the list (not that I'm being a Vietnamese nationalist here - I thought Burma or one of the Indonesian states would be more important, but whatever, it's cool).

Unfortunately probably my only real disappointment here is that I don't see any Africa or Native American states on here, which is a real pity and hints that they're probably going to leave Africa and the Americas as Europe's punching bag again.
as long as the punchingbagging's interesting

eu3's american colonization was way too easy
Yeah. I was afraid the only Tier 2 nation was China - if they were even going to consider a non-European civ - but at least they seem to have the powerful/prominent/important/whatever non-European nations covered, and Japan (I consider medieval Japan overrated :p).

Viyanagar on Tier 3 was a bit of a surprise to me, but it's good they're taking even South India into account, although I'm not sure about Ayutthaya as the only SE Asian on the list (not that I'm being a Vietnamese nationalist here - I thought Burma or one of the Indonesian states would be more important, but whatever, it's cool).

Unfortunately probably my only real disappointment here is that I don't see any Africa or Native American states on here, which is a real pity and hints that they're probably going to leave Africa and the Americas as Europe's punching bag again.
Remember, this is a tier of the amount of time they are spending, the DW shogunate took a long time
Yeah. I was afraid the only Tier 2 nation was China - if they were even going to consider a non-European civ - but at least they seem to have the powerful/prominent/important/whatever non-European nations covered, and Japan (I consider medieval Japan overrated :p).

Viyanagar on Tier 3 was a bit of a surprise to me, but it's good they're taking even South India into account, although I'm not sure about Ayutthaya as the only SE Asian on the list (not that I'm being a Vietnamese nationalist here - I thought Burma or one of the Indonesian states would be more important, but whatever, it's cool).

Unfortunately probably my only real disappointment here is that I don't see any Africa or Native American states on here, which is a real pity and hints that they're probably going to leave Africa and the Americas as Europe's punching bag again.

There's so little we know about Africa - how many individual events could you really do for any of them?

I say that as someone who loves African history, and as the guy who designed the Age of Discovery mod (you know, native americans) and who is still working, on again, off again, on adding Africa to it. The information on which nation to put where is incredibly hard to find, let alone the information on specific events.
While I do admit information on Africa is slightly lacking - or, rather, that it is harder to find easily, I'm not saying that we should be trying to have 10000 special events for every possible playable empire and kingdom and city-state and tribe and what not in Africa. I mean I thought that at least one of the West African Empires would deserve the slot, but fair enough. I'm disappointed, but I can understand.

Regardless, all that needs to be done is to make colonization less easy. This isn't Vicky. This is Europa Universalis. Even if we assume that European troops are infinitely superior to their non-European counterparts, there's no way any European state could have landed tens and hundreds of thousands of troops in some faraway land and colonize it with little resistance within a few years. I was hoping that if there would be events for the Americas to make this harder for Europeans, but since it doesn't seem like there'll be many events for those folks, I'm just hoping that the colonization mechanics - as well as the general differences between how the European and non-European nations - are improved upon.
Well, that's certainly true.

But back on the original topics, even the great west african empires have incredibly scarce information. Probably out there? Yes. Incredibly obscure and hard to find? Hell yes. Believe me, I HAVE looked it up.
Well, that's certainly true.

But back on the original topics, even the great west african empires have incredibly scarce information. Probably out there? Yes. Incredibly obscure and hard to find? Hell yes. Believe me, I HAVE looked it up.

Only if you have no idea where to look.
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