Failed air dropping


Mar 10, 2004
I used bombers to take out all defense of an enemy city. Then I tried to air drop some parachuters into the city (it was on another continent). I tried maybe 8 air drops and every time I got "air drop failed". Then I tried the same thing on a nonoccupied enemy square with radar tower. Same result --- all air drops failed. Does this always happen on enemy city/radar tower squares or was I just extremely unlucky?? If you can't air drop into enemy cities and your parachuters have no extra move after they have air dropped, they seem quite useless to me. Another thing...helicopters...does anyone ever use them?? They seem even more worthless...
Originally posted by Tanilo2
Does this always happen on enemy city/radar tower squares or was I just extremely unlucky?? If you can't air drop into enemy cities and your parachuters have no extra move after they have air dropped, they seem quite useless to me.

Yep you hit the nail on the head. You cant drop into an enemy city, AND you cant attack after you've dropped, which renders paratroopers totally worthless unless like your enemy is still running around with cavalry or something.
I just dont understand why they have put such useless units into the game. Seems to be the same with helicopters and explorers...
Explorers are actually good units, for pillaging, but helicopters and paratroopers are useless IMHO.
I didn't know you could pillage with explorers. But, still I would use cavalry instead of a non attack/non defensive unit.

Paratroops have limited use. Use them to "seal off the battlefield." You main force may be attacking a city... you can drop your paratroops on a mountain or hill deeper in enemy territory. Enemy AI will usually attack them first rather than going to the city under attack as reinforcements. Also... good for going after resources, etc.
I have just removed the Pillage ability from Explorers and Scouts, and added Airlift.
How a group of perhaps 100 men of basically unarmed explorers can pillage an area that is inhabited by resource gatherers (farmers/miners) is beyond my understanding (a military force is different). My big question is why I didn't make this change a couple of years ago.
Originally posted by Fanny Brice
I didn't know you could pillage with explorers. But, still I would use cavalry instead of a non attack/non defensive unit.

You can get 4 explorers for the price of one cavalry. That's what makes them somehow useful. Since they can move six squares per turn I use them for recon missions to see what enemy units are coming the next turns
Explorers don't like to follow railroads, though, so they become a pain to get to the pillage zone once the Industrial era comes.
Paratroopers can actually be quite useful if you use them properly. I'm currently playing the WW2 scenario as the Japanese and my paratroopers are awesome. I use them to capture those victory point locations, seal off towns, land on resources to pillage them. Plus, since I don't have to use a transport to move them around, they can't be blocked. In a regular epic game against the AI, they can be used the same way. Use them to land on a hill with iron or another valuable resource. If the AI diverts assests away from the front line to deal with your paratroopers, that's one less asset you have to deal with that turn. And if you can drop several en masse on the same place, their survivability goes up and you can pillage lands in the rear. So IMHO, they can be very useful if you use them properly.
The key to paratroops, IMO, is to build a ton of them. They are worthless in ones or twosies, but if you can drop a stack of 6-8 on a hill or mountain by a town they are great. Not just as diversion tho...

If you can drop a bunch, like stacks of 6-8 by 2,3, or even 4 can use bombers on hte next turn to weaken the defenses and actually attack with the paratroops.

I'm playing a game as the English and I've stayed in a democracy a long time. Paratroops also work to shorten the length of campaigns because it takes less turns to take the same territory.

Helo's are great for landing TOW infantry near cities that have nasty terrain around them...hills, forests, etc that make it difficult for your troops to move in and make the kill in a turn or so.
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