Faith Ruins how often do you find them?


Holy Warrior
Mar 30, 2012
Canada, eh
As the title says how often do you find them I have not found one at all when I looked in the civilipedia I found nothing. But I know there real cause people do find them so my two-part question is what diffuclty do you usually find them on and how many games does take to find one on average so Example: A faith ruin usually appears every seven games or 7:1. and thats all I think.
ruins are completely random, Anything can happen, they depend only on difficulty and nothing else....:)
very rare, but it happens

though i have to say i've ran across them more often than the fountain of youth
Only played maybe 10 full games since G&K release, but out of those 10 games I received a faith ruin 3/10 times.
If I'm finding a ton of ruins, I'll get a faith ruin. If I only find a few, I get bupkis.
I think I've seen only one or two faith ruins since I got the expansion. However, the AI seems to find lots of them. I usually play Emperor or Deity, so I'm betting they're weighted by the difficulty setting.
I've found them to be quite rare as well.

One time I found them before discovering a pantheon (and yielded enough Faith to instantly found a pantheon). Something about a female Oracle telling me stuff. Other times, I've found secret groups who foretell of a great prophet. I do like the variety in the descriptions!
As the title says how often do you find them I have not found one at all when I looked in the civilipedia I found nothing. But I know there real cause people do find them so my two-part question is what diffuclty do you usually find them on and how many games does take to find one on average so Example: A faith ruin usually appears every seven games or 7:1. and thats all I think.

I've found three, and two of the times I wasnt even going for a religion...
Remember - if you run into an enemy scout with your starting warrior in the first 5 or so turns, trap it on the coast or on a mountain and kill it if you can. You'll get a lot more huts if you do that :) Plus, it means that the AI was so close to you that you were going to end up at war with them eventually anyway. And maybe you will get the faith ruin.:lol:
I think I got a +60 faith one on Immortal :p but it was after founding a pantheon. I get it about 1 out of 4 games or something like that.
All you guys are really lucky:cry:.
I had one start where I popped a faith ruin for 30 (Epic speed), which got me the first pantheon. Then a couple dozen turns later I found one that gave me +190 (!), and led to me grabbing the second religion in the game without having built a single shrine (I did quest my way into friendship with a religious CS).

In the other way too many G&K games I've played, I can remember finding two other faith ruins, total. :lol:
Once every few games, i think.

Its wonderful to get that early pantheon when I find it.
I got 50 faith one time on Immortal, just enough to give me a pantheon. I didn't have invested anything in faith at that moment.
I think it's impossible to get the faith ruins before you get your pantheon. Lately, I have been testing the ingame editor (cheating tool) at deity. I ran 5 games and put ancient ruins all over the place. Each turn, I would get pop increase, gold, map, message about barbarians, culture or a random ancient tech. For about 20 turns, I did not pop a single faith ruin and I had 2 scouts popping ruins every turn. After the time I get my pantheon belief, then rarely i'd receive the faith ruin about the coming of a great prophet.
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