even more clues you play civ3 too much...

4512: You remember that cavalry armies make the sound "Hoe! Hoe! Hoe!" as they pillage tiles and when a girl at work annoys you to stop playing so much Civ you tell her, "I'm going ROP rape you do some Hoe! Hoe! Hoe!" and she calls the cops. lol
4514 - you expect to see the colour of the land change when you cross the border into another country
4515: You think those army propoganda commericals are lying. They say marines are ultra-powerful, but they suck!!!
4516: Also, the Americans in your game have been reduced to one city and 4 Infantry.
417: You also question why those sucky marines are going to Iraq. They don't exist.
4519: We aren't being negative to the real world, just the civ world.
4520: You didn't realize that. ;)
4521: Marines arent crappy if you use them correctly (i.e. Load up a transport full, sail to a far away country/city, have all of them use special rule(amphibious attack) and take city)
4522: You think the american A.I is being stupid. Using Marines as ground troops.
4524: You guess that America must be having terrible RNG Luck.
4525: Once realizing this, you know that America is the player.
4523 - you wonder why it is taking america ages to "quell the stinking resistance" in iraq

4526- Yeah it's been full whole turns.
4527: You understood that.
4530: "Since when did I have a girlfriend?"
4531: Oh yeah- I asked her out because she looked like Joan of Arc, and apparently she liked that comment.
4532: She didn't understand that it was an insult, though. Joan looks like a dog in armor.

4533: Now, how can I flatter that chick who looks like Theo in my history class?
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