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Fall Further 050 Bug Report Thread

Hey Xien/Vehem/etc...?

You guys copied my code for the Svartafar shrouded woods a little too closely in buildinginfos without going back to the Svart's civ entry and giving them proper access to the Shrouded Woods (which are now classed as a UB version of the Hunter's Hall) so instead nobody can build it currently. :D

Needs to be

Same problem that exists with the Hunter's Hall exists with the Field of the Horselords...

...And the Imperial Cenotaph also hasn't been given to the Scions as a Courthouse replacement.

Iceciro. I looked through my buildinginfos file and all the problems you are referring to are fine for me. You may not have patched correctly or something to patch N.

EDIT: Well I guess it was my install that wasn't correct all along.
Iceciro. I looked through my buildinginfos file and all the problems you are referring to are fine for me. You may not have patched correctly or something to patch N.

Oh really? ...hmmm... 0_o
Maybe my game is really, really confused.
not sure if it is a bug or a feature, but when a desert with the tempfeature floodplains gets turned to plains with spring, it will later convert to plains/floodplains rather than desert/floodplains.
not sure if it is a bug or a feature, but when a desert with the tempfeature floodplains gets turned to plains with spring, it will later convert to plains/floodplains rather than desert/floodplains.

That is definitely a bug,

plains with floodplains on them are not meant to be
Need to set up the block on casting spring to consider the wait time to convert to floodplains, OR convert the spring spell to stop the timer so that floodplains doesn't happen. Not sure which would be preferable for the players though. Also, does the plot display a countdown till it converts? If not one can be added so you know WHY it won't let you cast Spring, or eventually doesn't turn into floodplain/plain
I guess it has been mentioned elsewhere, but AI workers seems not to chop trees at all so the AI ends up with lots of lumbermills.
While we're on the subject of floodplains...
scorch riverside plains, build a bedouin camp, and then have floodplains appear on the tile a bit later.

Personally, I think the best solution to this, would be to make the floodplains appear instantly after scorching, rather than the ridiculously long wait time there is now.
No warning of "Casting this spell may cause you to declare war on another civilization" is given when casting Banishment.

I just accidentally declared war on the Sheiam because their pyre zombies were nearby.

Suggested fix, make it affect enemy units only
Air Elementals do not seem to be spawning Lightning Elementals on successful combats.

Update - after 30 some kills with Air Elementals, I got a single Lightning Elemental, which expired the same turn. The description of the Air Elemental states that it has a 100% rate on every successful combat, of creating a permanent Lightning Elemental. I suppose this may not be a bug, but rather just an old description, but I did base my push to Air3 partially on a strategy with this mechanic.

No warning of "Casting this spell may cause you to declare war on another civilization" is given when casting Banishment.

I just accidentally declared war on the Sheiam because their pyre zombies were nearby.

Suggested fix, make it affect enemy units only

Didn't get that warning with Maelstrom, either.


One more thing, though I don't see it listed anywhere as a banned building, I seem to be completely unable to build Siege Workshops as the Svartalfar - it's making conquest a bit of a chore. ;)
One more thing, though I don't see it listed anywhere as a banned building, I seem to be completely unable to build Siege Workshops as the Svartalfar - it's making conquest a bit of a chore. ;)

Elves can't build siege weapons, period.
This is intended functionality.

Both elven races are made for defensive and/or guerilla warfare, for the most part. If you want to capture cities, get fire mana and sorcery.
Some greater spider promotion doesn't override the smaller promotion: mucro, swimmer spider, poison spider, web spider, etc...
Elves can't build siege weapons, period.
This is intended functionality.

Both elven races are made for defensive and/or guerilla warfare, for the most part. If you want to capture cities, get fire mana and sorcery.

Or beeline Pact of Nilhorn. The Stooge Hill Giants are the best siege weapons in the game as they can do much more besides bombard. :)
in Spellinterface.py the cf.startWar in Spell Spring is missing a third argument (probably should be the same way like in Spell Scorch)
cf.startWar(caster.getOwner(), pPlot.getOwner(), WarPlanTypes.WARPLAN_TOTAL)
With the Archos, when using a HN Giant Spider, I found a map to a distant treasure chest from a goodie hut... It zoomed to the location but didn't reveal anything. :(

Using FF patch N.

I apologize in advance if this issue has been posted before.
It's not - but I've fixed the issues for the next patch.

Regarding the Imperial Cenotaph, my game I'm using latest FFH2 build (patch z), ran the FF050 installer, then patch N.

No option to build cenotaphs, just courthouses, this is known?

BTW, is it a bug not to be able to select the jotnar for the npcs to play in custom games? Or is this currently a PC only race?
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